Dataset: CAS
Search Criteria: Palau; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 37, records 3601-3700 of 4949


Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254976R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323882012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254977R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323892012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254978R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323902012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254979R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323912012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254980R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323922012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254981R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323932012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254982R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323942012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254983R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323952012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254984R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323962012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254985R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323972012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254986R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323982012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
254987R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2323992012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
254988R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324012012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
254989R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324022012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
254990R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324032012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
254991R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324042012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W side of PMA property, at edge of slope down to beach, 7 21 18.00 N, 134 27 45.60 E, 7.355 134.4626666667

254992D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324062012-08-15
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

254993D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324072012-08-15
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

254994D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324082012-08-15
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

254995D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324092012-08-19
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
254996D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324122012-08-26
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
254997D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324132012-08-26
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

254998D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324142012-08-30
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
254999S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2324192012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, 7 15 22.56 N, 134 26 37.38 E, 7.2562666667 134.4437166667

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
255000R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324202012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, 7 15 21.60 N, 134 26 38.22 E, 7.256 134.44395

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
255001R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324222012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, 7 15 27.84 N, 134 26 33.18 E, 7.2577333333 134.44255

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
255002R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324262012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach area, first small cove N of Ngeremdiu Beach, 7 15 33.60 N, 134 26 30.72 E, 7.2593333333 134.4418666667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
255003R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324272012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach area, first small cove N of Ngeremdiu Beach, 7 15 33.60 N, 134 26 30.72 E, 7.2593333333 134.4418666667

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
255004R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324282012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, open area with shelters and beach, 7 11 48.00 N, 134 22 36.84 E, 7.1966666667 134.3769

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
255005R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324292012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, N end of id, E side peninsula, flat area with shelters and BBQ pit, known locally as Giant Clam Beach, 7 11 45.60 N, 134 22 12.42 E, 7.196 134.3701166667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
255006R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324302012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, N end of id, E side peninsula, flat area with shelters and BBQ pit, known locally as Giant Clam Beach, 7 11 45.60 N, 134 22 12.42 E, 7.196 134.3701166667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
255007R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324312012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, N end of id, E side peninsula, flat area with shelters and BBQ pit, known locally as Giant Clam Beach, 7 11 45.60 N, 134 22 12.42 E, 7.196 134.3701166667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255008R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324322012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, W side peninsula, along ancient Palauan wall enclosing circular area inland, 7 11 48.54 N, 134 22 10.26 E, 7.1968166667 134.3695166667

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
255009S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2324332012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, 7 15 22.26 N, 134 26 37.62 E, 7.2561833333 134.4437833333

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
255010R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324342012-09-15
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, 7 15 22.92 N, 134 26 37.44 E, 7.2563666667 134.4437333333

255011R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324352012-09-07
Palau, Koror State, Pirate's Cove area, E of main rd, N side of Loop Rd past fisheries dock, 7 20 3.12 N, 134 27 26.88 E, 7.3342 134.4574666667

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
255012R. Leidich   USNM-FS-2324362012-09-05
Palau, Koror State, 7.5211027778 134.5794

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
255013R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324370000-00-00
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Iyebukel Hamlet

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
255014R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324382012-08-27
Palau, Koror State, Airai State, Camp Katuu

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
255015R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324392012-09-21
Palau, Koror State, ca 1 km NW of Ngeremdiu Beach, cove on NE side of small peninsula, 7 16.157 N, 134 25.698 E, 7.2692833333 134.4283

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
255016R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324402012-09-24
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Ikelau Hamlet, S side of main rd across from Palasia Hotel, backyard of Rengiil Residence at ground floor of New Koror Hotel, 7 20 32.52 N, 134 28 49.92 E, 7.3423666667 134.4805333333

Carlia Gray, 1845
255017D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324422012-09-07
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255018D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324432012-09-07
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255019D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324442012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
255020D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324482012-09-14
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255021D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324492012-09-14
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
255022D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324502012-09-14
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255023R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324542012-09-28
Palau, Koror State, Uchulangas 'Island', E of rd, near boat ramp locally known as 'Happy Landing', SW part of 'id', 7 20 28.57 N, 134 27 47.17 E, 7.3412694444 134.4631027778

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
255024R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324562012-09-30
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Carlia Gray, 1845
255025R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324572012-10-12
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
255026H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324582012-10-11
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.68 N, 134 37 50.34 E, 7.4896333333 134.63065

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
255027R.I. Crombie and D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324612012-10-17
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.50 N, 134 37 50.10 E, 7.4895833333 134.6305833333

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
255028R.I. Crombie and D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324622012-10-17
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.50 N, 134 37 50.10 E, 7.4895833333 134.6305833333

Gekko Laurenti, 1768
255029R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324632012-10-17
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 20.76 N, 134 37 48.12 E, 7.4891 134.6300333333

Emoia atrocostata (Lesson, 1826)
255030R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324642012-10-17
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.50 N, 134 37 51.84 E, 7.4895833333 134.6310666667

255031V. Stark   USNM-FS-2324652012-10-19
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.50 N, 134 37 51.84 E, 7.4895833333 134.6310666667

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
255032R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324722012-10-19
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 32.28 N, 134 38 10.98 E, 7.4923 134.6363833333

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
255033R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324732012-10-19
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 33.54 N, 134 38 12.24 E, 7.49265 134.6367333333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255034R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324742012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 32.46 N, 134 38 10.62 E, 7.49235 134.6362833333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255035R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324752012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 32.46 N, 134 38 10.62 E, 7.49235 134.6362833333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255036R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324762012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 32.46 N, 134 38 10.62 E, 7.49235 134.6362833333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255037R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324772012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.98 N, 134 38 10.02 E, 7.4922166667 134.6361166667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255038R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324782012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.98 N, 134 38 10.02 E, 7.4922166667 134.6361166667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255039R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324792012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.98 N, 134 38 10.02 E, 7.4922166667 134.6361166667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255040R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324802012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.98 N, 134 38 10.02 E, 7.4922166667 134.6361166667

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255041R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324812012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.98 N, 134 38 10.02 E, 7.4922166667 134.6361166667

Carlia Gray, 1845
255042R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324832012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 32.64 N, 134 38 11.10 E, 7.4924 134.6364166667

Carlia Gray, 1845
255043R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324842012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 32.64 N, 134 38 11.10 E, 7.4924 134.6364166667

Carlia Gray, 1845
255044R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324852012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.2 N, 134 38 10.62 E, 7.492 134.6362833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
255045R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324862012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.2 N, 134 38 10.62 E, 7.492 134.6362833333

Carlia Gray, 1845
255046R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324872012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.2 N, 134 38 10.62 E, 7.492 134.6362833333

Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1830)
255047R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324912012-10-23
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

255048G. Stark   USNM-FS-2324942012-09-21
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255049V. Stark   USNM-FS-2324972012-09-30
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255050D. Stark   USNM-FS-2324982012-10-04
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Varanus Merrem, 1820
255178R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2251202004-07-10
Palau, Angaur State, Santa Maria Point (Bkul a Ngeluul), NW corner of id, just SE of point, 6 55 14.64 N, 134 07 31.08 E, 6.9207333333 134.1253

Varanus Merrem, 1820
255179R.I. Crombie and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2251212004-07-11
Palau, Angaur State, 6.9063611111 134.1340722222

Varanus Merrem, 1820
255180R.I. Crombie and F. Toribiong   USNM-FS-2301450000-00-00
Palau, Koror State, 7.5211027778 134.5794

Varanus Merrem, 1820
255447R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2317462011-02-03
Palau, Koror State, small beach at southern end, 7 11 49.20 N, 134 22 35.70 E, 7.197 134.3765833333

Laticauda colubrina (Schneider, 1799)
255448R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2254342004-12-14
Palau, Koror State, Beach E, ca mid-point on E side of id, 7 10 21.90 N, 134 15 25.26 E, 7.17275 134.2570166667

Varanus Merrem, 1820
255455R.I. Crombie, R. Menz and S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2307302008-03-30
Palau, Koror State, Ngercheu Island group, resort and vicinity, second beach cottage, 7.0883027778 134.2785583333

Varanus Merrem, 1820
255456R.I. Crombie and S. Keefer   USNM-FS-2303172007-08-29
Palau, Koror State, Ngcheangel Atoll, N of Dilong Village in forested part of W coast rd, 8 5 27.54 N, 134 42 57 E, 8.0909833333 134.7158333333

255457Stark family   USNM-FS-2323172012-02-13
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255458R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323432012-07-22
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway near outside basketball courts, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.18 E, 7.3419833333 134.4733833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255459R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323442012-07-22
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway near outside basketball courts, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.18 E, 7.3419833333 134.4733833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255460R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323452012-07-22
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway near outside basketball courts, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.18 E, 7.3419833333 134.4733833333

255461D. Stark   USNM-FS-2323542012-07-24
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255462D. Stark   USNM-FS-2323562012-07-31
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255463D. Stark   USNM-FS-2323572012-08-02
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255464D. Stark   USNM-FS-2323582012-08-04
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255465D. Stark   USNM-FS-2323612012-08-10
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255468D. Stark   USNM-FS-2314972010-08-21
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd, on rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7 21 16.68 N, 134 27 31.02 E, 7.3546333333 134.4586166667

255469D. Stark   USNM-FS-2314992010-08-21
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd, on rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7 21 16.68 N, 134 27 31.02 E, 7.3546333333 134.4586166667

255470R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2317352011-01-22
Palau, Koror State, resort on S coast point, N of resort along forested nature trail, 7 5 24.60 N, 134 16 42.18 E, 7.0901666667 134.2783833333

255471R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2317362011-01-22
Palau, Koror State, resort on S coast point, N of resort along forested nature trail, 7 5 24.60 N, 134 16 42.18 E, 7.0901666667 134.2783833333

255472R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2319482011-08-16
Palau, Koror State, N of the resort, at start of nature trail, 7.0902027778 134.2732083333

255473R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2320392011-11-03
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Dngeronger Hamlet, junction of Lebuu St. and rd S to main rd, 7 20 34.98 N, 134 28 45.06 E, 7.34305 134.4791833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255474D. Stark   USNM-FS-2320412011-11-10
Palau, Koror State, Palau Pacific Resort, on coast WNW of Ngerekebesang Village, N (non-public) part of resort, N beach, 7.3546527778 134.4444583333

255475D. Stark   USNM-FS-2320742011-12-17
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255495R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2325052012-11-03
Palau, Ngchesar State, 7 26 16.86 N, 134 34 19.74 E, 7.4380166667 134.57215

Page 37, records 3601-3700 of 4949

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