Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Anguidae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2799


207094M.R. Jennings   MRJ-13511998-02-07
United States, California, Alameda Co., Fremont, along Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, 0.60 mi N of the jct with Stevenson Blvd, 37.5107027778 -122.0040666667, 2m

207095M.R. Jennings   MRJ-13581998-02-28
United States, California, San Mateo Co., hillside W of Polhemus Rd, 0.25 mi S of jct with Crystal Springs Rd, 37.53115 -122.3487638889, 61m

207160J.J. Crayon   JJC-241998-05-05
United States, California, Colusa Co., Sulfur Creek, 1 mi above Wilbur Springs, 39.0345444444 -122.4319777778

Ophisaurus ventralis (Linnaeus, 1766)
207269P.G. Frank   RL-98-2031998-05-02
United States, Florida, Citrus Co., Inverness, Turner Camp Rd, 28.87688 -82.31777

Elgaria coerulea coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
207424F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-4431998-10-31
United States, California, San Mateo Co., Daly City, 75 m WNW of intersection of State Route 35 and John Daly Blvd, 37.6986 -122.4945888889

208089F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-4641999-02-13
United States, California, San Mateo Co., Pacifica, Fassler Dr, 0.45 mi (by rd) E of State Route 1, 75 m N of road, 37.60265 -122.4927166667

208514C.R. Feldman   CRF-2111999-02-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo Co., Los Padres National Forest, Huasna Rd, 23 mi NE of Arroyo Grande, between Pine Ridge and Garcia Mtns, 0.125 mi S of Stoney Creek Campground, 35 12 22.8 N, 120 15 13.74 W, 35.2063333333 -120.2538166667, 671m

208515C.R. Feldman   CRF-2121999-02-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo Co., Los Padres National Forest, Huasna Rd, 23 mi NE of Arroyo Grande, between Pine Ridge and Garcia Mtns, 0.125 mi S of Stoney Creek Campground, 35 12 22.8 N, 120 15 13.74 W, 35.2063333333 -120.2538166667, 671m

208537L.A. Wishmeyer   1982-05-01
United States, California, Mendocino Co., ca 5 mi N of Branscomb, Northern California Coast Range Preserve, 39.7181138889 -123.6504111111

Ophisaurus Daudin, 1803
208633P.G. Frank   RL-98-2320000-00-00
United States, Florida, Citrus Co., Floral City, Suburban Acres, 28.69115 -82.33772

208635N. Frank   RL-98-2341998-11-20
United States, Florida, Citrus Co., Floral City, Suburban Acres, McMullen Rd, 28.69115 -82.33772

Ophisaurus Daudin, 1803
208653R. Lawson et al.   RL-98-2401999-01-17
United States, Florida, Broward Co., Deerfield Beach, Sandman Motel, 26.31435 -80.07868

208659F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-5071999-03-22
United States, California, San Mateo Co., Millbrae, E side of Lomita Park School, intersection of Santa Helena Ave and San Antonio Ave, 37.61265 -122.40015

208683F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-4981999-03-13
United States, California, Alameda Co., Eden Canyon Rd, 0.15 mi N (by rd) of Hwy 580, 37.7026 -122.0204666667

208684F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-4991999-03-13
United States, California, Alameda Co., Eden Canyon Rd, 0.15 mi N (by rd) of Hwy 580, 37.7026 -122.0204666667

208699F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-4861999-03-13
United States, California, Alameda Co., Corral Hollow Creek, ca 1 mi downstream from Tesla Mines, 37.6385027778 -121.5819527778

208700J.C. Crayon   JJC-281998-06-17
United States, California, Yuba Co., Hwy 49 at 9.17 milepost, ca 0.5 mi SE of Oak Valley, 39.4922611111 -121.0417916667, 881m

208712C.R. Feldman   CRF-2251999-03-08
United States, California, Riverside Co., between Hwy I-10 and Hwy 60, San Timoteo Canyon, Redlands Blvd, 1.1 mi S of San Timoteo Canyon Rd, 33 58 34.98 N, 117 09 18.72 W, 33.9763833333 -117.1552, 579m

208723M.S. Koo and J.V. Vindum   MSK-1991999-04-05
United States, California, Fresno Co., Sierra National Forest, Sycamore Creek drainage, secondary road off of Forest Rd 10S06 towards powerlines, 36 59 04.8 N, 119 19 27.9 W, T11S R24E Sec 11 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 36.9846666667 -119.3244166667, 555m

208757M.S. Koo and J.V. Vindum   MSK-2351999-04-07
United States, California, Fresno Co., along Sycamore Creek (E bank), crossing of abandoned road and Sycamore Creek, upstream from confluence with Pine Flat Reservoir, 36 55 13.6 N, 119 16 40.8 W, T12S R25E Sec6 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36.9204444444 -119.278, 305m

208822M.S. Koo and J.V. Vindum   MSK-3001999-04-21
United States, California, Fresno Co., Sierra National Forest, Sycamore Creek, NW of Hacker Mtn, 36 55 17.8 N, 119 18 09.4 W, T12S R24E Sec1 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 36.9216111111 -119.3026111111, 341m

208825M.S. Koo and J.V. Vindum   MSK-3031999-04-21
United States, California, Fresno Co., Trimmer Springs Rd, 0.05 mi E (by rd) of Maxon Rd, 36 54 16.03 N, 119 17 31.01 W, T12S R25E Sec7 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 36.9044527778 -119.2919472222, 311m

208852J.V. Vindum   JVV-61291999-05-01
United States, California, Mendocino Co., 28201 Mendocino Pass Rd, T23N R12W Sec22 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 49 54.1 N, 123 10 33.18 W, 39.8316944444 -123.1758833333, 512m

Elgaria coerulea coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208858F.E. Ely   FEE-5201999-04-04
United States, California, San Mateo Co., Guadalupe Canyon Parkway, 0.65 mi W (by rd) of entrance to San Bruno Mtn State and County Park, 37.7005833333 -122.44505

Elgaria coerulea coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208867F.E. Ely   FEE-5291999-04-23
United States, California, San Mateo Co., Daly City, 75 m WNW of intersection of State Route 35 and John Daly Blvd, 37 41 55.8 N, 122 29 44.0 W, 37.6988333333 -122.4955555556

208908K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61581999-05-17
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, South Fork Merced River, Hite Cove Trail, T3S R19E Sec34 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 37 38 18.76 N, 119 51 32.91 W, 37.6385444444 -119.8591416667, 472m

208917K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61671999-05-19
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, Devil Gulch, T4S R19E Sec12 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 37 36 26.44 N, 119 49 14.62 W, 37.6073444444 -119.8207277778, 564m

208921K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61711999-05-19
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, Devil Gulch, T4S R19E Sec12 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 37 36 17.99 N, 119 49 18.67 W, 37.6049972222 -119.8218527778, 564m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208923K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61731999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, right bank of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek, ca 50 m below (E) of Forest Rd 4S17, 37 33 56.92 N, 119 43 16.99 W, T4S R20E Sec26 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 37.5658111111 -119.7213861111, 1396m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208924K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61741999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, right bank of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek, ca 50 m below (E) of Forest Rd 4S17, 37 33 56.92 N, 119 43 16.99 W, T4S R20E Sec26 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 37.5658111111 -119.7213861111, 1396m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208925K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61751999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, right bank of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek, ca 50 m below (E) of Forest Rd 4S17, 37 33 56.92 N, 119 43 16.99 W, T4S R20E Sec26 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 37.5658111111 -119.7213861111, 1396m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208926K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61761999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, right bank of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek, ca 50 m below (E) of Forest Rd 4S17, 37 33 56.92 N, 119 43 16.99 W, T4S R20E Sec26 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 37.5658111111 -119.7213861111, 1396m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208927K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61771999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, left bank of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek, ca 10 m above (W) of Forest Rd 4S17, 37 33 57.67 N, 119 43 20.25 W, T4S R20E Sec23 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 37.5660194444 -119.7222916667, 1402m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208928K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61781999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, confluence of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek and Iron Creek, 37 33 58.16 N, 119 43 11.39 W, T4S R20E Sec24 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 37.5661555556 -119.7198305556, 1390m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208929K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61791999-05-20
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, confluence of unnamed tributary to Iron Creek and Iron Creek, 37 33 58.16 N, 119 43 11.39 W, T4S R20E Sec24 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 37.5661555556 -119.7198305556, 1390m

208932K.D. Wiseman and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61821999-05-21
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, W of Iron Creek Trailhead parking area, 37 34 31.59 N, 119 42 31.90 W, T4S R20E Sec24 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 37.5754416667 -119.7088611111, 1317m

Elgaria coerulea coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208942F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-5441999-05-07
United States, California, San Francisco Co., San Francisco, Lake Merced, S end of Harding Park Golf Course, ca 100 m W of intersection of Lake Merced Blvd and Higuera St, 37.7184 -122.4851666667

Elgaria coerulea coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208943F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-5451999-05-07
United States, California, San Francisco Co., San Francisco, Lake Merced, S end of Harding Park Golf Course, ca 100 m W of intersection of Lake Merced Blvd and Higuera St, 37.7184 -122.4851666667

Elgaria coerulea coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
208944F.E. Ely and E.J. Ely   FEE-5461999-05-07
United States, California, San Francisco Co., San Francisco, Lake Merced, S end of Harding Park Golf Course, ca 100 m W of intersection of Lake Merced Blvd and Higuera St, 37.7184 -122.4851666667

208947F.E. Ely   FEE-5491999-05-08
United States, California, Santa Cruz Co., Santa Cruz Mtns, China Grade Rd, 1.5 mi N (by rd) of State Route 236, 10 m E of road, 37 12 41.6 N, 122 12 41.8 W, 37.2115555556 -122.2116111111

208948C.R. Feldman   CRF-2551999-04-25
United States, California, Monterey Co., Los Padres National Forest, Santa Lucia Range, Long Valley, 8 mi SW of Greenfield via Indians Rd, Escondido Campground, along Higgins Creek, 36 08 26.76 N, 121 26 38.46 W, 36.1407666667 -121.4440166667, 610m

Elgaria kingii Gray, 1838
208956C.R. Feldman   CRF-2331999-04-12
United States, Arizona, Pinal Co., Coronado National Forest, Santa Catalina Mtns, Bear Canyon, Catalina Hwy, ca 7 mi NE of Coronado National Forest boundary, junction Prison Camp Rd and Catalina Hwy, 32 20 22.5 N, 110 43 2.82 W, 32.3395833333 -110.71745, 1458m

208964C.R. Feldman   CRF-2421999-04-18
United States, California, Alameda Co., Sunol Valley, 1 mi N of jct of Pleasanton-Sunol Rd and Hwy 84 (Niles Canyon Rd), 1.25 mi NW of Sunol via Pleasanton-Sunol Rd, adjacent to Hwy 680, 37.6101666667 -121.8736166667, 82m

208985R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-58871999-06-15
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Pothole Creek, upstream of Forest Rd 24N21, T24N R11W Sec14 (SE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 55 35.23 N, 123 03 26.87 W, 39.9264527778 -123.0574638889, 1372m

208989R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-58911999-06-15
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Grass Lake, T24N R11W Sec14 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 56 10.89 N, 123 03 8.71 W, 39.9363583333 -123.0524194444, 1372m

208991R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-58931999-06-15
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Dewell Lake, T24N R11W Sec2 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 57 43.19 N, 123 02 51.50 W, 39.9619972222 -123.0476388889, 1109m

209018R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59201999-06-16
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, T24N R11W Sec2 (NW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 57 44.8 N, 123 03 12.8 W, 39.9624444444 -123.0535555556, 1170m

209020R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59221999-06-17
United States, California, Tehama Co., Mendocino National Forest, vic Thomes Pocket, Thomes Creek, T25N R9W Sec29 (NE 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 59 38.9 N, 122 53 36.3 W, 39.9941388889 -122.8934166667, 1353m

209022R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59241999-06-17
United States, California, Tehama Co., Mendocino National Forest, vic Thomes Pocket, small unnamed tributary to Thomes Creek, T25N R9W Sec20 (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 55.4 N, 122 54 3.19 W, 39.9987222222 -122.9008861111, 1353m

209023R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59251999-06-17
United States, California, Tehama Co., Mendocino National Forest, vic Thomes Pocket, ca 20 m off right bank of Thomes Creek, T25N R9W Sec20 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 59 47.0 N, 122 53 52.11 W, 39.9963888889 -122.8978083333, 1353m

209024R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59261999-06-17
United States, California, Tehama Co., Mendocino National Forest, Forest Rd M4, ca 300 m S (by rd) of road to Thomes Pocket, T25N R9W Sec20 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 59 25.6 N, 122 53 08.7 W, 39.9904444444 -122.88575, 1366m

209064R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59651999-06-21
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, pond ca 500 m bearing 66 degrees from Barley Lake, T20N R10W Sec16 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 35 34.3 N, 122 58 21.4 W, 39.5928611111 -122.9726111111, 1756m

209065R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59661999-06-21
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, pond ca 500 m bearing 66 degrees from Barley Lake, T20N R10W Sec16 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 35 34.3 N, 122 58 21.4 W, 39.5928611111 -122.9726111111, 1756m

209077R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59781999-06-21
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Forest Rd M1, 0.1 mi N (by rd) of Forest Rd 21N32, T21N R10W Sec9 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 41 25.1 N, 122 58 48.1 W, 39.6903055556 -122.9800277778, 1682m

209078R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59791999-06-21
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Forest Rd M1, 0.1 mi N (by rd) of Forest Rd 21N32, T21N R10W Sec9 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 41 25.1 N, 122 58 48.1 W, 39.6903055556 -122.9800277778, 1682m

209079R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59801999-06-21
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Forest Rd M1, 0.1 mi N (by rd) of Forest Rd 21N32, T21N R10W Sec9 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 41 25.1 N, 122 58 48.1 W, 39.6903055556 -122.9800277778, 1682m

209097R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59981999-06-22
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Fly Creek, T23N R10W Sec5 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 52 40.7 N, 122 59 58.7 W, 39.8779722222 -122.9996388889, 1146m

209098R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-59991999-06-22
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Fly Creek, T23N R10W Sec5 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 52 46.53 N, 123 00 04.31 W, 39.8795916667 -123.0011972222, 1122m

209099R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-60001999-06-22
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Fly Creek, T23N R10W Sec5 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 52 46.53 N, 123 00 04.31 W, 39.8795916667 -123.0011972222, 1122m

209104R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-61871999-06-22
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino National Forest, Fly Creek, T23N R10W Sec5 (SE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 52 15.73 N, 122 59 42.31 W, 39.8710361111 -122.9950861111, 1195m

209119R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-62041999-06-24
United States, California, Glenn Co., Mendocino National Forest, Black Butte River, downstream of The Basin, ca 200 m upstream of Horse Creek, T20N R9W Sec4 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 36 36.94 N, 122 52 5.47 W, 39.6102611111 -122.8681861111, 1006m

209120R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-62051999-06-24
United States, California, Glenn Co., Mendocino National Forest, Black Butte River, downstream of The Basin, ca 200 m upstream of Horse Creek, T20N R9W Sec4 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 36 36.94 N, 122 52 5.47 W, 39.6102611111 -122.8681861111, 1006m

209135R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-62201999-06-24
United States, California, Glenn Co., Mendocino National Forest, Black Butte River, downstream of The Basin, T20N R9W Sec4 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 37 28.6 N, 122 52 30.8 W, 39.6246111111 -122.8752222222, 975m

209150M.S. Koo and R.S. Lucas   MSK-3401999-05-25
United States, California, Lake Co., Mendocino National Forest, 5-way jct, Forest Rds 16N30, 16N38 and 16N21, T16N R9W Sec34 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 12 09.5 N, 122 50 58.6 W, 39.2026388889 -122.8496111111, 914m

209176M.S. Koo and R.S. Lucas   MSK-3661999-05-26
United States, California, Lake Co., Mendocino National Forest, East Fork Middle Creek, upstream from Middle Creek Campground, T16N R10W Sec11 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 15 29.3 N, 122 56 09.1 W, 39.2581388889 -122.9358611111, 475m

Elgaria multicarinata (Blainville, 1835)
209201J.A. Wilkinson and R.S. Lucas   JAW-11141999-07-07
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, Forest Rd 5S09 (Chowchilla Mtn Rd), 1.6 mi SW of jct with 4S04, T5S R21E Sec7 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 37 30 17.02 N, 119 43 1.46 W, 37.5047277778 -119.7170722222, 1445m

Elgaria multicarinata (Blainville, 1835)
209202J.A. Wilkinson and R.S. Lucas   JAW-11151999-07-07
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, Forest Rd 5S09 (Chowchilla Mtn Rd), 1.6 mi SW of jct with 4S04, T5S R21E Sec7 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 37 30 17.02 N, 119 43 1.46 W, 37.5047277778 -119.7170722222, 1445m

Elgaria multicarinata (Blainville, 1835)
209204J.A. Wilkinson and R.S. Lucas   JAW-11171999-07-08
United States, California, Mariposa Co., Sierra National Forest, Forest Rd 5S24 to `Sweetwater Mine', 2.9 mi NW from jct with Jerseydale Rd, 37 34 8.45 N, 119 52 44.07 W; T4S R19E Sec20 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 37.5690138889 -119.8789083333, 1295m

209250J.A. Wilkinson and R.S. Lucas   JAW-11701999-07-23
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Slate Creek, N of Forest Rd 512, T21N R9E Sec11 (SE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 41 46.84 N, 120 56 9.22 W, 39.6963444444 -120.9358944444, 1347m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209261J.A. Wilkinson and R.S. Lucas   JAW-11951999-07-25
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Howland Flat Springs, T21N R9E Sec5 (SE 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 42 42.5 N, 120 53 18.8 W, 39.7118055556 -120.8885555556, 1753m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209405J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-63891999-08-23
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Silver Lake to Gold Lake trail, ridge NW of Gold Lake, T24N R7E Sec13 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 56 31.6 N, 121 08 11.6 W, 39.9421111111 -121.1365555556, 1817m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209408J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-63921999-08-23
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Gold Lake, W shore, T24N R8E Sec18 (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 56 27.1 N, 121 07 58.55 W, 39.9408611111 -121.1329305556, 1817m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209409J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-63931999-08-23
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Gold Lake, W shore, T24N R8E Sec18 (NW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 56 27.1 N, 121 07 58.55 W, 39.9408611111 -121.1329305556, 1817m

209440J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64241999-08-25
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 26N28, 0.4 mi E of Forest Rd 26N25 (North Branch Mosquito Creek), unnamed meadow, T26N R7E Sec10 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 40 07 24.5 N, 121 10 47.8 W, 40.1234722222 -121.1799444444, 1414m

209441J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64251999-08-25
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 26N28, 0.4 mi E of Forest Rd 26N25 (North Branch Mosquito Creek), unnamed meadow, T26N R7E Sec10 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 40 07 24.5 N, 121 10 47.8 W, 40.1234722222 -121.1799444444, 1414m

209442J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64261999-08-25
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 26N28, 0.4 mi E of Forest Rd 26N25 (North Branch Mosquito Creek), unnamed meadow, T26N R7E Sec10 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 40 07 24.5 N, 121 10 47.8 W, 40.1234722222 -121.1799444444, 1414m

209443J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64271999-08-25
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 26N28, 0.4 mi E of Forest Rd 26N25 (North Branch Mosquito Creek), unnamed meadow, T26N R7E Sec10 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 40 07 24.5 N, 121 10 47.8 W, 40.1234722222 -121.1799444444, 1414m

209444J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64281999-08-25
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 26N28, 0.4 mi E of Forest Rd 26N25 (North Branch Mosquito Creek), unnamed meadow, T26N R7E Sec10 (SW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 40 07 24.5 N, 121 10 47.8 W, 40.1234722222 -121.1799444444, 1414m

209445J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64291999-08-26
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Soda Ravine, T26N R7E Sec8 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 40 07 3.56 N, 121 13 38.13 W, 40.1176555556 -121.2272583333, 1219m

209446J.A. Wilkinson and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64301999-08-26
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 26N25, vic headwaters of Soda Ravine, T26N R7E Sec8 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 40 07 4.43 N, 121 13 34.43 W, 40.1178972222 -121.2262305556, 1250m

Elgaria coerulea palmeri (Stejneger, 1893)
209461C.R. Feldman and R.S. Lucas   CRF-4101999-08-24
United States, California, Sierra Co., Plumas National Forest, unnamed pond 0.75 mi N of Poverty Hill via Forest Rd 21N11.2, Port Wine Ridge, 39 37 49.13 N, 121 00 7.52 W, T21N R9E Sec 32 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39.6303138889 -121.0020888889, 1341m

Elgaria coerulea palmeri (Stejneger, 1893)
209465C.R. Feldman and R.S. Lucas   CRF-4141999-08-24
United States, California, Sierra Co., Plumas National Forest, F.R.21N76, 0.5 mi NE of Poverty Hill Lookout via County Rd 690, Port Wine Ridge, 39 38 11.8 N, 120 57 47.9 W, T21N R9E Sec 34 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39.6366111111 -120.9633055556, 1634m

Elgaria coerulea palmeri (Stejneger, 1893)
209466C.R. Feldman and R.S. Lucas   CRF-4151999-08-24
United States, California, Sierra Co., Plumas National Forest, F.R.21N76, 0.5 mi NE of Poverty Hill Lookout via County Rd 690, Port Wine Ridge, 39 38 11.8 N, 120 57 47.9 W, T21N R9E Sec 34 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39.6366111111 -120.9633055556, 1634m

Elgaria coerulea palmeri (Stejneger, 1893)
209467C.R. Feldman and R.S. Lucas   CRF-4161999-08-24
United States, California, Sierra Co., Plumas National Forest, F.R.21N76, 0.5 mi NE of Poverty Hill Lookout via County Rd 690, Port Wine Ridge, 39 38 11.8 N, 120 57 47.9 W, T21N R9E Sec 34 (NE 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39.6366111111 -120.9633055556, 1634m

Elgaria coerulea palmeri (Stejneger, 1893)
209473C.R. Feldman and R.S. Lucas   CRF-4221999-08-26
United States, California, Yuba Co., Plumas National Forest, Strawberry Valley US Forest Service Fire Station, ca 0.5 mi NE of Strawberry Valley via County Rd 511 (La Porte Rd), 39 34 16.64 N, 121 06 02.32 W, T20N R8E Sec 20 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39.5712888889 -121.1006455556, 1152m

Elgaria coerulea palmeri (Stejneger, 1893)
209474C.R. Feldman and R.S. Lucas   CRF-4231999-08-26
United States, California, Yuba Co., Plumas National Forest, Strawberry Valley US Forest Service Fire Station, ca 0.5 mi NE of Strawberry Valley via County Rd 511 (La Porte Rd), 39 34 16.64 N, 121 06 02.32 W, T20N R8E Sec 20 (SE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39.5712888889 -121.1006455556, 1152m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209511R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64791999-09-14
United States, California, Colusa Co., Mendocino National Forest, Forest Rd M10, 0.7 mi W (by rd) of Letts Creek, T17N R8W Sec14 (SW 1/4 of SW 1/4), 39 19 12.71 N, 122 44 0.69 W, 39.3201972222 -122.733525, 1158m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209514R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64821999-09-15
United States, California, Colusa Co., Mendocino National Forest, South Fork Stony Creek, T17N R8W Sec11 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39 20 06.92 N, 122 43 29.83 W, 39.3352555556 -122.7249527778, 951m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209516R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64841999-09-15
United States, California, Colusa Co., Mendocino National Forest, South Fork Stony Creek, T17N R8W Sec14 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39 19 55.76 N, 122 43 43.68 W, 39.3321555556 -122.7288, 975m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209518R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64861999-09-15
United States, California, Colusa Co., Mendocino National Forest, South Fork Stony Creek, T17N R8W Sec14 (SE 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 19 40.99 N, 122 43 55.45 W, 39.3280527778 -122.7320694444, 994m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209519R.S. Lucas and J.V. Vindum   JVV-64871999-09-15
United States, California, Colusa Co., Mendocino National Forest, South Fork Stony Creek, T17N R8W Sec14 (SE 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39 19 39.51 N, 122 43 55.77 W, 39.3276416667 -122.7321583333, 1000m

209551J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10321999-06-08
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, pond on W side of Forest Rd 119, ca 2.95 mi NE (by rd) of Madrone Lake, 39 40 27.21 N, 121 23 3.99 W, T21N R5E Sec 14 (NE 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39.674225 -121.3844416667, 732m

209555J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10361999-06-08
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 496, 4.0 mi SE (by rd) from Ram Creek crossing, 39 42 37.99 N, 121 20 1.62 W, T21N R6E Sec 5 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39.7105527778 -121.3337833333, 872m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209560J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10371999-06-08
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, Ram Creek crossing of Forest Rd 496, 39 43 19.61 N, 121 21 50.79 W, T22N R5E Sec 36 (NW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39.7221138889 -121.3641083333, 616m

209568J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10461999-06-08
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, in grassy field next to Forest Rd 22N38, near tributary of French Creek, 39 42 32.1 N, 121 22 19.2 W, T24N R5E Sec 1 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39.7089166667 -121.372, 634m

209572J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10491999-06-10
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, along Forest Rd 119 at Mountain House, 39 42 22.2 N, 121 19 27.0 W, T21N R6E Sec 5 (SW 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39.7061666667 -121.3241666667, 1085m

209573J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10621999-06-11
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 22N39, 3.4 mi S (by rd) of French Creek crossing at Forest Rd 23N00, between Four Mile Ridge Rd and French Creek Rd, 39 43 27.25 N, 121 20 51.27 W, T22N R6E Sec 30 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39.7242361111 -121.347575, 689m

209574J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10611999-06-11
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, Forest Rd 22N39, 3.4 mi S (by rd) of French Creek crossing at Forest Rd 23N00, between Four Mile Ridge Rd and French Creek Rd, 39 43 27.25 N, 121 20 51.27 W, T22N R6E Sec 30 (SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), 39.7242361111 -121.347575, 689m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209577J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10641999-06-12
United States, California, Butte Co., Plumas National Forest, French Creek, 39 44 17.3 N, 121 21 29.6 W, T22N R5E Sec 25 (NE 1/4 of NE 1/4), 39.7381388889 -121.3582222222, 634m

Elgaria coerulea (Wiegmann, 1828)
209599J.A. Wilkinson and K.D. Wiseman   JAW-10871999-06-15
United States, California, Plumas Co., Plumas National Forest, in meadow S of Silver Creek, 39 56 03.5 N, 121 04 51.1 W, T24N R8E Sec 22 (NW 1/4 of NW 1/4), 39.9343055556 -121.0808611111, 1170m

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