Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Ctenogobiops
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-17 of 17


Ctenogobiops mitodes
233663Greenfield, David W.; Greenfield, Terry A.   2003-05-21
Fiji, Budd Reef. Patch reef in lagoon, coral mostly dead, isolated on sand & rabble., -16.498667 -179.71

Ctenogobiops mitodes
219751Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.   1999-06-02
Fiji, Muaivuso - patch off village, inside reef., -18.13747 178.370632

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
56019Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
95271Harry (Rofen), Fehlmann, Sumang, Bayer   1955-08-28
Palau, Reef flat, south shore of island; limestone shore; rising low tide; water mod. turbid, 1/2 knot or less., 7.322222 134.4875

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
95273Sumang, Sengich, Tewid, DeWitt, Fehlmann   1957-09-23
Palau, Off northwest side of Chol I. (a sand island rising to ca. 7-8 feet at low tide)., 7.286944 134.518333

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
53760Sumang; Bronson   1959-06-19
Palau, Koror State, Boat channel on west side of "M" dock; around and beneath steel water barge stranded 50' from dock., 7.334722 134.573611

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
95270H.A. Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana & Song   1960-05-18
Thailand, Chumphon, Fringing coral reef on nw. side of Goh Maprao; 100-200' offshore; water somewhat turbid, 1-12' deep; falling tide., 10.39 99.295833

Ctenogobiops maculosus (Fourmanoir in Roux-Estève and Fourmanoir, 1955)
230479Prommanonda, Supati, Chan, Fehlmann   1961-06-17
Thailand, Prachuap Khiri Khan, West side of Goh Luem, ca. 3 mile southeast of Prachuap Khiri Khan Village, fringing coral reef., 11.759722 99.831111

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
58302Frey, Fehlmann, Tran Viet Quang et al   1961-02-01
Vietnam, Khanh Hoa, Hon Lon I, Vung Damchinh Cove on SE side; broken coral reef along margin of channel in cove., 12.1925 109.318056

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
95269Frey, Fehlmann, Tran Viet Quang et al   1961-02-01
Vietnam, Khanh Hoa, Hon Lon I, Vung Damchinh Cove on SE side; broken coral reef along margin of channel in cove., 12.1925 109.318056

Ctenogobiops mitodes
223098Randall, John E.   2004-05-18
Marshall Islands, Marshall Islands, Majuro Atoll, lagoon off Uliga Island

243958Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-01-28
Fiji, Nukulau Island off Suva. Scattered dead & live coral over sand - lee side of large shelf of tidepool - strand., -18.178767 178.513317

Ctenogobiops feroculus Lubbock and Polunin, 1977
244099Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.   2002-11-12
Fiji, Tulane Harbour, near back of Bay., -17.2736 179.360083

Ctenogobiops Smith, 1959
244600Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2003-01-07
Fiji, N.W. tip of island. Fringing reef, outside face., -17.1631 -179.03945

Ctenogobiops tangaroai Lubbock and Polunin, 1977
246287Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-16
Fiji, Vatunisogasoga Reef, nw of Tavua, n. shore Viti Levu. Large patch reef, inside protected pocket, live coral down slope to rubble and sand., -17.372017 177.713067

Ctenogobiops pomastictus Lubbock and Polunin, 1977
246650Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2002-03-28
Fiji, Northern Division, Great Sea Reef, north of Kia I, lagoon., -16.195767 179.061867

246666Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2002-03-25
Fiji, Northern Division, N. shore, reef NE of Yaqaga I, & NW of Ovatova Reef. Isolated coral reef, separate coral patch below reef face on sand flat., -16.51195 178.6455

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