Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Holocentridae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2881


Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
62621Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Myripristis violaceus Bleeker, 1851
62652Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37585Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Flammeo opercularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
36339Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72379Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Myripristis bowditchae
215943Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206063Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37586Atto, Akim, Meterewe, Hand, Harry et al   1954-07-27
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Matukerekere and Pumatahati islets, S side of atoll; app. 200' off rock/gravel shore., 1.026111 154.768611

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72380Atto, Akim, Meterewe, Hand, Harry et al   1954-07-27
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Matukerekere and Pumatahati islets, S side of atoll; app. 200' off rock/gravel shore., 1.026111 154.768611

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37587R.R. Harry (Rofen), Atta, Kaich, Kendy   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Middle of outer reef flat between Rikaumanu and Turuiamu islets, N side of atoll; app. 100-200 yds. off rocky shore., 1.095833 154.786389

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72381R.R. Harry (Rofen), Atta, Kaich, Kendy   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Middle of outer reef flat between Rikaumanu and Turuiamu islets, N side of atoll; app. 100-200 yds. off rocky shore., 1.095833 154.786389

Neoniphon laevis
74931R.R. Harry (Rofen), Atta, Kaich, Kendy   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Middle of outer reef flat between Rikaumanu and Turuiamu islets, N side of atoll; app. 100-200 yds. off rocky shore., 1.095833 154.786389

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74593R.R. Harry (Rofen), Atta, Kaich, Kendy   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Middle of outer reef flat between Rikaumanu and Turuiamu islets, N side of atoll; app. 100-200 yds. off rocky shore., 1.095833 154.786389

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216024R.R. Harry (Rofen), Atta, Kaich, Kendy   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Middle of outer reef flat between Rikaumanu and Turuiamu islets, N side of atoll; app. 100-200 yds. off rocky shore., 1.095833 154.786389

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216026Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Kadmgan   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Rikumanu and Turuiamu Islets; ne. side of atoll; app. 150 yds. off rock/gravel shore., 1.093333 154.783611

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
62573Kindaro; Kuwaehalara; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef in Tokoteia region west of Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 2.25 miles off beachrock shore., 1.049444 154.736111

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206053Kindaro; Kuwaehalara; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef in Tokoteia region west of Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 2.25 miles off beachrock shore., 1.049444 154.736111

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37588Kindaro; Kuwaehalara; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef in Tokoteia region west of Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 2.25 miles off beachrock shore., 1.049444 154.736111

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72723Atta, Aron, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; to 200 yds. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.101667 154.779444

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74784Atta, Aron, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; to 200 yds. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.101667 154.779444

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37589Atta, Aron, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; to 200 yds. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.101667 154.779444

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206052Atta, Aron, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; to 200 yds. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.101667 154.779444

Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
86896Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Myripristis adustus Bleeker, 1853
86341Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37590Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Neoniphon laevis
74872Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74618Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

207240Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206050Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206060Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
62556Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
212934Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216034Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72382Atta, Meterewe, R.R. Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-06
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Tirakau islet, south side of atoll; to approx. 75' off gravel/sand shore; high tide., 1.0325 154.785

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37591Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72383Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216011Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37592Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Sokoro coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 2 mi. off beachrock/sand/gravel shore; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.072222 154.75

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72384Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Sokoro coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 2 mi. off beachrock/sand/gravel shore; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.072222 154.75

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74595Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Sokoro coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 2 mi. off beachrock/sand/gravel shore; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.072222 154.75

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216020Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Sokoro coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 2 mi. off beachrock/sand/gravel shore; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.072222 154.75

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
62625Deurumol, Dimoet, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-10
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Aratime reef in Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off beachrock shore; water clear, deeper than 15 fms., 1.033333 154.753056

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
30246Deurumol, Dimoet, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-10
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Aratime reef in Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off beachrock shore; water clear, deeper than 15 fms., 1.033333 154.753056

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206058Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216023Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Myripristis adustus Bleeker, 1853
86338Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37593Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72385Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)
71873Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74594Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

Myripristis bowditchae
215945Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Plectrypops lima (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
62548Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Holocentrus violaceum
207304Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
86356Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37594Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

53582Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Sargocentron Fowler, 1904
71172Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)
71870Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72386Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72724Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Flammeo opercularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
36340Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37624Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72387Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)
71880Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Sargocentron diadema (Lacepède, 1802)
71315Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
86894Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Sargocentron violaceum (Bleeker, 1853)
229663Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216016Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72388Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef immediately east of pier, Touhou Islet, e. side of atoll; app. 125' off sandy shore; water 9' deep., 1.0775 154.799167

Holotrachys lima Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
62572Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Myripristis violaceus Bleeker, 1851
62594Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Myripristis violaceus Bleeker, 1851
62617Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Myripristis microphthalmus
215970Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72389Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

71193Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37595Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Myripristis adustus Bleeker, 1853
86328Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Dimoet   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone of outer reef, Ringtoru Islet, north side of atoll; water 5 fms. deep; night., 1.102222 154.779444

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
30247Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Dimoet   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone of outer reef, Ringtoru Islet, north side of atoll; water 5 fms. deep; night., 1.102222 154.779444

Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
71993Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Dimoet   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone of outer reef, Ringtoru Islet, north side of atoll; water 5 fms. deep; night., 1.102222 154.779444

Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
215912Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Dimoet   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone of outer reef, Ringtoru Islet, north side of atoll; water 5 fms. deep; night., 1.102222 154.779444

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72390Atta, Atto, Uruwhet, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Coralliferous outer bench and surf zone in Toko Teihi; app. 2 mi. W of Ship Pass; app. 3mi. offshore; low tide., 1.055556 154.721944

Sargocentron violaceum (Bleeker, 1853)
216098Atta, Atto, Uruwhet, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Reef flat and lagoon border reef at Tokoteihi region, ca. 2 mi. W of Ship Pass; app. 3 mi. offshore; water 0-15' deep, 1.056389 154.721944

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72391Atta, Atto, Uruwhet, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Reef flat and lagoon border reef at Tokoteihi region, ca. 2 mi. W of Ship Pass; app. 3 mi. offshore; water 0-15' deep, 1.056389 154.721944

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37596Atta, Atto, Uruwhet, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Reef flat and lagoon border reef at Tokoteihi region, ca. 2 mi. W of Ship Pass; app. 3 mi. offshore; water 0-15' deep, 1.056389 154.721944

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37597Atta, Iosimori, Aron, Bondaik, Harry   1954-08-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Bottom reef at lagoon entrance to Mangatisu Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low to high tide., 1.038333 154.749722

Sargocentron diadema (Lacepède, 1802)
71316Atta, Iosimori, Aron, Bondaik, Harry   1954-08-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Bottom reef at lagoon entrance to Mangatisu Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low to high tide., 1.038333 154.749722

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72392Atta, Iosimori, Aron, Bondaik, Harry   1954-08-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Bottom reef at lagoon entrance to Mangatisu Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low to high tide., 1.038333 154.749722

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37598Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Flammeo opercularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
36341Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Neoniphon laevis
74942Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74588Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72393Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)
71883Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
62646Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

62647Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
62588Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
62574Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Sargocentron violaceum (Bleeker, 1853)
216100Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37599Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Masutuwangak coral mesa immediately south of Tewawa Elal, west end of atoll; approx. 4 miles offshore; low tide., 1.070833 154.710556

Neoniphon laevis
74867Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Masutuwangak coral mesa immediately south of Tewawa Elal, west end of atoll; approx. 4 miles offshore; low tide., 1.070833 154.710556

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2881

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