Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Hylidae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 175, records 17401-17498 of 17498


Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259585T.G. Balgooyen   1977-03-20
United States, California, Shasta Co., Gilman Rd near Shasta Lake Reservior, 40.8869138889 -122.2804861111, 320m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259586T.G. Balgooyen   1977-03-20
United States, California, Shasta Co., Gilman Rd near Shasta Lake Reservior, 40.8869138889 -122.2804861111, 320m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259587T.G. Balgooyen   1977-03-20
United States, California, Shasta Co., Gilman Rd near Shasta Lake Reservior, 40.8869138889 -122.2804861111, 320m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259588T.G. Balgooyen   1977-03-20
United States, California, Shasta Co., Gilman Rd near Shasta Lake Reservior, 40.8869138889 -122.2804861111, 320m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259589T.G. Balgooyen   1977-03-20
United States, California, Shasta Co., Gilman Rd near Shasta Lake Reservior, 40.8869138889 -122.2804861111, 320m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259590T.G. Balgooyen   1977-03-20
United States, California, Shasta Co., Gilman Rd near Shasta Lake Reservior, 40.8869138889 -122.2804861111, 320m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259591T.G. Balgooyen   1979-04-06
United States, Oregon, Douglas Co., Roseburg, Iverson Memorial County Park, 43.1390444444 -123.6483722222

Smilisca baudinii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
259592M.T. Hart   0000-00-00
El Salvador, San Salvador Dept., San Salvador, 13.6929416667 -89.2181916667

Ptychohyla salvadorensis (Mertens, 1952)
259593M.T. Hart and F. Serrano   0000-00-00
El Salvador, Santa Ana Dept., El Salvador Hacienda, Los Planes, Montecristo National Park, Metapan, 14.393025 -89.3780888889

Limnaoedus ocularis (Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801)
259594   1975-04-02
United States, Georgia, Glynn Co., Route 82, 9 mi E of Lulaton, 31.2326972222 -81.7501138889

Limnaoedus ocularis (Bosc and Daudin in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801)
259595   1975-04-02
United States, Georgia, Glynn Co., Route 82, 9 mi E of Lulaton, 31.2326972222 -81.7501138889

Hyla eximia Baird, 1854
259596J. Boundy   1988-08-05
United States, Arizona, Apache Co., Junction of forest route 9 and 224, 6 mi NE of McNary, 34.1323 -109.7888694444

Acris crepitans Baird, 1854
259597   1952-05-20
United States, Kansas, Marshall Co., Waterville, 39.6911111111 -96.7475194444

Acris crepitans Baird, 1854
259598   1952-05-20
United States, Kansas, Marshall Co., Waterville, 39.6911111111 -96.7475194444

Acris crepitans Baird, 1854
259599J. Boundy and A.W. Ford   1987-08-15
United States, Texas, Maverick Co., Tequesquite Creek, 28 mi SE of Del Rio, 29.0660138889 -100.6368222222

Acris crepitans Baird, 1854
259600J. Boundy and A.W. Ford   1987-08-15
United States, Texas, Maverick Co., Tequesquite Creek, 28 mi SE of Del Rio, 29.0660138889 -100.6368222222

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259604K.D. Wiseman   KDW-5562015-04-20
United States, California, Marin Co., Carey Camp Creek, ca 980 m upstream of confluence with San Anslemo Creek, 37 58 35.28 N, 122 37 33.34 W, 37.9764666667 -122.6259277778, 158m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259630K.D. Wiseman   KDW-5582015-05-12
United States, California, Madera Co., N Fork Willow Creek, ca 75 m downstream of Manzanita Lake Dam, 37 14 37.40 N, 119 30 56.47 W, 37.2437222222 -119.5156861111, 853m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259631K.D. Wiseman   KDW-5872015-07-21
United States, California, Napa Co., Garnett Creek, ca 30 m downstream of Greenwood Ave crossing, 38 35 33.59 N, 122 35 28.98 W, 38.5926638889 -122.5913833333, 116m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259639K.D. Wiseman   KDW-5972015-08-14
United States, California, Alpine Co., unnamed pond ca 100 m N of Mosquito Lake, 38 31 1.16 N, 119 54 37.48 W, 38.5169888889 -119.9104111111, 2466m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259644K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6032015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of unnamed pond between Gold Lake and Goose Lake, 39 40 39.83 N, 120 38 24.07 W, 39.6777305556 -120.6400194444, 2021m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259645K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6042015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of unnamed pond between Gold Lake and Goose Lake, 39 40 39.83 N, 120 38 24.07 W, 39.6777305556 -120.6400194444, 2021m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259646K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6052015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of unnamed pond between Gold Lake and Goose Lake, 39 40 39.83 N, 120 38 24.07 W, 39.6777305556 -120.6400194444, 2021m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259647K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6062015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of unnamed pond between Gold Lake and Goose Lake, 39 40 39.83 N, 120 38 24.07 W, 39.6777305556 -120.6400194444, 2021m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259648K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6072015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of unnamed pond between Gold Lake and Goose Lake, 39 40 39.83 N, 120 38 24.07 W, 39.6777305556 -120.6400194444, 2021m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259651K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6102015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of Goose Lake, 39 40 33.56 N, 120 38 15.14 W, 39.6759888889 -120.6375388889, 2033m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259652K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6112015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., N shore of Goose Lake, 39 40 33.56 N, 120 38 15.14 W, 39.6759888889 -120.6375388889, 2033m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259653K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6122015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., SE shore of Haven Lake, 39 40 13.04 N, 120 37 55.99 W, 39.6702888889 -120.6322194444, 2030m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259654K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6132015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., SE shore of Haven Lake, 39 40 13.04 N, 120 37 55.99 W, 39.6702888889 -120.6322194444, 2030m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259655K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6142015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., Unnamed meadow pond across from Haven Lake, over Gold Lakes Hwy, 39 40 24.78 N, 120 37 45.34 W, 39.67355 -120.6292611111, 2030m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259656K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6152015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., Unnamed meadow pond across from Haven Lake, over Gold Lakes Hwy, 39 40 24.78 N, 120 37 45.34 W, 39.67355 -120.6292611111, 2030m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259657K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6162015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., Unnamed meadow pond across from Haven Lake, over Gold Lakes Hwy, 39 40 24.78 N, 120 37 45.34 W, 39.67355 -120.6292611111, 2030m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259659K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6182015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., W shore of Snag Lake, 39 40 11.96 N, 120 37 44.29 W, 39.6699888889 -120.6289694444, 2033m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259660K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6192015-08-15
United States, California, Sierra Co., W shore of Snag Lake, 39 40 11.96 N, 120 37 44.29 W, 39.6699888889 -120.6289694444, 2033m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259669K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6302015-09-28
United States, California, Amador Co., N fork Mokelumne River, ca 140 m upstream of Blue Hole, 38 29 50.58 N, 120 8 6.64 W, 38.4973833333 -120.1351777778, 1234m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259683K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6442015-12-18
United States, California, Stanislaus Co., Del Puerto Canyon Rd, ca 4.5 mi W (by rd) of I-5 intersection, 37 28 2.53 N, 121 14 38.90 W, 37.4673694444 -121.2441388889, 125m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259684K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6452015-12-19
United States, California, San Joaquin Co., Corral Hollow Rd, 0.17 mi E (by rd) of Alameda Co. border, 37.6352972222 -121.5544138889, 210m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259685K.D. Wiseman   KDW-5602015-05-12
United States, California, Madera Co., S Fork Willow Creek, ca 50 m downstream of dam, 37 12 54.24 N, 119 29 41.14 W, 37.2150666667 -119.4947611111, 759m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
259688K.D. Wiseman and S.J. Kupferberg   KDW-6222015-09-11
United States, California, Alameda Co., Alameda Creek at Little Yosemite, 37 30 19.57 N 121 48 51.8 W, 37.5054361111 -121.8143888889, 180m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
260898E.J. Ely and F.E. Ely   EJE-1952016-11-26
United States, California, Solano Co., Gates Canyon Rd, 1.4 mi (by rd) W of junction with Pleasant Valley Rd, 38 22 52.19 N, 122 2 51.38 W, 38.3811638889 -122.0476055556, 141m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
260971E.J. Ely and F.E. Ely   EJE-2072016-12-15
United States, California, Stanislaus Co., Diablo Range, Del Puerto Canyon Rd, ca 20 mi (by rd) W of junction with Hwy 5, 37 24 1.2 N, 121 26 35.0 W, 37.4003333333 -121.4430555556, 617m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
261536L.A. Scheinberg and R.A. Chasey   LAS-372017-03-18
United States, California, Kern Co., Short Canyon, 0.3 km WSW (by air) of parking area at end of Short Canyon Rd, small stream at camping area, 35 42 38.2 N, 117 55 7.65 W, 35.7106111111 -117.9187916667, 1067m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
261537L.A. Scheinberg and R.A. Chasey   LAS-382017-03-18
United States, California, Kern Co., Short Canyon, 0.3 km WSW (by air) of parking area at end of Short Canyon Rd, small stream at camping area, 35 42 38.2 N, 117 55 7.65 W, 35.7106111111 -117.9187916667, 1067m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262212L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96522017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 1 km SW (by rd) of South Steens Campground, roadside pond, 42 39 03.57 N, 118 44 18.78 W, 42.6509916667 -118.73855, 1621m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262213L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96532017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 1 km SW (by rd) of South Steens Campground, roadside pond, 42 39 03.57 N, 118 44 18.78 W, 42.6509916667 -118.73855, 1621m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262214L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96542017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 1 km SW (by rd) of South Steens Campground, roadside pond, 42 39 03.57 N, 118 44 18.78 W, 42.6509916667 -118.73855, 1621m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262215L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96552017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 1 km SW (by rd) of South Steens Campground, roadside pond, 42 39 03.57 N, 118 44 18.78 W, 42.6509916667 -118.73855, 1621m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262216L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96562017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 1 km SW (by rd) of South Steens Campground, roadside pond, 42 39 03.57 N, 118 44 18.78 W, 42.6509916667 -118.73855, 1621m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262226L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96662017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 10.2 km SE (by rd) of junction with Catlow Valley Rd (Hwy 205), cattle pond on E side of rd, 42 40 06.74 N, 118 55 11.84 W, 42.6685388889 -118.9199555556, 1680m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262227L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96672017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 10.2 km SE (by rd) of junction with Catlow Valley Rd (Hwy 205), cattle pond on E side of rd, 42 40 06.74 N, 118 55 11.84 W, 42.6685388889 -118.9199555556, 1680m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262228L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96682017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 10.2 km SE (by rd) of junction with Catlow Valley Rd (Hwy 205), cattle pond on E side of rd, 42 40 06.74 N, 118 55 11.84 W, 42.6685388889 -118.9199555556, 1680m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262229L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96692017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 10.2 km SE (by rd) of junction with Catlow Valley Rd (Hwy 205), cattle pond on E side of rd, 42 40 06.74 N, 118 55 11.84 W, 42.6685388889 -118.9199555556, 1680m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262230L.A. Scheinberg, J.V. Vindum, J.A. Wilkinson, and E.J. Ely   JVV-96702017-06-30
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Steens Mtn Loop Rd, ca 10.2 km SE (by rd) of junction with Catlow Valley Rd (Hwy 205), cattle pond on E side of rd, 42 40 06.74 N, 118 55 11.84 W, 42.6685388889 -118.9199555556, 1680m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262236J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, and J.A. Wilkinson   JVV-96762017-07-01
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Fish Lake Rd, pond 4.5 km E of junction with N Loop Rd and Blitzen River crossing, 42 48 08.7 N, 118 49 03.2 W, 42.8024166667 -118.8175555556, 1443m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262237J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, and J.A. Wilkinson   JVV-96772017-07-01
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Fish Lake Rd, pond 4.5 km E of junction with N Loop Rd and Blitzen River crossing, 42 48 08.7 N, 118 49 03.2 W, 42.8024166667 -118.8175555556, 1443m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262238J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, and J.A. Wilkinson   JVV-96782017-07-01
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Fish Lake Rd, pond 4.5 km E of junction with N Loop Rd and Blitzen River crossing, 42 48 08.7 N, 118 49 03.2 W, 42.8024166667 -118.8175555556, 1443m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262239J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, and J.A. Wilkinson   JVV-96792017-07-01
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Fish Lake Rd, pond 4.5 km E of junction with N Loop Rd and Blitzen River crossing, 42 48 08.7 N, 118 49 03.2 W, 42.8024166667 -118.8175555556, 1443m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262240J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, and J.A. Wilkinson   JVV-96802017-07-01
United States, Oregon, Harney Co., Steens Mtn Wilderness, Fish Lake Rd, pond 4.5 km E of junction with N Loop Rd and Blitzen River crossing, 42 48 08.7 N, 118 49 03.2 W, 42.8024166667 -118.8175555556, 1443m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262243J.A. Wilkinson, J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg and E.J. Ely   JVV-96832017-07-02
United States, Oregon, Malheur Co., Oregon Canyon Mtns, Mud Spring Rd, 15.8 km SE (by rd) of junction with Whitehorse Ranch Lane, cattle pond 200 m S of rd, 42 15 44.0 N, 118 04 26.7 W, 42.2622222222 -118.0740833333, 1949m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262244J.A. Wilkinson, J.V. Vindum, L.A. Scheinberg and E.J. Ely   JVV-96842017-07-02
United States, Oregon, Malheur Co., Oregon Canyon Mtns, Mud Spring Rd, 15.8 km SE (by rd) of junction with Whitehorse Ranch Lane, cattle pond 200 m S of rd, 42 15 44.0 N, 118 04 26.7 W, 42.2622222222 -118.0740833333, 1949m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262278L.A. Scheinberg and L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-412017-08-29
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Stough Reservoir, ca 1 mi N of Hwy 299 on FR 43N07, 41 33 45.3636 N, 120 15 13.4418 W, 41.562601 -120.2537338333, 1920m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262279L.A. Scheinberg and L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-422017-08-29
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Stough Reservoir, ca 1 mi N of Hwy 299 on FR 43N07, 41 33 45.3636 N, 120 15 13.4418 W, 41.562601 -120.2537338333, 1920m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262280L.A. Scheinberg and L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-432017-08-29
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Stough Reservoir, ca 1 mi N of Hwy 299 on FR 43N07, 41 33 45.3636 N, 120 15 13.4418 W, 41.562601 -120.2537338333, 1920m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262286L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-492017-08-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Fandango Pass, CR 4 (Fandango Pass Rd), roadside ditch ca 3 km E of junction with CR 133C, 41 51 30.9492 N, 120 16 30.705 W, 41.858597 -120.2751958333, 1596m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262287L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-502017-08-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Fandango Pass, CR 4 (Fandango Pass Rd), roadside ditch ca 3 km E of junction with CR 133C, 41 51 30.9492 N, 120 16 30.705 W, 41.858597 -120.2751958333, 1596m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262288L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-512017-08-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Fandango Pass, CR 4 (Fandango Pass Rd), roadside ditch ca 3 km E of junction with CR 133C, 41 51 30.9492 N, 120 16 30.705 W, 41.858597 -120.2751958333, 1596m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262290L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-532017-08-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Willow Creek, near bridge on CR 133C, 41 52 26.8422 N, 120 18 10.4394 W, 41.8741228333 -120.3028998333, 1522m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262291L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-542017-08-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Lassen Creek, 1.9 km E of Lassen Creek Campground on CR 30, 41 48 46.0836 N, 120 17 7.3932 W, 41.812801 -120.285387, 1719m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262292L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-552017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, CR 2, roadside ditch ca 1 km N of Rack Lake, 41 59 20.2128 N, 120 13 49.2528 W, 41.988948 -120.230348, 1776m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262294L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-572017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Rack Lake, 2.3 km W of Lily Lake on CR 2, 41 58 59.8398 N, 120 13 51.9018 W, 41.9832888333 -120.2310838333, 1875m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262295L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-582017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Rack Lake, 2.3 km W of Lily Lake on CR 2, 41 58 59.8398 N, 120 13 51.9018 W, 41.9832888333 -120.2310838333, 1875m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262296L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-592017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Rack Lake, 2.3 km W of Lily Lake on CR 2, 41 58 59.8398 N, 120 13 51.9018 W, 41.9832888333 -120.2310838333, 1875m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262297L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-602017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Rack Lake, 2.3 km W of Lily Lake on CR 2, 41 58 59.8398 N, 120 13 51.9018 W, 41.9832888333 -120.2310838333, 1875m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262298L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-612017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, Rack Lake, 2.3 km W of Lily Lake on CR 2, 41 58 59.8398 N, 120 13 51.9018 W, 41.9832888333 -120.2310838333, 1875m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262303L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-662017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, FR 48N21, Dismal Swamp, ca 1 km S of Oregon border, 41 59 8.7612 N, 120 10 44.3532 W, 41.985767 -120.178987, 2221m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262304L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-672017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, FR 48N21, Dismal Swamp, ca 1 km S of Oregon border, 41 59 8.7612 N, 120 10 44.3532 W, 41.985767 -120.178987, 2221m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262305L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-682017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, FR 48N21, Dismal Swamp, ca 1 km S of Oregon border, 41 59 8.7612 N, 120 10 44.3532 W, 41.985767 -120.178987, 2221m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262306L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely and, L.C. Wilkinson   LAS-692017-08-31
United States, California, Modoc Co., Warner Mtns, FR 48N21, Dismal Swamp, ca 1 km S of Oregon border, 41 59 8.7612 N, 120 10 44.3532 W, 41.985767 -120.178987, 2221m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
262684L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, and M.F. Westphal   EJE-2342018-04-13
United States, California, Fresno Co., Little Panoche Valley, 2.5 km W (by rd) from junction with Little Panoche Rd (J1), 200 m N of private dirt rd that runs along Mine Creek, seep above easternmost pond, 36 45 2.8 N, 120 53 3.28 W, 36.7507777778 -120.8842444444, 309m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263130K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6642017-04-10
United States, California, San Mateo Co., Denniston Creek Water Treatment Plant, 37 31 25.97 N, 122 29 14.21 W, 37.5238805556 -122.4872805556, 44m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263164K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6932017-08-26
United States, California, Fresno Co., Deep Creek, ca. 170 m upstream of Big Creek Road crossing, 36 56 02.47 N, 119 14 50.10 W, 36.9340194444 -119.24725, 363m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263165K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6942017-08-26
United States, California, Fresno Co., Deep Creek, ca. 170 m upstream of Big Creek Road crossing, 36 56 02.47 N, 119 14 50.10 W, 36.9340194444 -119.24725, 363m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263214L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-702018-05-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountains, unnamed lake 100m from Highgrade Spur, off County Rd 2, 41 58 55.16 N, 120 12 48.13 W, 41.9819888889 -120.2133694444, 2058m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263215L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-712018-05-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountains, unnamed lake 100m from Highgrade Spur, off County Rd 2, 41 58 55.16 N, 120 12 48.13 W, 41.9819888889 -120.2133694444, 2058m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263216L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-722018-05-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountains, unnamed lake 100m from Highgrade Spur, off County Rd 2, 41 58 55.16 N, 120 12 48.13 W, 41.9819888889 -120.2133694444, 2058m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263217L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-732018-05-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountains, unnamed lake 100m from Highgrade Spur, off County Rd 2, 41 58 55.16 N, 120 12 48.13 W, 41.9819888889 -120.2133694444, 2058m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263218L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-742018-05-30
United States, California, Modoc Co., Modoc National Forest, Warner Mountains, unnamed lake 100m from Highgrade Spur, off County Rd 2, 41 58 55.16 N, 120 12 48.13 W, 41.9819888889 -120.2133694444, 2058m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263219L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-782018-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lake Co., Warner Mountains, Fremont-Winema National Forest, Co Hwy 2-22, 0.21 rd mi SW of intersection with Black Cap Rd, 42 11 48.6 N, 120 18 22.9 W, 42.1968333333 -120.3063611111, 1666m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263220L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-792018-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lake Co., Warner Mountains, Fremont-Winema National Forest, unnamed pond on N side of NF-3910, 0.9 road mile E of intersection with NF-3915, 42 9 42.6 N, 120 13 55.9 E, 42.1618333333 -120.2321944444, 1993m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263221L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-802018-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lake Co., Warner Mountains, Fremont-Winema National Forest, unnamed pond on N side of NF-3910, 0.9 road mile E of intersection with NF-3915, 42 9 42.6 N, 120 13 55.9 E, 42.1618333333 -120.2321944444, 1993m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263222L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-812018-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lake Co., Warner Mountains, Fremont-Winema National Forest, unnamed pond on N side of NF-3910, 0.9 road mile E of intersection with NF-3915, 42 9 42.6 N, 120 13 55.9 E, 42.1618333333 -120.2321944444, 1993m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263223L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-822018-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lake Co., Warner Mountains, Fremont-Winema National Forest, unnamed pond on N side of NF-3910, 0.9 road mile E of intersection with NF-3915, 42 9 42.6 N, 120 13 55.9 E, 42.1618333333 -120.2321944444, 1993m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263224L.A. Scheinberg, E.J. Ely, T.P. O'Collins, J.V. Vindum   LAS-832018-05-31
United States, Oregon, Lake Co., Warner Mountains, Fremont-Winema National Forest, unnamed pond on N side of NF-3910, 0.9 road mile E of intersection with NF-3915, 42 9 42.6 N, 120 13 55.9 E, 42.1618333333 -120.2321944444, 1993m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
263260K.D. Wiseman   KDW-6982017-08-30
United States, California, Amador Co., Eastern edge of Twin Lake, 38 36 21.32 N, 119 55 55.44 W, 38.6059222222 -119.9320666667, 2486m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
264619E.J. Ely and F.E. Ely   EJE-2822019-05-05
United States, California, Fresno Co., Diablo Range, Hot Springs Canyon, Coalinga Mineral Springs Rd, 1.3 mi (by rd) N of California State Route 198, 36 06 43.56 N, 120 31 18.77 W, 36.1121 -120.5218805556, 482m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
264828E.J. Ely and F.E. Ely   EJE-3082019-08-04
United States, California, San Benito Co., Diablo Range, Laguna Creek at Coalinga Rd, 36 22 04.10 N, 120 50 26.08, 36.3678055556 -120.8405777778, 795m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
264829E.J. Ely and F.E. Ely   EJE-3092019-08-04
United States, California, San Benito Co., Diablo Range, Laguna Creek at Coalinga Rd, 36 22 04.10 N, 120 50 26.08, 36.3678055556 -120.8405777778, 795m

Hyla regilla Baird and Girard, 1852
264952E.J. Ely and F.E. Ely   EJE-3162019-10-19
United States, California, Stanislaus Co., Colorado Creek crossing at Mines Rd, 4.1 mi (by rd) S of Alameda Co. line, 37 26 07.28 N, 121 30 45.45 W, 37.4353555556 -121.512625, 787m

Page 175, records 17401-17498 of 17498

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