Dataset: CAS
Search Criteria: Palau; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 4949


Dendrelaphis striolatus
251863Local collector   USNM-FS-2318322011-04-09
Palau, Koror State, Lee Marvin Beach, S coast, E of Risong Bay, 7.3003333333 134.4866166667

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251864Local collector   USNM-FS-2318332011-04-20
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Ikelau Hamlet, S side of main rd opposite Palasia Hotel, backyard of Rengiil residence, S side of New Koror Hotel

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
251865Attu   USNM-FS-2318342011-04-23
Palau, Airai State, Ngerikiil

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251866R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318382011-05-04
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Ikelau Hamlet, S side of main rd opposite Palasia Hotel, backyard of Rengiil residence, S side of New Koror Hotel

Dendrelaphis striolatus
251867R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318412011-05-07
Palau, Koror State, beach on SW side, near W end of island, 7 17 3.42 N, 134 16 57.42 E, 7.2842833333 134.2826166667

Eugongylus Fitzinger, 1843
251868R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318422011-05-07
Palau, Koror State, beach on SW side, near W end of island, 7 17 7.74 N, 134 16 56.04 E, 7.2854833333 134.2822333333

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
251869R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318432011-05-13
Palau, Koror State, Pirates Cove area, E of main rd, N side of Loop Rd past fisheries dock, Kramer's Restaurant, 7.3344972222 134.4576027778

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
251870R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318442011-05-13
Palau, Koror State, Icebox Park, S end of island, N end of park, E of main entrance, 7 19 38.10 N, 134 27 6.42 E, 7.32725 134.4517833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251871R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318452011-05-13
Palau, Koror State, Icebox Park, S end of island, N end of park, E of main entrance, 7 19 38.10 N, 134 27 6.42 E, 7.32725 134.4517833333

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
251872R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318462011-05-13
Palau, Koror State, Icebox Park, N end of island, E side of main rd, just S of old Japanese bunker/gun emplacement above W side of rd, 7 19 44.76 N, 134 27 14.04 E, 7.3291 134.4539

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251873R. Leidich   USNM-FS-231851

Carlia Gray, 1845
251874R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318522011-05-21
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd, overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.82 N, 134 27 18.30 E, 7.3341166667 134.4550833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
251875R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318532011-05-21
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd, overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.82 N, 134 27 18.30 E, 7.3341166667 134.4550833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
251876R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318542011-05-21
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd, overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.82 N, 134 27 18.30 E, 7.3341166667 134.4550833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
251877R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318552011-05-21
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd, overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.82 N, 134 27 18.30 E, 7.3341166667 134.4550833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
251878R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318562011-05-21
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd, overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 1.56 N, 134 27 17.04 E, 7.3337666667 134.4547333333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
251879G. Stark   USNM-FS-2318592011-06-01
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, AM-PM Store, S side of main road, E of turnoff to seaplane ramp and W of hospital and former offices of the president, 7 21 10.92 N, 134 27 47.10 E, 7.3530333333 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
251880G. Stark   USNM-FS-2318602011-06-01
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, AM-PM Store, S side of main road, E of turnoff to seaplane ramp and W of hospital and former offices of the president, 7 21 10.92 N, 134 27 47.10 E, 7.3530333333 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
251881G. Stark   USNM-FS-2318612011-06-01
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, AM-PM Store, S side of main road, E of turnoff to seaplane ramp and W of hospital and former offices of the president, 7 21 10.92 N, 134 27 47.10 E, 7.3530333333 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
251882G. Stark   USNM-FS-2318622011-06-01
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, AM-PM Store, S side of main road, E of turnoff to seaplane ramp and W of hospital and former offices of the president, 7 21 10.92 N, 134 27 47.10 E, 7.3530333333 134.4630833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
251883D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318632011-04-14
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251884D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318642011-04-13
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Carlia Gray, 1845
251885D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318672011-05-01
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

251886D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318692011-05-24
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Carlia Gray, 1845
251887D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318702011-05-27
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Carlia Gray, 1845
251888D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318712011-05-27
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Carlia Gray, 1845
251889D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318722011-05-27
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251890D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318732011-05-28
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, North-Central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251891R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318782011-06-05
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.06 N, 134 22 10.68 E, 7.2241833333 134.3696333333

Gehyra mutilata (Wiegmann, 1834)
251892R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318792011-06-05
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.54 N, 134 22 11.34 E, 7.2243166667 134.3698166667

Gehyra mutilata (Wiegmann, 1834)
251893R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318802011-06-05
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.54 N, 134 22 11.34 E, 7.2243166667 134.3698166667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
251894R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318812011-06-05
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.54 N, 134 22 11.34 E, 7.2243166667 134.3698166667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
251895R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318822011-06-05
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.54 N, 134 22 11.34 E, 7.2243166667 134.3698166667

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251896R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318832011-06-04
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, SE corner of main rd and westernmost rd heading S to Ngerbeched Hamlet, 7 20 29.46 N, 134 28 19.56 E, 7.3415166667 134.4721

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251897R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318842011-06-04
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, SE corner of main rd and westernmost rd heading S to Ngerbeched Hamlet, 7 20 29.46 N, 134 28 19.56 E, 7.3415166667 134.4721

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251898R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318862011-06-23
Palau, Koror State, 'Long Island', a man-made (Japanese-era) jetty originating where the causeway crosses the northern end of the island, 7 20 23.10 N, 134 27 37.14 E, 7.33975 134.4603166667

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251899R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318882011-06-26
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, N coast, Japanese-era seaplane base, 7 21 21.30 N, 134 27 27.90 E, 7.3559166667 134.45775

Carlia Gray, 1845
251900R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2318892011-06-26
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, N coast, Japanese-era seaplane base, 7 21 21.30 N, 134 27 27.90 E, 7.3559166667 134.45775

Gehyra mutilata (Wiegmann, 1834)
251901D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318922011-06-02
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.355075 134.4583416667

Carlia Gray, 1845
251902D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318932011-06-02
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.355075 134.4583416667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251903D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318942011-06-12
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.355075 134.4583416667

Carlia Gray, 1845
251904D. Stark   USNM-FS-2318972011-06-25
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7.355075 134.4583416667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251905R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319012011-06-29
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where the road turns S along the E coast, 7 37 20.88 N, 134 38 31.5 E, 7.6224666667 134.6420833333

251906R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319022011-07-03
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger Hamlet, small rds off Lebuu St, N of and parallel to main rd, just S of Lebuu St, W side of small connector rd that intersects main rd at the E side of Franco store, 7 20 35.10 N, 134 28 45.66 E, 7.3430833333 134.47935

251907R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319032011-07-03
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger Hamlet, small rds off Lebuu St, N of and parallel to main rd, just S of Lebuu St, W side of small connector that intersects main rd on E side of WCTC Shopping Center, 7 20 34.32 N, 134 28 41.52 E, 7.3428666667 134.4782

251908R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319042011-07-03
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger Hamlet, small rds off Lebuu St, N of and parallel to main rd, just S of Lebuu St, W side of small connector that intersects main rd on E side of WCTC Shopping Center, 7 20 34.02 N, 134 28 41.64 E, 7.3427833333 134.4782333333

251909Raymond   USNM-FS-2319052011-07-03
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger Hamlet, small rds off Lebuu St, N of and parallel to main rd, small rd N off Lebuu St to the Butilei neighborhood, second house on left side, W of rd

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251910R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319102011-07-06
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 23.52 N, 134 22 12.12 E, 7.2232 134.3700333333

Gehyra mutilata (Wiegmann, 1834)
251911R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319122011-07-06
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.54 N, 134 22 11.34 E, 7.2243166667 134.3698166667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
251912R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319132011-07-06
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, SW end of island, 7 13 27.54 N, 134 22 11.34 E, 7.2243166667 134.3698166667

Carlia Gray, 1845
251913R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319142011-07-16
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngardok Lake area, W side of compact rd (along E side of lake) at turnoff to lake, 7 30 56.28 N, 134 36 31.86 E, 7.5156333333 134.60885

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251914R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319152011-07-16
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngardok Lake area, ca halfway to lake along trail, 7 30 49.56 N, 134 36 20.10 E, 7.5137666667 134.6055833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
251915R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319162011-07-16
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngardok Lake area, on trail to lake near trailhead, just inside forest, 7 30 49.32 N, 134 36 26.7 E, 7.5137 134.6074166667

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
251916D. Stark   USNM-FS-2319182011-07-29
Palau, Ngardmau State, mile marker 19 along W leg of Compact Rd, S of turnoff to Ngetbong village and Ngardmau waterfall tour concession, 7 36 34.32 N, 134 35 1.08 E, 7.6095333333 134.5836333333

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
251917R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319252011-07-26
Palau, Koror State, Pirates Cove area, NE corner of Loop Road past fisheries dock, Kramer's Restaurant, 7.3344972222 134.4576027778

251918R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319262011-08-03
Palau, Koror State, Pirates Cove area, NE corner of Loop Road past fisheries dock, Kramer's Restaurant, 7.3344972222 134.4576027778

251919R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319272011-07-30
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger Hamlet, SW corner of small connective road on E side of Franco store and Lebuu Street, at outside kitchen's entrance of Joe's Restaurant, 7 20 35.46 N, 134 28 45.48 E, 7.3431833333 134.4793

251920R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319282011-07-30
Palau, Koror State, Ikelau Hamlet, road S of and parallel to main road, opposite front entrance of Penthouse Hotel, 7 20 30.18 N, 134 28 39.48 E, 7.3417166667 134.4776333333

251921R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319292011-08-12
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 45.66 N, 134 14 10.08 E, 7.12935 134.2361333333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251922R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319322011-08-16
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 46.44 N, 134 14 12.18 E, 7.1295666667 134.2367166667

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251923R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319332011-08-16
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 46.44 N, 134 14 12.18 E, 7.1295666667 134.2367166667

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251924R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319342011-08-13
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 45.84 N, 134 14 10.92 E, 7.1294 134.2363666667

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
251925R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319362011-08-16
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 46.56 N, 134 14 11.40 E, 7.1296 134.2365

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251926R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319372011-08-14
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 46.56 N, 134 14 11.40 E, 7.1296 134.2365

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251927R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319382011-08-14
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 46.56 N, 134 14 11.40 E, 7.1296 134.2365

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251928R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319392011-08-14
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at point across from Arimasuku Id, 7 7 46.56 N, 134 14 11.40 E, 7.1296 134.2365

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251929R. Menz   USNM-FS-2319462011-08-14
Palau, Koror State, SE coast between the point and the channel between Dmasech Id and Illblau Id, 7 7 42.18 N, 134 14 10.14 E, 7.1283833333 134.23615

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251930R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319472011-08-13
Palau, Koror State, NE side, sand beach just S of northern tip of island, 7 7 28.20 N, 134 14 58.52 E, 7.1245 134.2495888889

251931R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319492011-08-17
Palau, Koror State, N of the resort, at start of nature trail, 7.0902027778 134.2732083333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251932R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319502011-08-16
Palau, Koror State, 7.0902027778 134.2732083333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251933R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319512011-08-16
Palau, Koror State, 7.0902027778 134.2732083333

251934R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319572011-08-21
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 20.70 N, 134 38 31.56 E, 7.6224166667 134.6421

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251935R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319602011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.12 N, 134 38 32.64 E, 7.6225333333 134.6424

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
251936R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319612011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.12 N, 134 38 32.64 E, 7.6225333333 134.6424

Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826
251937R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319652011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251938R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319662011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251939R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319672011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251940R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319682011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251941R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319692011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251942R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319702011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
251943R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319732011-08-22
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 21.72 N, 134 38 33.66 E, 7.6227 134.6426833333

251944R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319762011-08-25
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Ikelau Hamlet, S side of main road across from Palasia Hotel, E side of New Koror Hotel parking lot

251945Stark family   USNM-FS-2319772011-07-11
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251946Stark family   USNM-FS-2319792011-07-24
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Cerberus Cuvier, 1829
251947R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319742011-08-21
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, W side of road near house at S end of school grounds, 7 37 19.86 N, 134 38 34.08 E, 7.6221833333 134.6428

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
251948Stark family   USNM-FS-2319832011-08-08
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251949Stark family   USNM-FS-2319842011-08-10
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251950Stark family   USNM-FS-2319862011-08-28
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251951Stark family   USNM-FS-2319872011-08-28
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main road on turnoff road to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Dendrelaphis striolatus
251952R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319882011-08-31
Palau, Koror State, 7.2836611111 134.2845277778

251953R. Menz   USNM-FS-2319942011-09-05
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd, overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7.3348333333 134.4552666667

Lepidodactylus Fitzinger, 1843
251954H. Stark   USNM-FS-2320012011-09-19
Palau, Koror State, E end of Meyungs village, jetty on N coast, behind hospital, 7.3561027778 134.4661944444

251955R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320032011-09-21
Palau, Koror State, N of turnoff up radio tower hill ]Roisemelachei], E side of rd, opposite two buildings on Rengiil property, 7 19 52.32 N, 134 27 18.60 E, 7.3312 134.4551666667

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
251956R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320042011-10-03
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger hamlet, parking garage under WCTC building, N side of main road, 7 20 32.22 N, 134 28 39.18 E, 7.3422833333 134.47755

251957R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320062011-10-09
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, W of administrative office, just E of Health Resource Center, near W end of parking lot along N side, 7 20 32.22 N, 134 28 25.86 E, 7.3422833333 134.47385

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
251958R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320082011-09-29

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251959R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320132011-10-14
Palau, Koror State, Icebox Park at S end of the island, north-central part of park, opposite [E side of rd] main entrance to sewage treatment plant, 7 19 38.22 N, 134 27 6.48 E, 7.3272833333 134.4518

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
251960R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320142011-10-14
Palau, Koror State, Icebox Park at S end of the island, north-central part of park, opposite [E side of rd] main entrance to sewage treatment plant, 7 19 38.22 N, 134 27 6.48 E, 7.3272833333 134.4518

Carlia Gray, 1845
251961R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320172011-10-14
Palau, Koror State, Icebox Park at S end of the island, north-central part of park, opposite [E side of rd] main entrance to sewage treatment plant, 7 19 38.22 N, 134 27 6.48 E, 7.3272833333 134.4518

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
251962R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320252011-10-14
Palau, Koror State, N of Icebox Park, E side of main road, from just S of turnoff [W] up radio tower hill to Rip Tide bar compound, 7 19 45.36 N, 134 27 14.64 E, 7.3292666667 134.4540666667

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 4949

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