Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Aspidoras
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-14 of 14


Aspidoras poecilus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16013Ternetz, Carl   1924-01-14
Brazil, Goias, Vereda do Agostinho into R. Cannabrava., -13.528226 -48.407265

Aspidoras poecilus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16014Ternetz, Carl   1924-01-15
Brazil, Goias, Corrego da Porteira.

Aspidoras poecilus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16011Ternetz, Carl   1924-01-01
Brazil, Goias, Corrego da Mula, below mouth of R. Maranhao., -14 -48.25

Aspidoras eurycephalus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16010Ternetz, Carl   1923-12-26
Brazil, Goias, Corrego Vermelho into Rio das Almas, tributary of Rio Maranhao., -15 -49.5

Aspidoras eurycephalus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
31833Ternetz, Carl   1923-12-26
Brazil, Goias, Corrego Vermelho into Rio das Almas, tributary of Rio Maranhao., -15 -49.5

Aspidoras rochai Ihering, 1907
36563Ternetz, Carl   1924-12-26
Brazil, Goias, Corrego Vemelo (Aluias)., -14.775698 -49.494906

Aspidoras rochai Ihering, 1907
6561Ternetz, Carl   1923-12-29
Brazil, Goias, Corrego do Laginha., -7.965298 -47.513933

Aspidoras poecilus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16009Ternetz, Carl   1923-12-30
Brazil, Goias, Corrego Gomez into Ribeirao Macaco into R. Maranhao., -12.600102 -48.776077

Aspidoras Ihering, 1907
20666Haseman, John D.   1908-03-04
Brazil, Alagoinhas., -12.136093 -38.425737

Aspidoras maculosus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
42521Haseman, John D.   1907-11-08
Brazil, Bahia State, R. Paiaia into headwaters of R. Itapicuru; small,rocky rapid stream from Serra Jacobina between Bom Fim and Jacobina., -11 -40.5

Aspidoras poecilus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16012Ternetz, Carl   1924-01-02
Brazil, Goias, Corrego Sao Domingo., -13.525786 -48.983043

Aspidoras poecilus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
16015Ternetz, Carl   1924-01-31
Brazil, Goias, Corrego at Peixe into Rio Tocantins., -12.033333 -48.6

Aspidoras spilotus Nijssen and Isbrücker, 1976
31834De Meneses, J. L.   1969-11-10
Brazil, Ceara, Riacho dos Macacos, tributary of R. Acarau., -4.1 -40.433333

Aspidoras rochai Ihering, 1907
6560Ternetz, Carl   1924-01-03
Brazil, Goias: near Amaro Leite, Bonia (brook) into Maranhao, -13.976372 -49.158072

Page 1, records 1-14 of 14

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