Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Cabillus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-52 of 52


Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
224314Greenfield, David W.; Cockrell, G.; Greig, P.   1990-08-04
American Samoa, Just east of Tiapea Point, north side of island., -14.252419 -170.612157

Cabillus Smith, 1959
217624Herald, Earl S.; Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1951-08-16
U. S. Minor Outlying Islands, Palmyra Atoll, Inside reef on west side of Paradise Island Jetty., 5.875 -162.078333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95235Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-07-01
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channel between Kumekume & Ngarumaoa islets, near Ngarumaoa Village, west side of Raroia., -16 -142.433333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95236Rofen (Harry), Robert R.   1952-07-06
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channel between Nengonengo and Kukina Islets near village (Garumaoa?), W. side of Raroia., -16 -142.433333

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54485Rofen (Harry), Robert R.   1952-07-06
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channel between Nengonengo and Kukina Islets near village (Garumaoa?), W. side of Raroia., -16 -142.433333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95223Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-07-23
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Ohaua coral head in lagoon 0.5 mile east of Garumaoa village, west side of Raroia., -16.016667 -142.433333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95237Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-08-28
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channels at south end of atoll, -16.016667 -142.433333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95238Pakal, Tachim et al   1953-09-17
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Nimweo Pass, between Falarik and Falalap Islets., 7.248611 144.454167

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95224Pak; et al   1953-10-01
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat on transect C at north end of Falarik Islet., 7.261944 144.444722

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54486Pakal; et al   1953-10-02
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outside reef flat of Falarik Islet next to Rauau Village (transect A)., 7.251111 144.454444

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95225boys, Ifaluk   1953-10-25
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat at Rauau Village, Falarik Islet; app. 10-20' offshore; very low tide; water 6" deep; algae., 7.235833 144.453333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95239Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95226Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Akim, Sinter et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon side of outer reef flat of Tapatuitu; midway between Torongahai Islet and w. end of atoll; water clear., 1.095278 154.728056

Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
88352Atta, Akim, Frely, Hand et al   1954-07-27
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Matukerekere Islet; south side of atoll; to 750' off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.025 154.7675

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54488Atta, Akim, Frely, Hand et al   1954-07-27
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat of Matukerekere Islet; south side of atoll; to 750' off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.025 154.7675

Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
88347Atta, Hand, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-28
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Tirakaume and Tokongo Islets, s. side of atoll; 0-125' off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.028611 154.776667

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54487Atta, Hand, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-28
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Inter-islet channel between Tirakaume and Tokongo Islets, s. side of atoll; 0-125' off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.028611 154.776667

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95240Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Kadmgan   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Rikumanu and Turuiamu Islets; ne. side of atoll; app. 150 yds. off rock/gravel shore., 1.093333 154.783611

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54491Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Kadmgan   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Rikumanu and Turuiamu Islets; ne. side of atoll; app. 150 yds. off rock/gravel shore., 1.093333 154.783611

Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
88353Atta, Meterewe, R.R. Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-06
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Tirakau islet, south side of atoll; to approx. 75' off gravel/sand shore; high tide., 1.0325 154.785

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95241Atta, Meterewe, R.R. Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-06
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Tirakau islet, south side of atoll; to approx. 75' off gravel/sand shore; high tide., 1.0325 154.785

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
95242Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54490Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54489Atta, Atto, Uruwhet, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Reef flat and lagoon border reef at Tokoteihi region, ca. 2 mi. W of Ship Pass; app. 3 mi. offshore; water 0-15' deep, 1.056389 154.721944

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95227Gaines; McDaniel; Scott; Fehlmann; et al   1956-07-08
Palau, Reef at south end, to edge of eel-grass bed; reef flat with scattered clumps of living coral, soft & hard., 7.295 134.49

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95228Sumang, Scott, Fehlmann   1956-09-04
Palau, Tidepool on reef off sw. point of Nardueis I.; tidepool characterized by a shallow basin w/ short eelgrass., 7.345556 134.585556

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95229Randall, John E.   
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Northwest corner., -17.464917 -149.875968

Cabillus Smith, 1959
53756Randall, John E.   1957-04-19
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Papeete Harbor, Quarantine I., -17.530468 -149.574907

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54493Sumang, DeWitt, Fehlmann   1957-09-06
Palau, Koror State, Btilawel Dist, shallow pool ca. 50 yds. off mangrove shore; scattered dead coral heads & a layer of soft mud 1-3' deep., 7.344167 134.512222

Cabillus Smith, 1959
54492Fehlmann; DeWitt; Sumang; Tewid   1957-10-07
Palau, In corner between north tip of Auluptagel I. and Malakal causeway between Auluptagel and Malakal Is., 7.336944 134.463889

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95230DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich, Tewid   1957-10-22
Palau, Angaur State, In Garangaoi cove just south of Cape Ngaremudel on reef flat w/sand, coral rock, coral, and eel grass, var. algae., 6.891944 134.130278

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95231Brown, W. C.   1958-05-02
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Pools at Ayuguitan, 14 km south of Dumaguete City; coral reef along open channel facing Cebu I., 9.206832 123.283333

Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
96063Empeso, D.   1958-10-30
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Pulo Barrio, 2 km north of Sibulan; tidepool., 9.483333 123.283333

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95232Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-23
China, Hainan, Northeast point of Pratas Reef; reef flat creased by very shallow depressions running toward sea., 20.768056 116.884722

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95233Bronson, B.; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1959-04-07
Guam, Reef and sand flat N of Tringhera Beach in Agana Bay; ca. 800 yds. W of Tamuning village; lagoon side of barrier reef, 13.481389 144.7625

Cabillus Smith, 1959
95234Bronson, B.; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1959-04-07
Guam, Reef and sand flat N of Tringhera Beach in Agana Bay; ca. 800 yds. W of Tamuning village; lagoon side of barrier reef, 13.481389 144.7625

Cabillus Smith, 1959
53761Sumang; Bronson   1959-06-19
Palau, Koror State, Boat channel on west side of "M" dock; around and beneath steel water barge stranded 50' from dock., 7.334722 134.573611

Cabillus Smith, 1959
53767Manggur, Sumang & Bapilung   1960-01-12
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef flat on west side of Tarang I, ca. 1 mile southwest of Tomil Pt.; shallow reef pool., 9.538611 138.141389

Cabillus Smith, 1959
96468Gaines, R. A.   1957-04-14
Palau, No other data.

Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield and Randall, 2004
218110Langston, R. C.   2002-08-29
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Kaneohe Bay, sand field at seaward edge of spur and groove habitat outside of barrier reef, adajcent to rubble patch and pavement., 21.460304 -157.809735

Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield and Randall, 2004
218111Langston, R. C.   2002-08-29
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Kaneohe Bay, sand field at seaward edge of spur and groove habitat outside of barrier reef, adajcent to rubble patch and pavement., 21.460304 -157.809735

Cabillus Smith, 1959
239491Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-30
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point between White Beach and Bayanan Beach., 13.512533 120.907683

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
239527Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-28
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Markoe Cove., 13.507283 120.977417

Cabillus Smith, 1959
240668Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Eyre, J.; Love, W.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-11
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, east side., 13.55 121.083333

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
240912Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

Cabillus Smith, 1959
242829Carpenter, K.; Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Ackiss, A.   2014-04-29
Philippines, Philippines, Batangas, northwest Maricaban Island, east of Caban Island, dive site near Bethlehem dive site., 13.66992 120.85095

Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield and Randall, 2004
243984Langston, R. C.   2002-08-29
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Kaneohe Bay, sand field at seaward edge of spur and groove habitat outside of barrier reef, adajcent to rubble patch and pavement., 21.460304 -157.809735

Cabillus caudimacula Greenfield and Randall, 2004
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii

Cabillus Smith, 1959
244385Langston, R. C.   2003-01-08
Fiji, N side of island, Balavu Harbor, east side of entrance. Sand, some grass & coral chunks, shore station., -17.186867 -179.001583

Cabillus Smith, 1959
246272Greenfield, David W.; Cole, K.   2002-11-14
Fiji, West side by aquaculture station - Dalice, under boat. Patch reef isolated on sand, mostly dead with algae., -17.44255 178.9527

Cabillus tongarevae (Fowler, 1927)
246305Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-14
Fiji, Koro Basin, spit between two islands, sw. of aquaculture sta. - Dalice., -17.44255 178.9527

Cabillus lacertops Smith, 1959
246560Williams, Jeff T.; Carpenter, Kent; Dumale, Don; Catania, Dave; Lane, Mark   2016-04-10
Philippines, Siquijor, Siquijor I, off Solongon, 9.165361 123.476

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