Dataset: CASC-TYPE
Search Criteria: Tanzania; Tanga; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Entomology Type Collection

Podallea tansanica U. Aspöck & H. Aspöck, 1996
CASTYPE17589Edward S. Ross   1957-11-11
Tanzania, Tanga, Korogwe Rural, Tanganyika [= Tanzania], 10 mi E of Korogwe, 300m

CASTYPE18387Charles E. Griswold   1995-11-11
Tanzania, Tanga, West Usambara Mountains, Mazumbai, -4.816667 38.5, 1400 - 1600m

Oreiscelio zuzkae Talamas & Johnson in Talamas, Johnson, van Noort, Masner & Polaszek, 2009
CASTYPE18553Michael A. Prentice   2003-01-16
Tanzania, Tanga, 10 km WNW of Mabokweni, -4.993333 38.983333

Cteniogaster nana Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2013
CASTYPE18985Charles E. Griswold   1995-10-28
Tanzania, Tanga, East Usambara Mountains, Amani, -5.095 38.633333, 950m

Charles E. Griswold   1995-11-10
Tanzania, Tanga, Tanga Region, West Usambara Mountains, Mazumbai Forest Reserve, -4.816667 38.5, 1400 - 1800m

Pachyballus ornatus Wesołowska, Azarkina & Wiśniewski, 2020
CASTYPE20050Charles E. Griswold   1995-11-05
Tanzania, Tanga, East Usambara Mountains: Amani Nature Reserve, Mbomole Hill, -5.095 -38.616667, 1000m

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Google Map

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Google Earth (KML)

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