Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Moringuidae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-188 of 188


Moringua Gray, 1831
229677Pakal; et al   1953-10-01
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat at N end of Falarik Islet (transect C)., 7.254167 144.445

Moringua Gray, 1831
229678Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1953-10-02
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outside reef flat of Falarik Islet next to Rauau Village (transect A)., 7.250833 144.454167

Moringua Gray, 1831
229679Pakal, Tachim, Tewash, Harry (Rofen)   1953-10-02
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outside reef flat of Falarik Islet next to Rauau Village; water clear; between low and high tide; encrusting algae., 7.250556 144.454167

Moringua Gray, 1831
229623Pakal; et al   1953-10-04
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, In lagoon off Ella Islet on bottom reef; app. 800' offshore; water clear, 42' deep; high tide., 7.247222 144.440278

Moringua Gray, 1831
229622Koro; Botek; Dimoet; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1954-06-28
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and sand flat at n. end of Hare Islet; 10-75' off sandy shore; low to high tide; encrusting algae., 1.046111 154.797778

Moringua Gray, 1831
229627Koro; Botek; Dimoet; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1954-06-28
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and sand flat at n. end of Hare Islet; 10-75' off sandy shore; low to high tide; encrusting algae., 1.046111 154.797778

Moringua Gray, 1831
229626Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1954-07-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Manini coral head in center of lagoon; app. 1100m off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 1-12' deep., 1.081111 154.780278

Moringua Gray, 1831
229680Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Moringua Gray, 1831
229681Atta, Kindaro, Dimoet, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-15
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Nikuhatu Islet, east side of atoll; app. 75 yds. off sandy shore; low tide; water 5-6' deep., 1.051111 154.799167

Moringua Gray, 1831
229620Atta; Deurumol; Bondaik; Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat next to Teawataman Ship Pass, south side of atoll; app. 1 mile off gravel shore; low tide., 1.030278 154.751111

Moringua Gray, 1831
229630Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Akim, Sinter et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon side of outer reef flat of Tapatuitu; midway between Torongahai Islet and w. end of atoll; water clear., 1.095278 154.728056

Moringua Gray, 1831
229616Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Newhouser, Harry   1954-07-23
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Nunakita and Parakahi Islets, NE side of atoll; app. 200 yds. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.088056 154.791111

Moringua Gray, 1831
229682Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Moringua Gray, 1831
229684Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Moringua Gray, 1831
229617Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Moringua Gray, 1831
229629Atta, Akim, Frely, Hand et al   1954-07-27
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Matukerekere Islet; south side of atoll; to 750' off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.025 154.7675

Moringua Gray, 1831
229683Atta, Hand, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-28
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Tirakaume and Tokongo Islets, s. side of atoll; 0-125' off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.028611 154.776667

Moringua Gray, 1831
229625Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Moringua Gray, 1831
229685Atta, Meterewe, R.R. Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-06
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Tirakau islet, south side of atoll; to approx. 75' off gravel/sand shore; high tide., 1.0325 154.785

Moringua Gray, 1831
229686Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

Moringua Gray, 1831
229687Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Moringua Gray, 1831
229688Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Moringua Gray, 1831
229689Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

Moringua Gray, 1831
229690Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

Moringua Gray, 1831
229691Atta, Meterewe, Koich, Frely, Harry   1954-08-19
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tiurahi lagoon border reef at west end of atoll; app. 4 miles off rock/gravel/sand shore; water clear, 5-20' deep., 1.082222 154.708333

Moringua Gray, 1831
229621Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Masutuwangak coral mesa immediately south of Tewawa Elal, west end of atoll; approx. 4 miles offshore; low tide., 1.070833 154.710556

Moringua Gray, 1831
229692Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Coral mesa next to lagoon border at Tapatuaitu, midway between Torongahai Islet and west end of atoll., 1.092222 154.728611

Moringua macrocephalus (Bleeker, 1863)
217660Sumang, Rikrik, Fehlmann   1955-10-02
Palau, Koror State, Tiull Dist, Ngarbaged, Lower "Ngais" & "Kedei" portions of freshwater streamlet; water clear, 3"-1.5'; no vegetation., 7.331389 134.484167

Moringua Gray, 1831
229693Sumang, Rikrik, Fehlmann   1955-10-02
Palau, Koror State, Tiull Dist, Ngarbaged, Lower "Ngais" & "Kedei" portions of freshwater streamlet; water clear, 3"-1.5'; no vegetation., 7.331389 134.484167

Moringua Gray, 1831
229694Sumang, H. A. Fehlmann   1955-10-14
Palau, Koror State, Vic. of Ngeritang Village, Ngeritang streamlet; water clear, slightly brown, 6"-4' deep; current ca. 2.5 mph., 7.356111 134.455

Moringua Gray, 1831
229695Sumang, Fehlmann   1955-10-23
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, S. tip, Angmall stream ca. 1 mi. n. of Ngetkip (Ngatkib) village; water brown, turbid, 1-4.5' deep; no vegetation., 7.365556 134.516667

Moringua macrocephalus (Bleeker, 1863)
217664Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1955-10-26
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, south end, (Mizuko area); Airisong stream, 1-1.5 miles north of Hgetkip Village; water clear, white, 1-10' deep., 7.381111 134.525

Moringua Gray, 1831
229696Rengiil, Sumang, Fehlmann   1955-11-02
Palau, Melekeok State, Aimeliik Munic, Kyam Stream just s. of Medorum Village; water slightly brownish, turbid; no vegetation; soil, rock shore., 7.451667 134.489722

Moringua Gray, 1831
229697Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1956-10-23
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, Kaud stream, lower graded reaches, vicinity of Nggasagang Village; just above tidal influence up to cascades., 7.380556 134.5875

Moringua Gray, 1831
229624Sumang, Marbou, Fehlmann   1956-10-30
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, Arakitaoch stream, mangrove zone, ca. 2.1 mi. SE of Ngarekeai village; water brown, slightly turbid, 0-3' deep., 7.39 134.518611

Moringua Gray, 1831
15674Randall, John E.   1957-04-19
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Papeete Harbor, Quarantine I., -17.530468 -149.574907

Moringua Gray, 1831
229698Sumang, Sengich, Tewid, DeWitt, Fehlmann   1957-09-23
Palau, Off northwest side of Chol I. (a sand island rising to ca. 7-8 feet at low tide)., 7.286944 134.518333

Moringua Gray, 1831
28687Sumang, Sengich, Tewid, DeWitt, Fehlmann   1957-09-23
Palau, Off northwest side of Chol I. (a sand island rising to ca. 7-8 feet at low tide)., 7.286944 134.518333

Moringua Gray, 1831
41023Empeso, D.   1958-08-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Sumaliring, Albiga, and Siaton., 9.053107 123.060334

Moringua Gray, 1831
51114Fehlmann, H. Adair   1958-10-19
Guam, Ca. 1/2 mile southwest of Agat village; sand flat 50-250 yds. north of Bangi Point., 13.378056 144.648611

Moringua Gray, 1831
229699Fehlmann, H. Adair   1958-10-19
Guam, Ca. 1/2 mile southwest of Agat village; sand flat 50-250 yds. north of Bangi Point., 13.378056 144.648611

Aphthalmichthys javanicus
29428Thompson, J. C.   
Philippines, Zambales, Olongapo, Subic Bay, P.I., 14.78167 120.233223

Moringua edwardsi (Jordan and Bollman, 1889)
13483McCosker, John E.; McCosker, Sandra   1970-10-04
Panama, Guna Yala, Holandes Cays (Aqualagarna), leeward reef., 9.591667 -78.766667

Moringua edwardsi (Jordan and Bollman, 1889)
31694McCosker, John E.; McCosker, S.; Diener, Doug   1974-05-15
Panama, Guna Yala, Cocos-Banderas Cays, unnamed central cay; incoming tide., 9.522222 -78.620833

Moringua Gray, 1831
35453McCosker; John E.; et al   1975-02-19
Comoros, Grande Comore, North of Hotel Itsandra, in front of "Coelacanth Grotto"; deep caves above coral sand slope; 50m from shore., -11.655118 43.261681

Moringua Gray, 1831
35199McCosker, John E.   1975-02-26
Comoros, Grande Comore, North of Moroni; reef and Padina bed in front of Said Ibrahim's Palace; 150 meters offshore, -11.674681 43.260857

Neoconger tuberculatus (Castle, 1965)
60261Seeto, J.   
Fiji, [Vita Levu I.] Branch of Rewa R, the area was a flood gate and surrounded by mangroves. Salinity: 3%

217254Kulbicki, M. L.; Randall, John E.; et al   1990-03-23
New Caledonia, S of Ile Puen; lagoon reef., -21.9875 165.9625

54195Klinikowski, Schwartz, Smith   1959-09-06
Cuba, La Habana, Boca de Jaruco., 23.217485 -82.008536

54203Klinikowski, Schwartz, Smith   1959-09-06
Cuba, La Habana, Boca de Jaruco., 23.217485 -82.008536

54210Klinikowski, Schwartz, Smith   1959-09-06
Cuba, La Habana, Boca de Jaruco., 23.217485 -82.008536

Moringua Gray, 1831
213348Lucas, R. S.; Vindum, J. V.   2000-04-24
Myanmar, Ayeyawady Region, Vicinity of Mwe Hauk village., 16.283056 94.768056

Moringua Gray, 1831
63257Parenti, L. R.; Allen, G. R.   1987-09-29
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, Mangrove just south of Christensen Research Institute, near mouth of Nagada Harbour; mangrove, coral reef., -5.166667 145.8

35654Bradbury, M. G.; party   1964-10-19
Seychelles, Reef off southeast shore of St. Anne I., -4.6 55.5

Moringua Gray, 1831
35655Bradbury, Margaret G. & party.   1964-11-08
Maldives, East side of Hulele I. on outer reef near boulder ridge and on sand flat with coral patches, 250 yds behind boulder ridge., 4.191667 73.516667

Neoconger vermiformis Gilbert, 1890
213466Robertson, D. Ross; McCosker, John E.; et al   2000-04-26
Panama, North of I. Gobernadora and south of I. Santa Catalina., 7.607778 -81.146111

Moringua Gray, 1831
51666Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-15
Australia, Queensland, Lizard I, south end of Mrs. Watson's Bay., -14.661079 145.451023

Moringua abbreviata (Bleeker, 1863)
20384McGregor, Richard C.   
Philippines, Masbate, Ticao I., 12.531447 123.710688

34993Nolan, R. S.; et al   1973-07-08
Marshall Islands, Reef #31

Moringua Gray, 1831
42977Nolan, R. S.; Taylor, L. R.   1974-02-23
Marshall Islands, Runit tidepool., 11.545123 162.352162

Moringua Gray, 1831
43343Nolan, R. S.; party   1972-08-24
Marshall Islands, Reef #5.

Moringua Gray, 1831
42975Nolan, Ron S.   1972-12-06
Marshall Islands, Runit I, LaCrosse Crater; tide pool., 11.553899 162.348097

34994Nolan, R. S.; Camp, K. Van   1973-07-29
Marshall Islands, Lagoon of Rigili, Reef 32., 11.458928 162.092104

34992Nolan, R. S.; Helfrich, R.; Marsh, K.   1974-02-04
Marshall Islands, Reef 18, low tide.

Moringua Gray, 1831
34995Nolan, R. S.; McConnoughey, R. R.   1972-01-29
Marshall Islands, Runit I, LaCrosse Crater., 11.553899 162.348097

Moringua Gray, 1831
66106Poss, Stuart G.; Poss, Sachiko Y.   1987-04-23
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, Nagada Harbour, 1500 m from tip of point on South side of channel, -5.15562 145.797271

Aphthalmichthys macrocephalus
41355Kemp, S. W.   
India, West Bengal, Mouth of the Hooghly (Hugli) River; in the Sundarbans., 21.919215 88.083333

Moringua lumbricoides
28755Lin, Shu-Yen   0000-00-00
China, Guangdong, Heung Chow., 22.270238 113.580331

Aphthalmichthys javanicus
5604   1933-04-30
Fiji, Viti Levu I. at Suva, -18.166425 178.430157

56187Chaplin, W.   
Solomon Islands, fr. mud near wharf at Munda., -8.329858 157.269391

Aphthalmichthys abbreviata
6670Jordan, David S.; Snyder, John O.   
Japan, ISHIGAKI, 24.472134 124.207499

Moringua macrochir Bleeker, 1855
no locality data

Moringua Gray, 1831
29143McCosker, J. E.; "Helix"., crew of   1973-01-01
Ashmore Reef, west island anchorage., -12.213889 122.973611

Moringua Gray, 1831
30485Steiner, Franz B.   1973-09-22
Philippines, San Fernando, Loro Point; low tide, 16.620556 120.280556

Moringua edwardsi (Jordan and Bollman, 1889)
31525Rosenblatt; Hobson; Emery; Starck, W.; Starck, J.   1966-06-26
United States, Florida, Looe Key, shallow reef top in middle of reef., 24.549543 -81.407054

Moringua Gray, 1831
52098Kiwala, R. S.   
American Samoa, Swains I, surge channel & reef flat, -11.060708 -171.088898

Moringua javanica (Kaup, 1856)
71011Maciolek, John A.   1973-04-12
Aoa estuary

Neoconger vermiformis Gilbert, 1890
38795Beebe, William; Tee-Van, John; et al   1937-11-29
Mexico, Guerrero, 17 miles southeast by east of Acapulco., 16.641667 -99.666667

Aphthalmichthys javanicus
12008Templeton Crocker Exped.   1934-10-06
French Polynesia, Taiohae Bay., -8.9245 -140.101431

Neoconger vermiformis Gilbert, 1890
67347Beebe, William; Tee-Van, John; et al   
No data.

Moringua Gray, 1831
239564Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-28
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Markoe Cove., 13.507283 120.977417

Moringua Gray, 1831
239841Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.   2015-04-02
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off coastline south of Escarceo Point, in vicinity of dive site "Coral Cove"., 13.516033 120.98825

Moringua Gray, 1831
241143Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-25
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.540383 121.0979

Moringua Gray, 1831
241316Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-28
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, east coast., 13.54555 121.097483

Moringua Gray, 1831
241370Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-29
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, southeast coast, approximately 0.4 miles from eastermost tip of island., 13.529133 121.094917

Moringua Gray, 1831
242708Williams, G.; Van Syoc, R.; Daly, M.; DI; Paulay, G.   2014-05-16
Philippines, Calatagan; Bantangas; OK OK, 13.89131 120.60741

243043Love, W.; Catania, D.; Ackiss, A.   2014-05-09
Philippines, Philippines, Calatagan, Batangas, Bumbon Island Reef (a.k.a. Caritunan Reef), Lago de Oro Resort, 13.90784 120.60566

Moringua Gray, 1831
246546Williams, Jeff T.; Carpenter, Kent; Dumale, Don; Catania, Dave; Lane, Mark   2016-04-10
Philippines, Siquijor, Siquijor I, off Solongon, 9.165361 123.476

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