Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Haemulidae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 1383


207512Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-22
Micronesia, Yap State, East of Gagil I.; sand flats on inner side of fringing reef; scattered batches of coral and sand., 9.5025 138.167778

207405Bapilung, Manggur, Sumang, Bronson   1959-12-24
Micronesia, Yap State, Southeast side of Gagil I.; basalt ledge extending seaward from mangroves growing on sand; water clear, 2-4' deep., 9.507222 138.172222

207426Sumang; Bapilung   1959-12-31
Micronesia, Yap State, 1/4 mile northeast of Colonia; lagoon enclosed by stone causeway, mud and eel grass bottom., 9.510278 138.127778

207441Bapilung; Bronson   1960-01-02
Micronesia, Northeast of Tomil Village; crater-like depression in the reef, just offshore from a small brackish stream., 9.508056 138.160278

207519Sumang, Manggur & Bapilung   1960-01-05
Micronesia, Yap State, Mangrove channel on east side of Yin Village; water white, turbid, 1-9' deep; current 1.25 knots., 9.408333 138.126389

207517Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1960-01-06
Micronesia, Yap State, Shallow reef pool ca. 1 mi. SW of Ruquen Point and ca. 1/2 mile N. of Ueloi Village; water white, turbid, 2-6' deep., 9.5625 138.183333

207361Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1960-01-06
Micronesia, Yap State, Shallow reef pool ca. 1 mi. SW of Ruquen Point and ca. 1/2 mile N. of Ueloi Village; water white, turbid, 2-6' deep., 9.5625 138.183333

207425Sumang, Manggur & Bapilung   1960-01-08
Micronesia, Yap State, Bruggumang reef of Rumung Island, ca. 1/2 mi. NE of Mochol Village; shallow reef pool w/ dark sand bottom and corals., 9.609722 138.163889

207515Sumang, Manggur, & Bapilung   1960-01-11
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef pool on Trfung reef west of Okau area ca. 200-300 yds. west of Okau village., 9.5375 138.091389

207456Manggur, Sumang & Bapilung   1960-01-13
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef flat ca. 300-350 yds. northeast of hospital and ca. 100-150 yds. southwest of Keng Village., 9.348333 138.166667

207354Sumang   1960-01-15
Micronesia, Yap State, Ca. 200 yds. west of police station; water white, turbid, 1-5' deep; rising tide; 3-4' off clay/volcanic rock shore., 9.511111 138.127778

207432Sumang, Y.   1959-07-09
Palau, Causeway between Arakabesan and Koror Is.; murky water 50-100 ft. from basalt shore., 7.342778 134.469722

207461Sumang; Tarimel   1959-07-16
Palau, Koror State, 1/3 mile north of Madalai; sink hole in reef, mixed coral growth; water turgid, 0-2 fms. deep; falling tide., 7.351667 134.476667

207511Sumang   1959-11-11
Palau, Northeast of Nardueis I.; soft corals, sponges, coral & algae growing on slope of island, some mangroves nearby., 7.368889 134.598333

207453Sumang, Mikel & Bronson   1959-11-23
Palau, South point of Babelthuap I.; water murky, 0-5' deep; 0-60' off limestone shore; tide low, rising; current 0-0.5 knot, 7.348611 134.532778

207352Sumang, Mikel & Bronson   1959-11-23
Palau, South point of Babelthuap I.; water murky, 0-5' deep; 0-60' off limestone shore; tide low, rising; current 0-0.5 knot, 7.348611 134.532778

207404Sumang, Mikel & Bronson   1959-11-23
Palau, South point of Babelthuap I.; water murky, 0-5' deep; 0-60' off limestone shore; tide low, rising; current 0-0.5 knot, 7.348611 134.532778

207388Sumang, Mikel & Bronson   1959-11-25
Palau, Melekeok State, River estuary in mangrove swamp; water very muddy, 2-10' deep; 0-50' off muddy shore; current ca. 0.25-1 knot., 7.441389 134.484444

207418Bolin, Rolf L.   1960-01-24
Thailand, Off Iles D'an Thoi, Dao Tho Chu; 13 miles offshore, water 16 fms. deep., 9.833333 103.866667

207513Bolin, Knudsen, Greenbaum et al   1960-01-28
Thailand, Ko Chang, small cove on southwest shore., 11.980556 102.3

207378Bolin, Serene, Greenbaum, Matsui, Lam   1960-02-23
Vietnam, Hon Lon, Ving Damlon., 12.201667 109.291667

207459R.L. Bolin, Serene, Matsui, Luom et al   1960-02-24
Vietnam, Near Nhatrang; fringing coral reef with very narrow sandy trough behind it, along beach between two rocky headlands., 12.361111 109.260556

207428Bolin, Rolf L.; et al   1960-03-10
Vietnam, West shore of Ilot Du Sud (Cu Lao Thu), off southern tip of Poulo Cecir de Mer; coral reef habitat., 10.4875 108.958333

207454Thai fishermen   1960-04-03
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Prajuobkirikan, ca. 5 mi. offshore in 40m water; via Bangkok fish market., 11.789849 99.816615

Gaterin chaetodonoides
30655Pairojana, Song, Bronson, natives   1960-04-21
Thailand, Rayong, Parsho Bay at north end of Ko Samet; small Porites coral heads with sand areas on seaward side., 12.573611 101.462778

Gaterin chaetodonoides
30656Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-17
Thailand, Chumphon, Prond Bay, at southwest corner of Goh Samed, ca. 100 m from shore; many kinds of coral, no vegetation., 10.434444 99.2925

207402Suka (Thai fisherman)   1960-05-18
Thailand, Chumphon, Se. tip of Goh Matapoan, ca. 500m ne. of Ban Parknam fishing village; 15-25' offshore; water brown, turbid., 10.445278 99.2575

207439Suka (Thai fisherman)   1960-05-18
Thailand, Chumphon, Se. tip of Goh Matapoan, ca. 500m ne. of Ban Parknam fishing village; 15-25' offshore; water brown, turbid., 10.445278 99.2575

207430Suka (Thai fisherman)   1960-05-18
Thailand, Chumphon, Se. tip of Goh Matapoan, ca. 500m ne. of Ban Parknam fishing village; 15-25' offshore; water brown, turbid., 10.445278 99.2575

207397Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-22
Thailand, Chumphon, rocky shore ca. 1000m sw. of Kau Larn, ca. 5800m nnw. of Ban Parknam fishing village., 10.495278 99.255278

207399Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana & Song   1960-05-22
Thailand, Chumphon, Klong Panangtak in vic. of Ban Thup Tanhot, ca. 5 km. from Chumphon Town; water brown, turbid, 0-8' deep., 10.516667 99.2

207429Pairojana, Song, Prachuob, Chumnit   1960-05-23
Thailand, Chumphon, Sand beach west of Goh Matapoan; 0-250 yds. off mangrove shore; water clear, 0-3' deep; tide rising, high., 10.446111 99.2575

207409Bronson, Pairojana, Song, Prachuob   1960-05-24
Thailand, Chumphon, Small bay on west side of Goh Samed; some algae on rocks; 0-75' off sand/stone shore; water turbid, 0-4' deep., 10.441667 99.296389

207351Pairojana, Song, Thai fishermen   1960-05-26
Thailand, Chumphon, Sand bar between Goh Matapoan and Ban Parknam Chumphon fishing village; ca. 150 yds. offshore; water very turbid., 10.442778 99.256667

207372Song, Chumnit, Thai fishermen   1960-05-27
Thailand, Chumphon, Southeast side of sand bar connecting Goh Matapoan with Ban Parknam Chumphon fishing village; water turbid, 0-12' deep, 10.442778 99.256667

207383Song, Chumnit, Thai fishermen   1960-05-27
Thailand, Chumphon, Southeast side of sand bar connecting Goh Matapoan with Ban Parknam Chumphon fishing village; water turbid, 0-12' deep, 10.442778 99.256667

207384Pairojana, Song, Prachuob   1960-05-27
Thailand, Chumphon, Sand and rocky shore ca. 1000 yds. southeast of Kau Matsee; scattered rocks on fine sand; water brown, turbid., 10.430833 99.262778

207407Fehlmann; Pairojana; Song; Prachuob; et al   1960-05-31
Thailand, Ranong, Goh Kol Thee adjacent to Ban Parknam Ranong at mouth of Pakchan R. separating Burma from Thailand., 10.943333 98.593056

207412Thai fishermen   1960-06-17
Thailand, Surat Thani, Goh Pahan; ca. 5 miles offshore in water ca. 20-30m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 9.612906 99.652358

207375Thai fishermen   1960-06-22
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 30-40 miles offshore in water ca. 32m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 11.719179 100.113417

207445Thai fishermen   1960-07-01
Thailand, Rayong, Vicinity of Goh Chuang; ca. 30 miles offshore in water ca. 32-34m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.513765 100.960123

212014Greenbaum, Brinton, Matsui, Likit   1960-12-13
Thailand, 20.5 miles from Laem Phak Bia; green water 23m deep., 13.097222 100.436111

212013Greenbaum, Matsui, Brinton   1960-12-12
Thailand, 11.2 miles from Goh Samet; blue water 26m deep., 12.355 101.531944

207391Thai fishermen   1960-07-13
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Oue Noi Dist, ca. 28 miles offshore in water ca. 32m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 11.719179 100.113417

207424Thai fishermen   1960-07-22
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 25 miles offshore east of Kau Sarmroiyord; water ca. 29m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.183333 100.416667

207463Thai fishermen   1960-07-23
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 15-30 miles offshore east of Kau Sarmroiyord; water 26-27m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.2 100.233333

207387Thai fishermen   1960-07-31
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 30 miles offshore southeast of Kau Sarmroiyord; from Bangkok fish market., 11.716667 100.316667

207446Thai fishermen   1960-07-30
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 15 miles offshore, east of Kau Sarmroiyord; water ca. 26-28m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.133333 100.233333

207423Thai fishermen   1960-08-05
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 16-25 miles offshore, east-northeast of Kau Sarmroiyord; water 30-35m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.216667 100.3

207451Thai fishermen   1960-08-14
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 15 miles offshore east of Kau Sarmroiyord; water ca. 20-25m deep; via Bangkok Fish Market., 12.233333 100.266667

207433Thai fishermen   1960-08-13
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 50 miles offshore northeast of Ko Sarmroiyord; water ca. 20-25m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.3 100.85

207442Thai fishermen   1960-08-15
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 31-36 miles offshore, ENE of Kau Sarmroiyord; water 22-26m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.233333 100.516667

207448Thai fishermen   1961-01-04
Thailand, Chon Buri, Ca. 3-22 mi. offshore southwest of Goh Samae San; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.266667 100.733333

207408Thai fishermen   1961-01-04
Thailand, Chon Buri, Ca. 3-22 mi. offshore southwest of Goh Samae San; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.266667 100.733333

207374Thai fishermen   1961-01-04
Thailand, Chon Buri, Ca. 3-22 mi. offshore southwest of Goh Samae San; from Bangkok Fish Market., 12.266667 100.733333

207406Thai fishermen   1961-01-10
Thailand, Chon Buri, Open sea ca. 50 miles east of Prachuap Khiri Khan town; from Bangkok Fish Market., 11.666667 100.566667

207431Thai fishermen   1961-01-10
Thailand, Chon Buri, Open sea ca. 50 miles east of Prachuap Khiri Khan town; from Bangkok Fish Market., 11.666667 100.566667

207510Thai fishermen   1961-01-10
Thailand, Chon Buri, Open sea ca. 50 miles east of Prachuap Khiri Khan town; from Bangkok Fish Market., 11.666667 100.566667

207400Cambodian fishermen   1961-03-15
Thailand, Ca. 26-33 miles offshore southeast of Kau Sarmroiyord (=Khao Sam Roi Yot); from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 11.9 100.35

207460Thai fishermen   1961-04-01
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 8-16 miles offshore east of Kau Sarmroiyord; from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 12.133333 100.166667

207450Thai fishermen   1961-04-01
Thailand, Rayong, Ca. 7-12 miles east of Goh Samet; from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 12.545833 101.570833

Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch, 1793)
233192FISHERMEN   1961-04-26
Thailand, Rayong, Ca. 5 miles west of Goh Samet; water ca. 18m deep; from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 10.516667 101.366667

207444FISHERMEN   1961-04-26
Thailand, Rayong, Ca. 5 miles west of Goh Samet; water ca. 18m deep; from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 10.516667 101.366667

207416FISHERMEN   1961-04-26
Thailand, Rayong, Ca. 5 miles west of Goh Samet; water ca. 18m deep; from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 10.516667 101.366667

Plectorhinchus pictus (Tortonese, 1936)
230439Thai fishermen   1961-05-07
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ca. 18-25 miles east of Kau Mong Lai; open water; obtained at Bangkok wholesale fish market., 11.805 100.038889

210013Thai fishermen   1961-05-16
Thailand, Ca. 30-38 miles east-southeast of Kau Sarmroiyord; from Bangkok wholesale fish market., 11.833333 100.466667

207394Frey, Fehlmann, Tran Viet Quang et al   1961-01-31
Vietnam, Khanh Hoa, Hon Mieu I. at s. end of Nhatrang Bay and ca. 1 mi. se. of Oceanogr. Inst. of Nhatrang; sandy cove on se. shore., 12.186111 109.222222

Pomadasys hasta (Bloch, 1790)
30659Ronquillo, I. A.; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.   1953-12-09
Philippines, Batangas, From Batangas market., 13.691588 120.974583

207449Ronquillo, I.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1953-12-08
Philippines, Trawling area off Samar I., 11.63454 124.948778

Diagramma pictum (Thunberg, 1792)
41025Ronquillo, I.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1953-12-08
Philippines, Trawling area off Samar I., 11.63454 124.948778

207355FILIPINO FISHERMEN   1953-12-08
Philippines, From Novatas Fish Landing., 14.655677 120.928992

Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner, 1876)
19337Hubbs, Carl L.; local fishermen   1945-08-16
United States, California, San Diego Co., Off Torrey Pines between La Jolla and Del Mar., 32.899621 -117.258536

Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner, 1876)
18466Hubbs, Carl L.; local fishermen   1945-08-24
United States, California, San Diego Co., Off Torrey Pines, between La Jolla and Del Mar., 32.899621 -117.258536

Xenistius californiensis (Steindachner, 1876)
18440Hubbs, Carl L.   1945-09-02
United States, California, San Diego Co., West side of La Jolla, on reef at Casa Manana., 32.845813 -117.279862

231744Hubbs, Carl L.   1946-09-10
Mexico, Guerrero, Puerto Marques, near Acapulco., 16.802424 -99.83624

Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner, 1876)
19345Johnson, C. I.; et al   1946-06-29
Mexico, Baja California, At mouth of R. San Isisdro along about 0.5 miles of beach., 31.266667 -116.388889

Anisotremus davidsonii (Steindachner, 1876)
19613B.W. Walker, C. Hubbs & C.L. Hubbs   1946-07-04
United States, California, San Diego Co., Mission Bay, east side of highway, Pt. medanos, about 100 yds. north of bridge., 32.75861 -117.252631

Haemulon parra (Desmarest, 1823)
Cuba, Ciudad de la Habana, Havana., 23.14473 -82.435578

Haemulon flavolineatum (Desmarest, 1823)
233160U.S. Fish Commission   1899-01-19
Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 18.201266 -67.149527

6972   1934-01-13
Ecuador, Galapagos, Galapagos Is, Tagus Cove, -0.26353 -91.373349

Brachydeuterus leuciscus (Günther, 1864)
231767Evermann; Jenkins   1931-12-24
Guaymas, Panama City.

Anisotremus pacifici (Günther, 1864)
6826   1934-02-06
Ecuador, Guayaquil, -2.194799 -79.873221

Pomadasys macracanthus (Günther, 1864)
6836   1934-02-06
Ecuador, Guayaquil, -2.194799 -79.873221

Diagramma pictum (Thunberg, 1792)
233353HH, BM, BS, DM, PP, CP, BSH, MW, RR, AP, [Jennifer]   2011-05-24
Philippines, Batangas, Mainit Bubbles., 13.68734 120.89597

Pomadasys argenteus (Forsskål, 1775)
233392local fishermen   2011-05-26
Philippines, Batangas, Batangas fish market.

Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch, 1793)
233393local fishermen   2011-05-26
Philippines, Batangas, Batangas fish market.

Plectorhinchus lessonii (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
233259BR, DDR, RM, IC, AH, DMK, JK, DC, MW, EJ, AP, Darwin   2011-05-04
Philippines, Batangas, Mainit Bubbles., 13.68592 120.89515

Lythrulon opalescens
2963Jordan, David S.; Culver, George B.; Starks, Edwin C.; et al   1894-12-24
Mexico, Sinaloa, Astillero (estuary) at Mazatlan., 23.214189 -106.380831

11569Jordan, David S.; Culver, George B.; Starks, Edwin C.; et al   1895-01-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlan., 23.228327 -106.430707

11603Jordan, David S.; Culver, George B.; Starks, Edwin C.; et al   1895-01-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlan., 23.228327 -106.430707

Haemulon sexfasciatus
11721Jordan, David S.; Culver, George B.; Starks, Edwin C.; et al   1895-01-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlan., 23.228327 -106.430707

6216Seale, Alvin; et al   1931-12-24
Panama, Panama City fish market.

Anisotremus pacifici (Günther, 1864)
6208Seale, Alvin; et al   1931-12-24
Panama, Panama City fish market.

Brachydeuterus leuciscus (Günther, 1864)
6209Seale, Alvin; et al   1931-12-24
Panama, Panama City., 9.002782 -79.517712

Pomadasys macracanthus (Günther, 1864)
6217Seale, Alvin; et al   1931-12-24
Panama, Panama City., 9.002782 -79.517712

Pomadasys panamensis (Steindachner, 1876)
6218Seale, Alvin; et al   1931-12-24
Panama, Panama City., 9.002782 -79.517712

Orthopristis lethopristis Jordan and Fesler, 1889
6215Seale, Alvin; et al   1931-12-24
Panama, Panama City., 9.002782 -79.517712

6211Hancock Pacific Exped.   1932-01-02
Ecuador, Galapagos, Galapagos Is, Charles I, Post Office Bay, -1.235389 -90.451361

Isacia conceptionis (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1830)
37475Myers, George S.; et al   1938-02-05
Peru, Callao market., -12.061034 -77.139038

Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch, 1793)
21089Sauter, Hans   
Taiwan, Takao (=Kaohsiung), Formosa., 22.565275 120.311794

Page 6, records 501-600 of 1383

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