Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Enneacanthus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-25 of 25


3297Apgar, A. C.   
United States, New Jersey, Trenton., 40.207077 -74.766122

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
234127   2011-08-31
United States, South Carolina, Horry County, Tributary to Big Swamp; site number 203569.

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
234128   2011-08-31
United States, South Carolina, Horry County, Tributary to Big Swamp; site number 203569.

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
64299Myers, George S.   1924-05-24
United States, North Carolina, Near Wilmington., 34.260003 -77.905068

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
50845Kilby, J. D.; et al   1952-10-06
United States, Florida, Alachua County, creek 3 mi. S of Phifer, 29.548543 -82.188747

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
50844J.D. Kilby, et al.   1953-06-04
United States, Florida, Jackson County, 3.5 mi. N of Sneads on Butler Rd., 30.798194 -84.952135

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
66876Freihofer, Warren C.   1968-07-02
United States, North Carolina, Near small bridge along North Carolina Route 211, between Allentown and Lumberton.

66827Freihofer, Warren C.   1968-07-02
United States, North Carolina, Near small bridge along North Carolina Route 211, between Allentown and Lumberton.

66847Freihofer, Warren C.   1968-07-02
United States, North Carolina, Robeson County, Lennon's Marsh, off county route 1002 about 4 miles south of Allentown., 34.479798 -78.8781

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
68323Freihofer, Warren C.   1968-07-02
United States, North Carolina, Robeson County, Lennon's Marsh, off county route 1002 about 4 miles south of Allentown., 34.479798 -78.8781

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
66877Freihofer, W. C.; Korringa, M.; Compagno, L.   1968-06-30
United States, North Carolina, Columbus County, Between Hallsboro and Old Dock; approx. 5 miles south of Hallsboro., 34.25409 -78.604738

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
57262Freihofer, W. C.; Gilbert, C.   1964-04-14
United States, Florida, Alachua County, 10.8 miles southeast of Gainesville, State Highway 325 in small creek., 29.517808 -82.177414

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
227932Poly, William J.   2006-11-29
United States, South Carolina, Marion County, approx. 5 km SE of Mullins at SSR 31 bridge and downstream of bridge, 34.1731 -79.2217

227944Kevin M. Kubach, M. Troy Cribb, William J. Poly, Alan J. Jon   2008-06-25
United States, South Carolina, Aiken County, Sandhills; Savannah river basin; approx. 7 km W of Windsor, about 100 m downstream of Old Barnwell Road (SSR 113), 33.4759 -81.5894

227900William J. Poly, Alan J. Jones, Andrew Gelder, Andrew Sayer   2008-06-18
United States, South Carolina, Aiken County, Atlantic Southern Loam Plains; Savannah river basin; approx. 6 km S of Jackson (on Cowden Plantation), follow Brown Road (CR 437), cross RR tracks, 33.2718 -81.79532

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
227934Poly, William J.; Zuelsdorf, Allen   2007-07-06
United States, South Carolina, Marlboro County, Atlantic Southern Loam Plains; Pee Dee river basin; approx. 3 km SSW of Bennettsville, downstream of Jackson Road just west of junction of Jackson Road and Salem Road, 34.5801 -79.6983

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
607Jordan, David S.; Evermann, Barton W.   
United States, Virginia, Dismal Swamp

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
609Jordan, David S.   
United States, Virginia, SUFFOLK, VA, 36.663387 -76.517838

957Apgar, A. C.   
United States, New Jersey, TRENTON, N.J., 40.207077 -74.766122

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
3169Apgar, A. C.   
United States, New Jersey, TRENTON, N.J., 40.207077 -74.766122

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
3862Jordan, David S.; Jenkins, Oliver P.   
United States, Virginia, Dismal Swamp

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
United States, Maryland, SMITHS, MD.

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
227259Gilbert, C. R.; Freihofer, W.   1964-04-04
United States, Florida, Alachua County, 10.8 air miles South East of Gainsville, State Hwy. 325; tributary to Orange Lake., 29.517808 -82.177414

Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook, 1855)
227260Gilbert, & Freiholer   1964-04-04
United States, Florida, Alachua County, 3 miles SE of Gainsville , St. Hwy. 325, tributary to Orange Lake., 29.501672 -82.172059

Enneacanthus obesus (Girard, 1854)
60569Massman, W. H.   1953-06-15
United States, Virginia, City of Norfolk, Great Dismal Swamp, 36.652035 -76.474628

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