Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Chasmichthys
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Chasmichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
58315Eschmeyer, William N.   1955-11-27
United States, Washington, Washington, 46.716667 -124.633333

Chasmichthys gulosus (Sauvage, 1882)
25276U.S. Fish Commission   
Japan, Misaki, Sagami, Japan., 35.138197 139.617375

Chasmichthys validus
33058Herre, Albert W.   1936-06-25
China, Zhejiang, E. Saddle [Sheng Shan] I, Chusan Arch, China., 30.724021 122.833798

Chasmichthys gulosus (Sauvage, 1882)
51429Sakai, Bayer, Harry (Rofen)   1955-09-16
Japan, Wakayama, Shirahama; Taka-shima, in tide pools; ca. 150' off rocky shore; water clear, 2-12' deep; low tide., 33.686667 135.334167

Chasmichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
51431Rofen, Bayer, Sakai   1955-09-17
Japan, Wakayama, Shirahama, To-shima; in tide pools and along steep rock shore of island; abundant vegetation; water clear., 33.692778 135.321667

Chasmichthys dolichognathus (Hilgendorf, 1879)
41917Jordan, David S.; Snyder, John O.   0000-00-00
Japan, Hakodate., 41.7726 140.776368

Chasmichthys gulosus (Sauvage, 1882)
6595Jordan, David S.; Snyder, John O.   0000-00-00
Japan, (Sagami Sea), Misaki., 35.15943 139.493865

Chasmichthys gulosus (Sauvage, 1882)
51428Terazaki, K.; fishermen   1946-09-09
Japan, Chiba, Awa Dist, Kominato., 35.121925 140.197382

Chasmichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
58316Utinomi, H.   
Japan, Wakayama, Shirahama at To-shima, Tanabe Bay and vic.; in tidepools., 33.683333 135.316667

Chasmichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
58317Steiner, Franz B.   1970-04-08
South Korea, Mok-to Isl. near Pusan, 35.069671 129.089514

Chasmichthys Jordan and Snyder, 1901
58318Steiner, Franz B.   
South Korea, Pusan area; at Yongso, 34.774722 127.933611

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