Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Apterichtus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16


Apterichtus malabar
234253Hoese, D. F.   1973-01-02
Australia, New South Wales, Off Malabar. Sta. 16, -33.966667 151.283333

213864Ehrhorn, E. M.   1919-05-01
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Honolulu., 21.291426 -157.865711

Apterichtus klazingai (Weber, 1913)
233967Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-05
Fiji, West side, ne. of Viti Levu. Sand, collected under boat in flat sand bed., -17.57685 178.670283

Apterichtus klazingai (Weber, 1913)
238001Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-10
Fiji, West side off Kade Village., -17.35435 179.373917

Apterichtus klazingai (Weber, 1913)
233966Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2003-01-11
Fiji, Lagoon. Sand under boat., -16.839833 -179.945717

218801Gosline, Brock, Herald, Harry (Rofen)   1951-09-07
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Approx. 0.5 mi. off Niumalu Hotel, Waikiki Beach., 21.277121 -157.832291

Apterichtus klazingai (Weber, 1913)
35464McCosker; John E.; et al   1975-02-19
Comoros, Grande Comore, North of Hotel Itsandra, in front of "Coelacanth Grotto"; deep caves above coral sand slope; 50m from shore., -11.655118 43.261681

Apterichtus klazingai (Weber, 1913)
35026McCosker, J. E.; McCosker, S.; Lagios, M. D.   1975-02-23
Comoros, Grande Comore, North of Hahaia: large isolated coral head over coral sand., -11.559908 43.265999

Apterichtus klazingai (Weber, 1913)
32562McCosker, John E.   1975-03-07
Comoros, Grande Comore, Garden eel bed ca. 5 km n. of Itsandra; slope of coarse coral sand with several small well-isolated coral heads., -11.625939 43.254722

223286Iwamoto, Tomio   2005-03-27
Angola, Angola, -17.2 11.6333

Apterichtus kendalli (Gilbert, 1891)
54479U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service   1963-09-26
NW Atlantic, 12.766667 -70.683333

Apterichtus australis
219463Randall, John E.; Cannoy, D. B.   1971-02-10
French Polynesia, Off Hiri Bay; adjacent to a reef., -27.6 -144.3

Apterichtus Duméril, 1806
234376Robertson, D. Ross   1998-04-01
France, Clipperton I.

Apterichtus ansp (Böhlke, 1968)
54478W. SMITH-VANIZ, et al.   1975-07-31
Bermuda, arnd. patch reef off "white cliffs". Sta. BR-33., 32.26 -64.796667

Apterichtus mysi
234136Randall, John E.; et al   1971-04-21
French Polynesia, Off point at N end of Hanauu Bay., -10.490556 -138.648889

234319   2000-03-10
Spain, Canarias, Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote., 28.912574 -13.659473

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