Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Amoya
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16


Amoya Herre, 1927
35167Steiner, Franz B.   1975-10-19
Singapore, Johns Island; low tide., 1.218821 103.848679

Amoya Herre, 1927
94967Brittan, M. R.; McDaniel, B.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1956-07-25
Palau, Mud flat off SE tip of Koror I. (between Koror and Byobu Is.); water slightly turbid, 0-18" deep; low tide., 7.326667 134.485

Amoya Herre, 1927
227073Gaines, Scott, Fehlmann   1956-09-02
Palau, Koror State, Ngarbaged Village; mud flat off former Palao tropical biological station; mangrove swamp and mud flat., 7.3325 134.477778

Amoya moloanus (Herre, 1927)
53820Sumang, Tewid, Sengich, DeWitt & Fehlmann   1957-09-20
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, Arakitaoch stream, mangrove zone, ca. 1.1 mile southeast of Ngarekeai village., 7.39 134.518611

Amoya Herre, 1927
94969DeWitt, Sumang, Tewid, Sengich   1957-10-04
Palau, Lake in north part of island; 0-40' off rocky shore; water clear except when disturbed, 0-5' deep; rising tide., 7.334722 134.466389

Amoya moloanus (Herre, 1927)
54764Fehlmann, H. Adair; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-10-29
Thailand, Trat, Lem Nam Pt, south tip of Lem Nam Peninsula on Trat Bay, among Sonneratia mangroves., 12.043056 102.586667

Amoya Herre, 1927
76103Fehlmann, H. Adair; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-10-30
Thailand, Shore of se. bay of Goh Mak I, sw. of Trat Bay, e. coast of Gulf; 0-125' off sandy shore., 11.804167 102.485556

Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940)
50973Fehlmann, H. Adair; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-12-11
Thailand, Rayong, Broad dead-end channel at mouth of Rayong R, Ban Puk Inlet; moderate tidal current; 0-80' off sand/mud shore., 12.653333 101.295833

Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940)
50974Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-03-21
China, Macau, Macao market., 22.2 113.55

Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940)
50976Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1959-04-22
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, Arakitaoch stream, mangrove zone, ca. 2.1 miles southeast of Ngarekeai village., 7.39 134.518611

Amoya Herre, 1927
94970Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1959-04-22
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, Arakitaoch stream, mangrove zone, ca. 2.1 miles southeast of Ngarekeai village., 7.39 134.518611

Amoya moloanus complex
53773Pairojana, Song, Ferber, Bronson, Fehlmann   1960-04-29
Thailand, Rayong, Small boat basin at marine railway E of Ban Phe Fisheries Training Center; 0-40m offshore; water turbid; rising tide., 12.604167 101.427222

Amoya Herre, 1927
94973Fehlmann; Pairojana; Song; Prachuob; et al   1960-05-31
Thailand, Ranong, Goh Kol Thee adjacent to Ban Parknam Ranong at mouth of Pakchan R. separating Burma from Thailand., 10.943333 98.593056

Amoya chusanensis (Herre, 1940)
51410Fehlmann; Pairojana; Song; Prachuob; et al   1960-05-31
Thailand, Ranong, Goh Kol Thee adjacent to Ban Parknam Ranong at mouth of Pakchan R. separating Burma from Thailand., 10.943333 98.593056

Amoya brevirostris
25491Chen, Johnson   1928-08-02
China, Hainan, Hainandao (Hainan Island)., 18.690834 110.544824

Amoya raveni
244439Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-13
Fiji, Daun Village - east of Nansori, NE of Suva., -18.040067 178.641467

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