Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Holocentridae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 2881


Neoniphon laevis
74913Dimoet, Deurumol, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-03
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon edge of outer reef flat, bottom reef at Tokoteihi, south side of atoll; low to high tide; water 3-5' deep., 1.048889 154.734722

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37570Dimoet, Deurumol, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-03
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon edge of outer reef flat, bottom reef at Tokoteihi, south side of atoll; low to high tide; water 3-5' deep., 1.048889 154.734722

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206057Dimoet, Deurumol, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-03
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon edge of outer reef flat, bottom reef at Tokoteihi, south side of atoll; low to high tide; water 3-5' deep., 1.048889 154.734722

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216022Dimoet, Deurumol, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-03
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon edge of outer reef flat, bottom reef at Tokoteihi, south side of atoll; low to high tide; water 3-5' deep., 1.048889 154.734722

62558Dimoet, Deurumol, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-08
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon edge of outer reef flat, app. 1 mile west of Teawataman Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; high to low tide., 1.041389 154.743611

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216014Dimoet, Deurumol, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-08
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon edge of outer reef flat, app. 1 mile west of Teawataman Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; high to low tide., 1.041389 154.743611

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72327Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72717Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Neoniphon laevis
74887Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37571Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
86396Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis microphthalmus
215966Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
62642Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

62643Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Holocentrus violaceum
207289Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Holocentrus violaceum
207290Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72718Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72328Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37572Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
86442Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
86893Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216032Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Holocentrus violaceum
207303Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206066Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72329Tane, Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef surf zone at Tiutua midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; app. 3 mi. off gravel/rock shore., 1.051667 154.7275

Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
71988Tane, Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef surf zone at Tiutua midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; app. 3 mi. off gravel/rock shore., 1.051667 154.7275

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37573Tane, Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef surf zone at Tiutua midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; app. 3 mi. off gravel/rock shore., 1.051667 154.7275

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37574Tane; Atta; Meterewe; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon reefs bordering outer reef flat at Tiutua, midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; low tide., 1.053333 154.728333

53578Tane; Atta; Meterewe; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon reefs bordering outer reef flat at Tiutua, midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; low tide., 1.053333 154.728333

Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)
71878Tane; Atta; Meterewe; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon reefs bordering outer reef flat at Tiutua, midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; low tide., 1.053333 154.728333

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72330Tane; Atta; Meterewe; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon reefs bordering outer reef flat at Tiutua, midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; low tide., 1.053333 154.728333

Sargocentron diadema (Lacepède, 1802)
71313Tane; Atta; Meterewe; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon reefs bordering outer reef flat at Tiutua, midway between ship pass and west end of atoll; low tide., 1.053333 154.728333

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216012Atta; Kindaro; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat and surf zone at Tewawaelal, extreme west end of atoll; 4.5 mi. off gravel/sand shore; extreme low., 1.074167 154.702778

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
30245Atta; Kindaro; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat and surf zone at Tewawaelal, extreme west end of atoll; 4.5 mi. off gravel/sand shore; extreme low., 1.074167 154.702778

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72719Atta; Kindaro; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat and surf zone at Tewawaelal, extreme west end of atoll; 4.5 mi. off gravel/sand shore; extreme low., 1.074167 154.702778

53587Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72331Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
71989Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Sargocentron tiereoides (Bleeker, 1853)
71871Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Neoniphon laevis
74906Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37575Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Flammeo opercularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
36336Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
212930Atta, Kindaro, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon coral heads on inner margin of reef flat at Tewawaelal, extreme W. end of atoll; low tide; water clear., 1.074444 154.707778

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216028Dimoet, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat between Tiahu and Tokongo Islets, se. side of atoll; app. 100 yds. off rocky shore; water clear., 1.028611 154.762222

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72372Atta, Kindaro, Dimoet, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-15
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Nikuhatu Islet, east side of atoll; app. 75 yds. off sandy shore; low tide; water 5-6' deep., 1.051111 154.799167

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37576Atta, Kindaro, Dimoet, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-15
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Nikuhatu Islet, east side of atoll; app. 75 yds. off sandy shore; low tide; water 5-6' deep., 1.051111 154.799167

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
215977Atta, Kindaro, Dimoet, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-15
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Nikuhatu Islet, east side of atoll; app. 75 yds. off sandy shore; low tide; water 5-6' deep., 1.051111 154.799167

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216027Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Sargocentron violaceum (Bleeker, 1853)
216093Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Holotrachys lima Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831
62564Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72373Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
71990Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Myripristis adustus Bleeker, 1853
86340Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Myripristis adustus Bleeker, 1853
86344Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216036Kindaro; Dimoet; Rofen (Harry), R. R.   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Pepeio and Nunakita Islets, ne. side of atoll; app. 150' off sandy shore., 1.09 154.789167

Sargocentron diadema (Lacepède, 1802)
71314Kindaro; Dimoet; Rofen (Harry), R. R.   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Pepeio and Nunakita Islets, ne. side of atoll; app. 150' off sandy shore., 1.09 154.789167

Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
86377Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72374Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74498Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37577Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
212931Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis microphthalmus
215971Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206065Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206054Atta, Kindaro, Hand, Newhouse, Harry   1954-07-17
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top and west side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; extreme low tide., 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72375Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Flammeo opercularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
36337Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37578Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis microphthalmus
215969Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216035Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206062Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206059Atta, Bondaik, Akim, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, North side of Manini coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; no current; water 25-40', 1.081111 154.780278

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37579Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72376Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72720Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74597Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Neoniphon laevis
74882Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
216029Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Neoniphon laevis
74920Atta, Dane, Deturo, Antipas, Newhouse   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef near south end of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; app. 100 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.036389 154.792778

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72377Atta, Dane, Deturo, Antipas, Newhouse   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef near south end of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; app. 100 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.036389 154.792778

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37580Atta, Dane, Deturo, Antipas, Newhouse   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef near south end of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; app. 100 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.036389 154.792778

Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
71991Atta, Meterewe, Akim, Sinter, Hand et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone and outer coralliferous terrace at Tapatuaitu on outside of atoll midway between Torogahai Islet and atoll., 1.098889 154.7275

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72721Atta, Meterewe, Akim, Sinter, Hand et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone and outer coralliferous terrace at Tapatuaitu on outside of atoll midway between Torogahai Islet and atoll., 1.098889 154.7275

Myripristis argyromus Jordan and Evermann, 1903
62568Atta, Meterewe, Akim, Sinter, Hand et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Surf zone and outer coralliferous terrace at Tapatuaitu on outside of atoll midway between Torogahai Islet and atoll., 1.098889 154.7275

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74609Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Akim, Sinter et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon side of outer reef flat of Tapatuitu; midway between Torongahai Islet and w. end of atoll; water clear., 1.095278 154.728056

Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
86596Atta, Meterewe, Dane, Taitos et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and N side of coral mesa at Tapatuaitu, midway between Torongahai islet and W end of islet atoll., 1.092222 154.728611

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37581Atta, Meterewe, Dane, Taitos et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and N side of coral mesa at Tapatuaitu, midway between Torongahai islet and W end of islet atoll., 1.092222 154.728611

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206074Atta, Meterewe, Dane, Taitos et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and N side of coral mesa at Tapatuaitu, midway between Torongahai islet and W end of islet atoll., 1.092222 154.728611

Myripristis bowditchae
215944Atta, Meterewe, Dane, Taitos et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and N side of coral mesa at Tapatuaitu, midway between Torongahai islet and W end of islet atoll., 1.092222 154.728611

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37582Kindaro; Deurumol; Dimoet; Rofen (Harry), R. R.   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Matiro Islet, E side of atoll; ca. 100 yds. off sandy shore; water 6-7' deep; morning., 1.068889 154.800556

Myripristis murdjan (Forsskål, 1775)
212927Kindaro; Deurumol; Dimoet; Rofen (Harry), R. R.   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Matiro Islet, E side of atoll; ca. 100 yds. off sandy shore; water 6-7' deep; morning., 1.068889 154.800556

Sargocentron punctatissimum (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
72722Kindaro; Deurumol; Dimoet; Rofen (Harry), R. R.   1954-07-22
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore sand flat at middle of Hare Islet, SE side of atoll; 0-100' off sandy shore; low tide; water to 3' deep., 1.037778 154.794167

Sargocentron tiere (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829)
71992Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouser, Harry   1954-07-23
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Nunakita and Parakahi Islets, NE side of atoll; app. 200 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.088056 154.791111

Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål, 1775)
72378Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouser, Harry   1954-07-23
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Nunakita and Parakahi Islets, NE side of atoll; app. 200 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.088056 154.791111

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37583Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouser, Harry   1954-07-23
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Nunakita and Parakahi Islets, NE side of atoll; app. 200 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.088056 154.791111

Myripristis Cuvier, 1829
86699Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouser, Harry   1954-07-23
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Nunakita and Parakahi Islets, NE side of atoll; app. 200 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.088056 154.791111

Neoniphon sammara (Forsskål, 1775)
74606Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Neoniphon laevis
74922Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Flammeo opercularis (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
36338Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Sargocentron microstoma (Günther, 1859)
37584Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Myripristis pralinius Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829
206051Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Page 9, records 801-900 of 2881

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