Dataset: CAS
Search Criteria: Palau; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 38, records 3701-3800 of 4949


Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
255496R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2325062012-11-03
Palau, Ngchesar State, 7 26 17.10 N, 134 34 19.98 E, 7.4380833333 134.5722166667

255497R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2321032012-01-16
Palau, Koror State, W side of Rael Dil Point, first small cove NW of Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, beach at NW end of cove, 7 15 35.34 N, 134 26 23.52 E, 7.2598166667 134.4398666667

255498R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2321102012-01-17
Palau, Koror State, elevated cistern just inside forest on N to S trail, S of cleared area at elongate N end of id, 7 6 57.17 N, 134 21 41.67 E, 7.1158805556 134.361575

255499R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2321112012-01-17
Palau, Koror State, elevated cistern just inside forest on N to S trail, S of cleared area at elongate N end of id, 7 6 57.17 N, 134 21 41.67 E, 7.1158805556 134.361575

255500R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2321122012-01-18
Palau, Koror State, private property on central-western coast, where N-S trail meets trail E to banana and taro patches in central part of island's broader S end, 7 6 53.94 N, 134 21 40.14 E, 7.1149833333 134.36115

255501R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2321132012-01-18
Palau, Koror State, private property on central-western coast, where N-S trail meets trail E to banana and taro patches in central part of island's broader S end, 7 6 53.94 N, 134 21 40.14 E, 7.1149833333 134.36115

255502R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2321142012-01-18
Palau, Koror State, private property on central-western coast, where N-S trail meets trail E to banana and taro patches in central part of island's broader S end, 7 6 53.94 N, 134 21 40.14 E, 7.1149833333 134.36115

255503D. Stark   USNM-FS-2321862011-12-23
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778, 32m

255504D. Stark   USNM-FS-2321872011-12-26
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778, 32m

255505D. Stark   USNM-FS-2321882011-12-29
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778, 32m

255506D. Stark   USNM-FS-2321892011-12-30
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

255507R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322102012-03-24
Palau, Ngaraard State, Ulimang Village, just S of school and dock, where road turns S along coast, Stark family house and adjacent area, 7 37 20.88 N, 134 38 31.20 E, 7.6224666667 134.642

255508R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322452012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255509R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322462012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255510R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322472012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255511R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322482012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255512R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322492012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255513R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322502012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255514R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322512012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255515R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322522012-04-18
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, base of 'Snake Dick Point' peninsula, W side, 7 18 47.40 N, 134 29 17.70 E, 7.3131666667 134.5160277778

255517D. Stark   USNM-FS-2314942010-08-19
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd, on rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7 21 16.68 N, 134 27 31.02 E, 7.3546333333 134.4586166667

255518D. Stark   USNM-FS-2314982010-08-26
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd, on rd to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7 21 16.68 N, 134 27 31.02 E, 7.3546333333 134.4586166667

Dendrelaphis striolatus
255519S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2326960000-00-00
Palau, Airai State, 7.3785666667 134.5551194444

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
255520S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2323022012-06-04
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
255521S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2323042012-06-11
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
255522R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323652012-08-19
Palau, Koror State, mid-island, ca midway between E and W coast beaches, 7 12 33.60 N, 134 22 20.64 E, 7.2093333333 134.3724

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
255523R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323802012-08-24
Palau, Koror State, Palau Pacific Resort, 7.3544333333 134.4446638889

255524D. Stark   USNM-FS-2315012010-08-29
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp, 7 21 16.68 N, 134 27 31.02 E, 7.3546333333 134.4586166667

255525G. Stark   USNM-FS-2325022012-10-17
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255526R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325042012-10-27
Palau, Aimeliik State, 7 27 19.08 N, 134 31 7.80 E, 7.4553 134.5188333333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255527R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325202012-11-15
Palau, Peleliu State, Kloulklubed, N end of village, on main rd (W coast rd), just SW of its junction with E rd, 7 2 29.94 N, 134 15 25.50 E, 7.04165 134.2570833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255528R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325302012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255529R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325312012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255530R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325322012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255531R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325332012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255532R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325342012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255533R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325352012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
255534R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325362012-11-17
Palau, Peleliu State, S of N dock, SE side of rd at base of Rois Ra Sang (ridge), 7 2 51.12 N, 134 15 53.82 E, 7.0475333333 134.26495

Candoia superciliosa (Günther, 1863)
255535R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325492012-11-11
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, 7 21 16.56 N, 134 27 33.84 E, 7.3546 134.4594

255793D. Stark   USNM-FS-2325822012-11-11
Palau, Koror State, Meyungs Village, north-central part of village, N of main rd on turnoff to Japanese-era seaplane ramp on N coast, 7.3548805556 134.4530277778

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256325R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322392012-04-16
Palau, Koror State, Pirates Cove area, E of main rd, loop rd past fisheries dock, 7 20 2.82 N 134 27 24.48 E, 7.3341166667 134.4568

Lipinia leptosoma (Brown and Fehlmann, 1958)
256326R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322612012-04-28
Palau, Koror State, sandy beach on S side, 7 11 24.48 N, 134 14 23.22 E, 7.1901333333 134.2397833333

Lipinia leptosoma (Brown and Fehlmann, 1958)
256327R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322622012-04-29
Palau, Koror State, sandy beach on S side, 7 11 24.48 N, 134 14 23.22 E, 7.1901333333 134.2397833333

Lipinia leptosoma (Brown and Fehlmann, 1958)
256328R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322632012-04-29
Palau, Koror State, sandy beach on S side, 7 11 24.48 N, 134 14 23.22 E, 7.1901333333 134.2397833333

Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
256329R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322642012-04-29
Palau, Koror State, sandy beach on S side, 7 11 25.08 N, 134 14 23.52 E, 7.1903 134.2398666667

256330R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2322712012-05-06
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway between admin bldg and outdoor basketball courts, 7 20 31.08 N, 134 28 24.84 E, 7.3419666667 134.4735666667

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
256331S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2322832012-05-19
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7.3348333333 134.4552666667

256332R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323052012-05-27
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, rd S to Ngerbeched Hamlet that passes Seventh Day Adventist church (on E side of rd), just S of its intersection with rd S of and parallel to main rd, behind post office, 7 20 30.12 N, 134 28 35.58 E, 7.3417 134.47655

256333R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323142012-07-01
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.60 E, 7.3419833333 134.4735

Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
256334R. Menz   USNM-FS-2323242012-07-12
Palau, Koror State, E side of id, shelter and camping area on SE coast, at sandy point extending towards Arimasuku Islet, 7 7 46.26 N, 134 14 12.18 E, 7.1295166667 134.2367166667

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
256335R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323262012-07-12
Palau, Koror State, E side of id, High Chief's beach at NE corner of island, 7 8 5.76 N, 134 13 55.38 E, 7.1349333333 134.23205

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256336R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323412012-07-22
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway near outside basketball courts, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.18 E, 7.3419833333 134.4733833333

256337R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323462012-07-22
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway near outside basketball courts, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.18 E, 7.3419833333 134.4733833333

256338R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323512012-08-08
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, shaded walkway near outside basketball courts, 7 20 31.14 N, 134 28 24.18 E, 7.3419833333 134.4733833333

Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
256339R. Leidich   USNM-FS-2323812012-09-01
Palau, Koror State, Lee Marvin Beach, S coast of id, E of entrance to Risong Bay

Lipinia noctua (Lesson, 1830)
256340R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2323872012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
256341R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324002012-09-02
Palau, Koror State, W of hospital at E end of id, on N coast, 7 21 16.74 N, 134 27 47.1 E, 7.35465 134.4630833333

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256342R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324212012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, 7 15 24.24 N, 134 26 36.18 E, 7.2567333333 134.4433833333

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256343R.I. Crombie, D. Stark and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324252012-09-09
Palau, Koror State, N of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach area, first small cove N of Ngeremdiu Beach, 7 15 34.02 N, 134 26 30.78 E, 7.25945 134.4418833333

256344R. Menz   USNM-FS-2324552012-09-30
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Lipinia noctua (Lesson, 1830)
256345H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324592012-10-12
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.68 N, 134 37 50.34 E, 7.4896333333 134.63065

Lipinia leptosoma (Brown and Fehlmann, 1958)
256346H. Stark   USNM-FS-2324602012-10-12
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngerubesang Village, S of state office at long stone jetty, 7 29 22.68 N, 134 37 50.34 E, 7.4896333333 134.63065

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256347R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2324822012-10-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeok Village, vic of state office bldg, W side of Coast Rd at base of long stone jetty, 7 29 31.98 N, 134 38 10.02 E, 7.4922166667 134.6361166667

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
256348S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2324892012-10-19
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
256349S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2324902012-10-19
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.58 N, 134 27 18.96 E, 7.33405 134.4552666667

Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
256350R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325382012-11-18
Palau, Peleliu State, Peleliu: north dock area, north of north dock, just N of state boat mooring at dock, 7 02 56.22 N, 134 16 1.2 E, 7.04895 134.267

256351R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325552013-01-01
Palau, Koror State, N end of id, where causeway crosses id, 'Long Island' park, N side of jetty, just outside of gate on entrance rd, 7 20 23.22 N, 134 27 35.94 E, 7.3397833333 134.4599833333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256352R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325722013-01-20
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, SW side, between corner and where beach ends, 7 08 6.30 N, 134 18 25.14 E, 7.1350833333 134.3069833333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256353R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325732013-01-20
Palau, Koror State, S end of id, SW side, between corner and where beach ends, 7 08 6.30 N, 134 18 25.14 E, 7.1350833333 134.3069833333

Lepidodactylus Fitzinger, 1843
256354R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2325962013-03-03
Palau, Koror State, NW of Rael Dil Point, Ngeremdiu (Margie's) Beach, from N end of beach to shelter clearing and back to N end, 7 15 25.2 N, 134 26 33.18 E, 7.257 134.44255

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256355R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326112013-03-05
Palau, Koror State, SW side, inland area near N end of SW side beach, narrow band of strand forest, scarp 3-4 m away, 7 08 6.24 N, 134 18 25.14 E, 7.1350666667 134.3069833333

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256356R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326122013-03-05
Palau, Koror State, SW side, inland area near N end of SW side beach, narrow band of strand forest, scarp 3-4 m away, 7 08 6.24 N, 134 18 25.14 E, 7.1350666667 134.3069833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
256357R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326192013-03-04
Palau, Koror State, SW side, littoral zone vegetation near N end of beach, 7 08 5.94 N, 134 18 25.02 E, 7.1349833333 134.30695

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
256358R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326222013-03-04
Palau, Koror State, SW side, littoral zone vegetation near N end of beach, 7 08 5.94 N, 134 18 25.02 E, 7.1349833333 134.30695

Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
256359R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326282013-03-05
Palau, Koror State, SW side, littoral zone vegetation near N end of beach, 7 08 5.94 N, 134 18 25.02 E, 7.1349833333 134.30695

256360R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326392013-04-10
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N side of main rd, E end of shaded walkway between admin office and outdoor basketball courts, 7 20 31.26 N, 134 28 24.66 E, 7.3420166667 134.4735166667

256361S.S. Babiya   USNM-FS-2326522013-05-05
Palau, Airai State, 7.3785666667 134.5551194444

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256362R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326612013-05-11
Palau, Koror State, elongate peninsula at NW end of island, E side, near tip, 7 19 58.98 N, 134 25 26.22 E, 7.33305 134.42395

Carlia Gray, 1845
256363R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326752013-06-09
Palau, Airai State, 7 21 24.36 N, 134 32 31.86 E, 7.3567666667 134.5421833333

Gehyra brevipalmata (W. Peters, 1874)
256364R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326822013-06-15
Palau, Koror State, beach on SW side of id, S end of beach, 7 17 2.22 N, 134 16 57.18 E, 7.28395 134.28255

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256365R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2326872013-06-22
Palau, Koror State, beach on SW side of id, mid-beach, N of shelter and trail to restrooms, 7 17 9.84 N, 134 16 55.38 E, 7.2860666667 134.28205

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256366R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327002013-07-14
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, just N of Bkul A Ngchus (rocky point on SW end of id), on coast at channel between Ngeruktabel and unnamed offshore islet, 7 13 27.3 N, 134 22 11.64 E, 7.22425 134.3699

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256367R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327012013-07-14
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, just N of Bkul A Ngchus (rocky point on SW end of id), on coast at channel between Ngeruktabel and unnamed offshore islet, 7 13 27.3 N, 134 22 11.64 E, 7.22425 134.3699

Emoia caeruleocauda (De Vis, 1892)
256368R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327022013-07-15
Palau, Koror State, Ngchus, just N of Bkul A Ngchus (rocky point on SW end of id), on coast at channel between Ngeruktabel and unnamed offshore islet, 7 13 27.3 N, 134 22 11.64 E, 7.22425 134.3699

Hemidactylus frenatus Schlegel, 1836
256369R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327202013-07-26
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.04 N, 134 27 18.66 E, 7.3339 134.4551833333

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
256370R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327282013-09-14
Palau, Koror State, Pirates' Cove area, on access rd E of main rd, along fence at southern border of Palau Royal Resort, 7 20 7.08 N, 134 27 24.42 E, 7.3353 134.4568

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
256371R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327292013-09-14
Palau, Koror State, Pirates' Cove area, on access rd E of main rd, along fence at southern border of Palau Royal Resort, 7 20 7.08 N, 134 27 24.42 E, 7.3353 134.4568

Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
256372R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327382013-09-23
Palau, Koror State, SE coast at sand spit extending towards Arimasuku islet, 7 07 46.32 N, 134 14 12.42 E, 7.1295333333 134.2367833333

256373R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327452013-10-11
Palau, Koror State, low ridge on W side of main rd overlooking fuel storage area at N end of port compound, 7 20 2.52 N, 134 27 18.06 E, 7.3340333333 134.4550166667

Lepidodactylus moestus (W. Peters, 1867)
256374R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327502013-10-20
Palau, Koror State, Koror town; Ikelau Hamlet, S side of main rd opposite Palasia Hotel, hallway in A-block of New Koror Hotel, 7 20 32.94 N, 134 28 50.28 E, 7.3424833333 134.4806333333

256375R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327522013-10-27
Palau, Koror State, Koror town; Palau Community College campus, shaded walkway between admin office and outdoor basketball courts, 7 20 31.44 N, 134 28 23.88 E, 7.3420666667 134.4733

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
256376R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327572013-12-11
Palau, Peleliu State, NW coast of id, due E of eastern tip of Olngeuaol Id, 7 03 58.5 N, 134 16 59.1 E, 7.06625 134.2830833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
256377R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327582013-12-11
Palau, Peleliu State, NW coast of id, due E of eastern tip of Olngeuaol Id, 7 03 58.5 N, 134 16 59.1 E, 7.06625 134.2830833333

Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836)
256378R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327592013-12-11
Palau, Peleliu State, NW coast of id, due E of eastern tip of Olngeuaol Id, 7 03 56.94 N, 134 16 58.8 E, 7.0658166667 134.283

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256379R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327652013-12-20
Palau, Koror State, Pirates' Cove area, E of main rd, loop rd past fisheries dock, NW corner of loop, 7 20 3.72 N, 134 27 24.66 E, 7.3343666667 134.45685

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256380R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327682013-12-22
Palau, Koror State, beach on SW side, 7 17 9.54 N, 134 16 55.44 E, 7.2859833333 134.2820666667

Sphenomorphus scutatus (Peters, 1867)
256381R.I. Crombie   USNM-FS-2327212013-08-11
Palau, Koror State, Koror town, Palau Community College campus, N of main rd, 7 20 31.26 N, 134 28 24.66 E, 7.3420166667 134.4735166667

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
256383R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2327332013-09-05
Palau, Koror State, Palau Pacific Resort, WNW of Ngerekebesang Village, N (non-public) part of resort, ridge overlooking N beach, 7 21 23.16 N, 134 26 49.86 E, 7.3564333333 134.4471833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
256384R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2327342013-09-05
Palau, Koror State, Palau Pacific Resort, WNW of Ngerekebesang Village, N (non-public) part of resort, ridge overlooking N beach, 7 21 23.16 N, 134 26 49.86 E, 7.3564333333 134.4471833333

Bufo marinus (Linnaeus, 1758)
256385R.I. Crombie and R. Menz   USNM-FS-2327352013-09-05
Palau, Koror State, Palau Pacific Resort, WNW of Ngerekebesang Village, N (non-public) part of resort, ridge overlooking N beach, 7 21 23.16 N, 134 26 49.86 E, 7.3564333333 134.4471833333

Page 38, records 3701-3800 of 4949

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