Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Bathygadidae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-111 of 111


Gadomus dispar (Vaillant, 1888)
14533U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries   1958-06-09
United States, Florida, Off the east coast., 28.05 -78.733333

Bathygadus spongiceps Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920
86482Iwamoto, Tomio; et al   1995-09-24
Philippines, Lagonoy Gulf, 13.355278 124.204444

Gadomus introniger Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920
86483Iwamoto, Tomio; et al   1995-09-24
Philippines, Lagonoy Gulf, 13.355278 124.204444

Gadomus Regan, 1903
66469Parin, Nikolai V.; et al   1988-10-28
Yemen, Eastern slope., 12.38 53.045

Gadomus capensis (Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1924)
66520Anderson, M. Eric   1988-12-08
Walters Shoal., -33.02 44.613333

Bathygadus favosus Goode and Bean, 1886
66517Anderson, M. Eric   1988-12-09
Walters Shoals., -32.883333 45.191667

Gadomus capensis (Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1924)
220503Anderson, M. Eric   1988-12-09
Walters Shoals., -32.883333 45.191667

Gadomus capensis (Gilchrist and von Bonde, 1924)
66519Anderson, M. Eric   1988-12-19
Walters Shoals., -33.968333 45.016667

Bathygadus favosus Goode and Bean, 1886
66473Parin, Nikolai V.; et al   1989-01-10
Mascarene Ridge, northwest of Saya de Malha Bank., -8.533333 59.683333

Gadomus multifilis (Günther, 1887)
66429Parin, Nikolai V.; et al   1989-01-10
Mascarene Ridge, northwest of Saya de Malha Bank., -8.533333 59.683333

Gadomus melanopterus Gilbert, 1905
8545U.S. Fish Commission   
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii

Page 2, records 101-111 of 111

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