Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Pomacanthidae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 997


Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88236Bingham, Ellsworth & Josef   1957-08-02
French Polynesia, Iles Sous-le-Vent, Huahine Iti, outside Teapaa Bay; sloping sand & coral grade on edge of pass; live & dead coral heads., -16.785278 -151.025556

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88222Bingham, Ellsworth & Josef   1957-08-03
French Polynesia, Off Iriru I, edge of pass; sand & coral flat, coral wall, sand and dead coral 100 yds. from sand shore., -16.793889 -151.395833

Centropyge bispinosus (Günther, 1860)
88169Bingham, Ellsworth & Josef   1957-08-03
French Polynesia, Off Iriru I, edge of pass; sand & coral flat, coral wall, sand and dead coral 100 yds. from sand shore., -16.793889 -151.395833

Centropyge heraldi Woods and Schultz in Schultz, Herald, Lachner, Welander and Woods, 1953
88158Bingham, Ellsworth & Josef   1957-08-03
French Polynesia, Off Iriru I, edge of pass; sand & coral flat, coral wall, sand and dead coral 100 yds. from sand shore., -16.793889 -151.395833

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88217Ellsworth, Danielsson, Villaret et al   1957-08-07
French Polynesia, West side of atoll, just south of large coprah shed; atoll surrounding reef flat, live and dead coral., -16.266667 -151.861111

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88219Bingham; Josef   1957-08-10
French Polynesia, Iles Sous-le-Vent, Teavanui Pass; near and outside Motu Ahuna; low coral ridges, coral heads., -16.493056 -151.783611

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88232Bingham, Ellsworth, Josef, natives   1957-08-14
French Polynesia, Iles Sous-le-Vent, Teauanui Pass, north of Motu Tapu; inside edge of Muller Reef; 200 yds from sand shore; low tide; water mod. clear., -16.499444 -151.779722

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88368Ellsworth, Josef et al   1957-08-17
French Polynesia, Iles Sous-le-Vent, Near Matira Point, off Pitiuu Uta I.; shallow lagoon bay, coral (live and dead) heads., -16.542222 -151.730556

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88200Ellsworth, Josef et al   1957-08-17
French Polynesia, Iles Sous-le-Vent, Near Matira Point, off Pitiuu Uta I.; shallow lagoon bay, coral (live and dead) heads., -16.542222 -151.730556

Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88137Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1957-09-11
Palau, Koror State, Ca. 100 yds. west of cement ramp on Koror side of Koror-Babelthuap Causeway; 500 yds northeast of Madmosuk I., 7.359167 134.507778

88124DeWitt, H. H.; Tewid; Sengich   1957-09-19
Palau, In Ngarahelngael Pass ca. 350 yds. n. of Imilkolk section of Auluptagel I, ca. 350 yds from undercut rock cliffs., 7.314167 134.497778

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88110Fehlmann, H. A.; et al   1957-09-22
Palau, Melekeok State, Off Babelthuap I. in a coral enclosed area east and a little north of Arakataoch Stream., 7.391111 134.508889

88122DeWitt, Sengich, Lundberg, File   1957-10-02
Palau, Koror State, Ca. 275 yards south of Eany District., 7.341667 134.457222

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88108DeWitt; Tewid; Sengich   1957-10-03
Palau, Off Kaibakko I, just northeast of southern narrow between Kaibakku and Kamori Is.; water clear; ebbing tide., 7.324444 134.499167

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88095Fehlmann; DeWitt   1957-10-05
Palau, Koror State, Ca. 350 yds. east of T dock in pool in reef flat surrounded by dead and living coral; water slightly turbid., 7.348889 134.481111

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88096Fehlmann; DeWitt; Sumang; Tewid   1957-10-07
Palau, In corner between north tip of Auluptagel I. and Malakal causeway between Auluptagel and Malakal Is., 7.336944 134.463889

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88093Fehlmann, DeWitt, Sumang, Tewid, Sengich   1957-10-09
Palau, In Ngarahelngael Pass ca. 50 yds. north of Ngarahelngael part of Auluptagel I.; no vegetation; rising tide., 7.320278 134.491111

88118Fehlmann, DeWitt, Sumang, Tewid, Sengich   1957-10-09
Palau, In Ngarahelngael Pass ca. 50 yds. north of Ngarahelngael part of Auluptagel I.; no vegetation; rising tide., 7.320278 134.491111

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88068DeWitt; Sumang; Sengich   1957-10-21
Palau, Angaur State, Off the south corner of Ngatchab beach; sand and rock flat in front of a rockbeach; water clear, 0-3' deep., 6.897778 134.132778

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
38781DeWITT, Hugh H.; Sumang, Yachad; Sengich; Tewid   1957-10-23
Palau, Angaur State, About 700 yds. west of Ngadalog Beach at edge of reef; water clear, 0-6' deep; low to rising tide., 6.888333 134.120833

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88245DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich, Tewid   1957-10-24
Palau, Angaur State, Beyond the surf zone at the edge of the reef off Ngerdimes Beach; open coral reef just beyond surf zone., 6.888889 134.143333

88119DeWitt; Sumang   1957-10-31
Palau, On the submarine steep side of Sanryo I. in the channel between it and Ngatku Mer I.; steep coral encrusted bank., 7.328333 134.494722

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88392H. DeWitt, Y. Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-01
Palau, About 1.5 nautical mi. sw. of Ngaremediu Point, w. of the reef s. of the point; current ca. 0.5 knot; ebbing tide., 7.229722 134.434722

88121DeWitt; Sumang; Sengich   1957-11-18
Palau, In channel between Sanryo I. & Kamori I. (Ilut pebul), just off the southeast point of Sanryo I., 7.326667 134.497778

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88400DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-20
Palau, 1.25 nautical miles southwest of Ngaremediu Pt, Urukthapel I, on the extreme w. side of the southward extending reef, 7.229722 134.440556

88123DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-21
Palau, Koror State, At southern entrance to small bay on west side of Ngalab Point; submarine coral encrusted cliff; cloudy water., 7.322222 134.503611

Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88128DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-21
Palau, At south entrance to Malakal Harbor, ca. 275 yds. east of Ngermeldebedobech I.; water clear, 10-15' deep., 7.299167 134.462778

Centropyge bicolor (Bloch, 1787)
88177DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-21
Palau, At south entrance to Malakal Harbor, ca. 275 yds. east of Ngermeldebedobech I.; water clear, 10-15' deep., 7.299167 134.462778

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88388DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-21
Palau, At south entrance to Malakal Harbor, ca. 275 yds. east of Ngermeldebedobech I.; water clear, 10-15' deep., 7.299167 134.462778

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88366DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-26
Palau, At the edge of the west reef a little n. of the part called Ngerdiluches Reef; clear water, ca. 0.5 knot current., 7.402778 134.356111

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88289DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-26
Palau, At the edge of the west reef a little n. of the part called Ngerdiluches Reef; clear water, ca. 0.5 knot current., 7.402778 134.356111

Centropyge bicolor (Bloch, 1787)
88185DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-26
Palau, At the edge of the west reef a little n. of the part called Ngerdiluches Reef; clear water, ca. 0.5 knot current., 7.402778 134.356111

Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88136DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-26
Palau, At the edge of the west reef a little n. of the part called Ngerdiluches Reef; clear water, ca. 0.5 knot current., 7.402778 134.356111

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88102Fehlmann, H. Adair; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-11-07
Thailand, Patch reef in middle of Ban Aangtong Bay, off Aangtong Village, west side of Goh Samui I., 9.533333 99.933333

Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch, 1787)
88038Fehlmann, H. Adair; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-11-07
Thailand, Patch reef in middle of Ban Aangtong Bay, off Aangtong Village, west side of Goh Samui I., 9.533333 99.933333

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
15417crew of vessel   
Thailand, Chon Buri, At anchorage in Chol Buri Bay, at Chol Buri City., 13.378635 100.952155

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88059Brown, W. C.; Torrevellias, H.; Grant, A.   1958-04-07
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Ayuquitan area; 14 km south of Dumaguete., 9.45 123.233333

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88062Brown, W. C.; Grant, A.; Mack, H.; Baei   1958-04-19
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Tidepools at Ayuquitan, 14 km south of Dumaguete City; coral reef along open channel facing Cebu I., 9.206832 123.283333

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88065Empeso, D.   1958-08-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Sumaliring, Albiga, and Siaton., 9.053107 123.060334

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88066Empeso, D.   1958-11-24
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Sibulan Beach, 7 km north of Dumaguete; tidepool., 9.433333 123.3

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88204Marshall, D. S.   1958-05-07
Cook Islands, Taratara, Keia Dist.; small pool in reef; water clear; no current or vegetation., -21.908333 -157.966667

Centropyge bispinosus (Günther, 1860)
88160Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-25
China, Hainan, Pratas Reef (Tungsha Ch'untao), S. channel; two separate coral heads of about same character and depth in same area., 20.633333 116.75

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88270Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-09-26
Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal Province, Just west of tip of Pt. Cruz, Honiara; fringing coral reef., -9.420833 159.956944

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88226Bolin, Rolf L.; Persson, A.   1958-10-07
Vanuatu, Somewhat isolated coral head surrounded by sand., -15.486111 167.243611

Pomacanthus imperator (Bloch, 1787)
88072Bronson, A.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-06-29
Guam, Outer reef just off Alupat I, ca. 1/2 miles west of Tamuning Village., 13.4925 144.767222

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88304Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-09-29
Palau, Delachelubak area of Terrangel Bay, ca. 1 mi. sw of Ngaremediu Point, 7.238889 134.441389

Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88130Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-20
Palau, Ngerengchol reef between mouth of Ngell Channel & Aulebesiechel (Aurapushekaru) I.; sand & reef flat., 7.296389 134.491111

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88097Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-22
Palau, Reef pool NE of Station Harbor off SE part of Arakabesan I.; white, turbid water ca. 150 yds from mangrove shore., 7.3475 134.466944

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88094Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-22
Palau, Reef pool NE of Station Harbor off SE part of Arakabesan I.; white, turbid water ca. 150 yds from mangrove shore., 7.3475 134.466944

Pomacanthus imperator (Bloch, 1787)
88076Bronson, A.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-25
Guam, Channel on east side of Paseo de Susanna at mouth of Agana R., 13.478333 144.751111

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88306Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-04-14
Palau, Youel Lukes reef, ca. 1.3 mi east-southeast of entrance to Ngell Channel and south end of Auluptagel I., 7.283611 134.508056

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88303Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1959-04-15
Palau, Taprakl reef southwest of entrance to Malakal Passage, lagoon side of reef ca. 600 yds. N. of Taprakl beach., 7.268611 134.458611

Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88140Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1959-04-15
Palau, Taprakl reef southwest of entrance to Malakal Passage, lagoon side of reef ca. 600 yds. N. of Taprakl beach., 7.268611 134.458611

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88295Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-04-17
Palau, Northeast corner of Ngadarak Reef, ca. 500 yds. WSW of Ngell Channel entrance., 7.291667 134.483889

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88282Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-10
Micronesia, Yap State, East side of Tomil Channel; large Porites, coral heads on sand bottom w/ eel grass; water turbid, 0.5-2 fms. deep., 9.480278 138.141944

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88090Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-10
Micronesia, Yap State, East side of Tomil Channel; large Porites, coral heads on sand bottom w/ eel grass; water turbid, 0.5-2 fms. deep., 9.480278 138.141944

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88271Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-11
Micronesia, Yap State, Outer reef northwest of Tomil Harbor entrance; limestone reef w/ surge channels, live coral, patches of sand., 9.491111 138.144444

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88104Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-16
Micronesia, Yap State, West side of Map I, ca. 100-300 ft. from mangrove and clay shore; water very turbid, 2-4' deep., 9.575833 138.156667

39885Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-16
Micronesia, Yap State, West side of Map I, ca. 100-300 ft. from mangrove and clay shore; water very turbid, 2-4' deep., 9.575833 138.156667

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88293Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-22
Micronesia, Yap State, East of Gagil I.; sand flats on inner side of fringing reef; scattered batches of coral and sand., 9.5025 138.167778

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88390Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-22
Micronesia, Yap State, East of Gagil I.; sand flats on inner side of fringing reef; scattered batches of coral and sand., 9.5025 138.167778

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88311Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-28
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef north of Rumung I.; wide sand area between shore and fringing reef w/ coral heads (Porites)., 9.646667 138.169444

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88284Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-29
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef east of Map I.; halfway between reef and shore; water clear, 2-8' deep; ca. 0.25 mi. off sandy shore., 9.594444 138.193056

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88109Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1960-01-06
Micronesia, Yap State, Shallow reef pool ca. 1 mi. SW of Ruquen Point and ca. 1/2 mile N. of Ueloi Village; water white, turbid, 2-6' deep., 9.5625 138.183333

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
87259Sumang, Manggur & Bapilung   1960-01-08
Micronesia, Yap State, Bruggumang reef of Rumung Island, ca. 1/2 mi. NE of Mochol Village; shallow reef pool w/ dark sand bottom and corals., 9.609722 138.163889

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88250Sumang, Manggur, & Bapilung   1960-01-11
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef pool on Trfung reef west of Okau area ca. 200-300 yds. west of Okau village., 9.5375 138.091389

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88092Sumang, Manggur & Bapilung   1960-01-14
Micronesia, Yap State, Mngau Reef between Tomil I. & Map I.; water white, turbid, 1-6' deep; falling tide; 20-30 yds. off sand/rock shore., 9.574444 138.174722

Centropyge bispinosus (Günther, 1860)
88173Sumang; Olkeriel   1959-07-05
Palau, Melekeok State, 5.5 miles west of Bokurugem Point., 7.423611 134.383333

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88262Sumang; Olkeriel   1959-07-05
Palau, Melekeok State, 5.5 miles west of Bokurugem Point., 7.423611 134.383333

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88244Sumang; Johaness   1959-07-13
Palau, 0.25 miles southwest of Ngethil I, Airai District., 7.335833 134.56

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88106Sumang; Tarimel   1959-07-16
Palau, Koror State, 1/3 mile north of Madalai; sink hole in reef, mixed coral growth; water turgid, 0-2 fms. deep; falling tide., 7.351667 134.476667

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88091Sumang; Tarimel   1959-07-16
Palau, Koror State, 1/3 mile north of Madalai; sink hole in reef, mixed coral growth; water turgid, 0-2 fms. deep; falling tide., 7.351667 134.476667

Euxiphipops navarchus
88114Sumang; Sigeo   1959-07-21
Palau, Ca. 1 miles west of nw. tip of Rattakadoru (Aulong) I.; channel in reef; water clear, 1-3 fms. deep; falling tide., 7.2875 134.272222

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88377Sumang; Sigeo   1959-07-21
Palau, Ca. 1 miles west of nw. tip of Rattakadoru (Aulong) I.; channel in reef; water clear, 1-3 fms. deep; falling tide., 7.2875 134.272222

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88310Sumang, Ilues & Miyos   1959-07-27
Palau, Arutoerruru (Ngertewel) reef, NW of Arukaron Pt, Babelthuap I., 7.763333 135.583333

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88394Sumang; Francisco   1959-08-06
Palau, Sand flats, w/ large porites coral; water clear, 4' deep; falling tide; ca. 300 yds. off limestone/sand shore., 7.14 134.246667

Centropyge bispinosus (Günther, 1860)
88174Sumang; Francisco   1959-08-06
Palau, Sand flats, w/ large porites coral; water clear, 4' deep; falling tide; ca. 300 yds. off limestone/sand shore., 7.14 134.246667

Pygoplites diacanthus (Boddaert, 1772)
88382Sumang; Ilues   1959-08-20
Palau, Reef west of Aulong (Rattakadokoru) I.; live coral reef, some sand patches, soft coral; water clear, 1-2 fms. deep., 7.308333 134.250556

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88267Sumang; Ilues   1959-08-20
Palau, Reef west of Aulong (Rattakadokoru) I.; live coral reef, some sand patches, soft coral; water clear, 1-2 fms. deep., 7.308333 134.250556

Centropyge tibicen (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88129Sumang, Y.   1959-08-26
Palau, Southwest of Ngaremediu Pt.; sand flat with isolated coral heads (Porites); water clear, 1 fm. deep; rising tide., 7.25 134.446111

Euxiphipops xanthometapon
88103Yachad M.; Sumang   1959-10-08
Palau, Melekeok State, SW Babelthuap I.; mud bottom at edge of mangrove swamp with some clumps of eel grass; water murky, 2-6' deep., 7.388056 134.511111

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88100Yachad M.; Sumang   1959-10-08
Palau, Melekeok State, SW Babelthuap I.; mud bottom at edge of mangrove swamp with some clumps of eel grass; water murky, 2-6' deep., 7.388056 134.511111

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88266Sumang, Y.   1959-10-12
Palau, WSW of Aulong I.; live coral, limestone surge channels, rising tide; water clear, 4-12' deep; rising tide., 7.261389 134.1925

Euxiphipops sexstriatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88101Sumang; Mesubed   1959-10-28
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai, causeway at Toagel Mid Passage; sand, mud-flat on channel side of mangrove swamp; water clear, 3-6' deep., 7.354722 134.518056

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88249Sumang; Holm   1959-11-08
Palau, Reef west of Aulong I.; inner slope of reef, live coral ledges, rocks and sand in live stone channels., 7.3125 134.241111

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88057Brittan, M. R.; 2 Fijians   1959-08-04
Fiji, Cakau Moya Reef, ca. 4-5 miles southeast from passage between Waia Lailai and Kowata Is.; water clear., -17.408333 177.191667

Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch, 1787)
88039Bolin, Knudsen, Greenbaum et al   1960-01-28
Thailand, Ko Chang, small cove on southwest shore., 11.980556 102.3

88117Bolin, Serene, Greenbaum, Matsui, Lam   1960-02-23
Vietnam, Hon Lon, Ving Damlon., 12.201667 109.291667

88061Matsui, Greenbaum, Serene, Loi   1960-03-07
South China Sea, 8.55 111.75

88060Bolin, Rolf L.   1960-03-08
Water 2432m deep., 9.016667 110.583333

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88067Bolin, Rolf L.; et al   1960-03-10
Vietnam, West shore of Ilot Du Sud (Cu Lao Thu), off southern tip of Poulo Cecir de Mer; coral reef habitat., 10.4875 108.958333

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88261Bolin, Rolf L.; et al   1960-03-10
Vietnam, West shore of Ilot Du Sud (Cu Lao Thu), off southern tip of Poulo Cecir de Mer; coral reef habitat., 10.4875 108.958333

Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch, 1787)
88041Pairojana, Song, Bronson, natives   1960-04-24
Thailand, Rayong, Khorn Aho Bay ca. 5.5 miles west of Ban Phe Fisheries Training Center; massive Porites heads; 3-40m offshore., 12.626944 101.341944

Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch, 1787)
88040Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-29
Thailand, Rayong, Off NW side of Koh Samet, isolated coral patch on sandy silt bottom, no vegetation; ca. 20-50 yds. offshore., 12.568611 101.447778

Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch, 1787)
88037Pairojana, Song, Bronson, Fehlmann, native   1960-04-30
Thailand, Rayong, Koh Kroi I, NW side ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Ban Pae Fisheries Training Center; 15-60m offshore; water turbid, white., 12.588889 101.512778

Pomacanthus annularis (Bloch, 1787)
88042Pairojana,China,Chan,Fehlmann,Jakubowski   1961-06-18
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, West side of Goh Luem, ca. 3 miles southeast of Prachuap Khiri Khan town; fringing coral reef & rocky shoreline., 11.758333 99.831111

Pomacanthus semicirculatus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88058D. Empeso & R. Empeso   1960-04-26
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Siaton town, Malo Barrio (10 km W of Siaton town), edge of coral reef toward beach; water clear, 3-6' deep., 9.033333 122.933333

Centropyge vrolikii (Bleeker, 1853)
88298Frey, Fehlmann, Tran Viet Quang et al   1961-01-31
Vietnam, Khanh Hoa, Hon Mieu I. at south end of Nhatrang Bay and ca. 1 mile se. of Oceanographic Institute of Nhatrang., 12.191667 109.227778

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
14859Oetzel, J.   1957-04-17
Lee side of island; pool on top of reef south of ship.

Centropyge flavissimus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831)
88213Oetzel, J.   1957-04-28
North of submarine channel, over coral reef.

Page 6, records 501-600 of 997

Google Map

Google Maps is a web mapping service provided by Google that features a map that users can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.

Google Earth (KML)

This creates an KML file that can be opened in the Google Earth mapping application. Note that you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to make use of this option.