Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Grammistes
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 133


Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
No locality information given.

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
52281   1947-10-05
Philippines, Cuyo I., 10.868258 121.018883

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
29518Lundin, A. P.   
Micronesia, Rug Is.

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
52285Herre, Albert W.   1948-08-10
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete., 9.307 123.3074

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
39108Herre, Albert W.   1940-06-11
Philippines, Batangas, Nasugbu.

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
27556Herre, Albert W.   1931-08-11
Philippines, Tawi-Tawi, Si Tankay, Sibutu Island Group., 4.773696 119.448681

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
32346Herre, Albert W.   1936-12-11
Philippines, Batangas, Nasugbu., 14.076733 120.604613

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
24881Herre, Albert W.   1929-03-15
Fiji, Nukulau I.

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
31423Herre, Albert W.   0000-00-00
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban; Tide pools, The Bluff, -29.851489 31.049126

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
32927Herre, Albert W.   1936-12-21
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete., 9.307 123.3074

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
33876Herre, Albert W.   1936-12-22
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete., 9.307 123.3074

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
31498Herre, Albert W.   1934-04-23
Kenya, Mombasa., -4.077397 39.694133

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
52286Herre, Albert W.   1948-07-23
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Siaton., 9.044203 123.03596

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
27554Herre, Albert W.   1931-06-27
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete., 9.307 123.3074

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
27553Herre, Albert W.   1931-05-28
Philippines, Manila, Manila Bay, P.I., 14.577687 120.900463

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
27555Herre, Albert W.   1931-08-02
Philippines, Sulu, Jolo., 5.925203 121.153284

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
52694Herre, Albert W.   1948-06-30
Philippines, Batangas, Layia., 13.664964 121.412479

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
52693Herre, Albert W.   1948-07-09
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete., 9.307 123.3074

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
52698Herre, Albert W.   1948-07-09
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete., 9.307 123.3074

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
32958Herre, Albert W.   0000-00-00
Philippines, Tawi-Tawi, Sitankai (Si Tankay), Sibutu I. Group., 4.717582 119.401948

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
51584Barlow, George W.   1953-06-15
Philippines, Batanes, Mahatao., 20.415851 121.947072

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
65773Johnson, Clifford R.   1964-09-20
Japan, Okinawa, 1 mile south of Ginama., 26.832959 128.254486

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211847Empeso, D.   1958-08-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Albiga, Siaton., 9.050104 123.058646

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
8977Jordan, David S.; Kellogg, Vernon L.   
Samoa, Apia & Pago Pago, -13.825273 -171.769801

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219069Greenfield, David W.; Cole, K.; Longenecker, K.; et al   2002-01-23
Fiji, Off Suva - same as G02-01., -18.187117 178.517333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219130Greenfield, David W.; Cole, K.; Longenecker, K.; et al   2002-01-23
Fiji, Off Suva - same locality as G02-02 but ~50 yds west., -18.187117 178.517333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
217390Greenfield, David W.; Cole, K.; Longenecker, K.; et al   2002-01-23
Fiji, Off Suva - same locality as G02-02 but ~50 yds west., -18.187117 178.517333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
221087Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.; et al   2002-03-28
Fiji, Northern Division, N. shore, Kia I, off cliffs on west side. Fringing reef - reef face from sand at bottom up groove to top of reef., -16.239833 179.08815

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219132Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-01-28
Fiji, Nukulau Island off Suva. Scattered dead & live coral over sand - lee side of large shelf of tidepool - strand., -18.178767 178.513317

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219408Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-10
Fiji, West side, off Kade village. Rocky shore, boulders & pavement. 0-20 offshore., -17.35435 179.373917

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219051Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-01
Fiji, Sand Bank behind barrier reef off Suva - in lagoon., -18.17425 178.4727

Grammistes lineatus
218922Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-11
Fiji, Muaivuso - lagoon inside reef - blue hole., -18.147877 178.366467

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219413Greenfield, David W.; Greenfield, Terry A.   2003-05-21
Fiji, Budd Reef. Fringing reef at edge of deep hole in reef. ~25 yds of shore., -16.498667 -179.71

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
219685Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.   1999-05-30
Fiji, Makuluva I. off Suva, lagoon side., -18.187061 178.520427

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211846Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-07-01
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channel between Kumekume & Ngarumaoa islets, near Ngarumaoa Village, west side of Raroia., -16 -142.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211872Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-07-04
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channel between Takoke and Emari Islets, near Ngarue, north passage, west side of Raroia I., -16.016667 -142.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211886Rofen (Harry), Robert R.   1952-07-06
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channel between Nengonengo and Kukina Islets near village (Garumaoa?), W. side of Raroia., -16 -142.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211853Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Natives   1952-07-17
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Mataira Islet, north of Ngaru Pass, west side of Raroia; channels and seaward reefs., -16.016667 -142.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211848Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-08-04
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Outer West Reef in region of Oneroa Village, southwest side of Raroia., -16.016667 -142.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211825Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1952-08-28
French Polynesia, Iles Tuamotu-Gambier, Channels at south end of atoll, -16.016667 -142.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211876Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1953-09-13
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Falarik Islet; in lagoon in front of Rauau village; encrusting algae and turtle grass., 7.251389 144.450833

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211887Pakal, Tachim et al   1953-09-17
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Nimweo Pass, between Falarik and Falalap Islets., 7.248611 144.454167

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211871Pakal, Tachim et al   1953-09-17
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Nimweo Pass, between Falarik and Falalap Islets., 7.248611 144.454167

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211901Pakal, Tachim et al   1953-09-17
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Nimweo Pass, between Falarik and Falalap Islets., 7.248611 144.454167

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211830Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1953-09-18
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Large tidepool between shore and outer median ridge, opposite Rauau Village, Falarik Islet., 7.250278 144.453333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211870Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1953-09-19
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Surge channels on outside of Falarik Islet., 7.257222 144.454444

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211896Emalise; Egeshemal   1953-09-28
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Off southeast tip of Falalap Islet; appr. 400 yds. offshore; water clear, tide high., 7.237778 144.456389

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211850Pakal; et al   1953-10-01
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat at N end of Falarik Islet (transect C)., 7.254167 144.445

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211823Pak; et al   1953-10-01
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat on transect C at north end of Falarik Islet., 7.261944 144.444722

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211884Pak; et al   1953-10-01
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat on transect C at north end of Falarik Islet., 7.261944 144.444722

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211890Pak; et al   1953-10-01
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outer reef flat on transect C at north end of Falarik Islet., 7.261944 144.444722

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211882Pakal; et al   1953-10-02
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Outside reef flat of Falarik Islet next to Rauau Village (transect A)., 7.251111 144.454444

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211864Tachim, Pakal, Weshal   1953-10-07
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Off outer reef of Elangalap Islet; 0.1 mi. offshore; water clear, 5 fms. deep; encrusting algae., 7.247222 144.430556

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211841Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1953-10-21
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, In middle of lagoon between Elangalap and Falarik Islets; app. 0.5 mile from rocky shore., 7.253889 144.436667

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211858Pakal, Tachim, Yarofoma, Harry (Rofen)   1953-10-22
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Off outer reef on south side of Falalap Islet; app. 500' offshore; low tide; water clear, 2-12' deep., 7.242222 144.453333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211849Pakal, Tachim, Yarof, Yani   1953-10-26
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Breaker line on reef edge off south side of Falalap Islet; app. 300' off sandy shore; water clear, 3-15' deep., 7.240833 144.436111

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211879Pakal, Tachim & Yarof   1953-10-30
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Reef flat between Elangalap & Falarik Islets; 0.4 mi. off sand/rock shore; water clear, 6' deep; encrusting algae., 7.259167 144.436111

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211868Pakal, Tachim, Yarof   1953-10-30
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Reef flat between Elangalap and Falarik Islets; app. 0.6 mi. off rock/sand shore; water clear, 6' deep., 7.256389 144.433333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211822Koro; Botek; Dimoet; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1954-06-28
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef and sand flat at n. end of Hare Islet; 10-75' off sandy shore; low to high tide; encrusting algae., 1.046111 154.797778

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211829Atta, Deturo, Newhouser, Antipas, Harry   1954-07-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at middle of Hare Islet, se. side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water 0-6' deep., 1.039444 154.795833

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211892Atta, Meterewe, Hand, Akim, Sinter et al   1954-07-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon side of outer reef flat of Tapatuitu; midway between Torongahai Islet and w. end of atoll; water clear., 1.095278 154.728056

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211824Atta, Meterewe, Deurumol, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-24
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef at Sakenge Islet, east side of atoll; 40-200' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, 0-6' deep., 1.061944 154.800556

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211855Atta, Harry (Rofen)   1954-07-27
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Outer reef flat w. of Matukerekere Islet, south side of atoll; app. 100' off beachrock shore; low tide; clear, 1.026389 154.766667

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211861Harry (Rofen), R. R.; Kadmgan   1954-08-02
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef between Rikumanu and Turuiamu Islets; ne. side of atoll; app. 150 yds. off rock/gravel shore., 1.093333 154.783611

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211874Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211873Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211894Jones, Gawera, Takeshi, Harry (Rofen)   1954-10-06
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef on west side of Na I, next to mangrove swamp near east side of Ponape; app. 100 yds., 6.861389 158.355833

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211877Gustave; Jones; Gawere; Harry (Rofen)   1954-10-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef bordering mangrove swamp on west side of Jokaj I, off norrth side of Ponape I.; 0-50 yds. offshore., 6.980278 158.174444

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211891Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1955-08-10
Palau, In mouth of bay in southernmost shore of island, and at narrow neck south of first wide place; 0-10 yds. offshore., 7.297778 134.488889

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211865Gaines; Fehlmann   1956-06-16
Northern Mariana Islands, Unai Laulau, near site of old Air Corps swimming pool (dredged); water somewhat murky, 1.5-7' deep., 15.161944 145.756389

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211867Gaines, R. A.; Scott, A. W.   1956-07-15
Guam, Inarajan; terraced tide pools; consolidated coral covered with algae with scattered sandy holes., 13.266667 144.733333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211852Gaines, R. A.; Scott, A. W.   1956-07-19
Northern Mariana Islands, Kagman area, Unai Laulau Katan between Puntan Laulau Katan and Puntan Halaihai; Target Beach., 15.1725 145.791944

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211838Sumang, Scott, Fehlmann   1956-09-04
Palau, Tidepool on reef off sw. point of Nardueis I.; tidepool characterized by a shallow basin w/ short eelgrass., 7.345556 134.585556

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211827Fehlmann, Gaines, Sumang, Damian, Scott   1956-09-19
Palau, Channel between Ngurongor Pt. and Ngusuwal I, east side of Peleliu; drainage channel from mangrove area., 7.010833 134.273611

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211866H.A. Fehlmann, Sumang, Sako   1956-10-06
Palau, Ngaruangl Reef, southwest side of island; sandy flat sith small scattered Porites and staghorn heads., 8.168056 134.6475

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211836Fehlmann, H. A.; Scott, A. W.; Sumang   1956-10-07
Palau, Kayangel State, Ngajangel (Ngachayangel) Islet; reef flat 150 yds. n. of island; aggregation of close, low coral heads., 8.0925 134.720556

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211883Fehlmann, H. Adair; Sumang; Sako   1956-10-08
Palau, Kayangel State, South end of atoll, south side of Ngarapalas I.; coral rubble with a few, low, scattered coral heads., 8.038333 134.705833

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211842Anthony, C. H.; McDaniel, B.   1956-09-21
Micronesia, Lagoon reef N of Eogt I. between Eoet I. and Yogoroporapu I.; water clear, 5-7' deep; low tide; no current., 10.061111 139.7675

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211856Scott, A. W.   1956-11-02
Micronesia, Yap State, Refinery point, reef flat s. of point; fringing reef flat of consolidated (Lithothamnion) limestone w/ tide pools., 9.768611 140.5175

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211899Randall, John E.   1956-04-07
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Papetoai Bay, shore reef., -17.490668 -149.866538

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211897Randall, John E.   1956-05-10
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Lagoon between Papetaoi village & 1st motu west., -17.486694 -149.859832

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211839Randall, John E.   1956-06-16
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Entrance to Papetoai Bay, by Faatoai village., -17.490668 -149.866538

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211862Randall, John E.   1956-07-09
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Lagoon at entrance to bay.

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211828Randall, J. E.; Brock, V.; Nemoto, C.   1956-08-15
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Lagoon, shore reef off Faatoai Village, east side., -17.490668 -149.866538

Grammistes Bloch and Schneider, 1801
211863Randall, John E.   1956-10-08
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Robinson's Cove., -17.490668 -149.866538

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211833Bingham, Ellsworth & Josef   1957-07-27
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Papetoa Dist, Tareu Pass; large section of sunken iron ship; shallow depressions; current slight; tide rising., -17.478333 -149.858056

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211880DeWITT, Hugh H.; Sumang, Yachad; Sengich; Tewid   1957-10-23
Palau, Angaur State, About 700 yds. west of Ngadalog Beach at edge of reef; water clear, 0-6' deep; low to rising tide., 6.888333 134.120833

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211878Brown, W. C.; Grant, A.; Mack, H.; Baei   1958-04-19
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Tidepools at Ayuquitan, 14 km south of Dumaguete City; coral reef along open channel facing Cebu I., 9.206832 123.283333

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211826Empeso, D.; Alcala, Angel   1958-06-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete Beach area tidepool ca. 25 x 30 m., 9.316667 123.316667

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211900Empeso, D.   1958-07-28
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Pana-on: 7 km northeast of Siaton., 9.086467 123.082612

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211834Empeso, D.   1958-08-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Sumaliring, Albiga, and Siaton., 9.053107 123.060334

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211854Marshall, D. S.   1958-05-28
Cook Islands, Papera, Keia dist.; around huge rock in lagoon; water clear, 18" deep; incoming tide; no vegetation., -21.908333 -157.966667

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211845Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-09-23
Papua New Guinea, East New Britain Province, Ca. 3 miles northeast of mouth of Kerawal R., -4.268889 152.05

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211888Bolin, Rolf L.; Persson, A.   1958-10-07
Vanuatu, Somewhat isolated coral head surrounded by sand., -15.486111 167.243611

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211898Bronson, A.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-06-29
Guam, Outer reef just off Alupat I, ca. 1/2 miles west of Tamuning Village., 13.4925 144.767222

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211832Manalisay, Nangauta, Fehlmann   1958-10-10
Guam, Ca. 1.5 miles south of Merizo Village, ca. 200 yds. NNW of Babe I.; sand & reef flat w/ patches of staghorn coral., 13.24 144.670278

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211857Fehlmann, H. Adair   1958-10-12
Guam, Ca. 0.5 mile southwest of Agat Village; sand flat off north side of Bangi Point., 13.376667 144.648056

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211889Nangauta, J. N.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-10-14
Guam, Reef at mouth of Toguan R, ca. 1 mile south of Umatac Village., 13.283333 144.659444

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211837Fehlmann, H. Adair   1958-10-19
Guam, Ca. 1/2 mile southwest of Agat village; sand flat 50-250 yds. north of Bangi Point., 13.378056 144.648611

Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg, 1792)
211859Bronson, B.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-12
Guam, Ca. 1.3 miles south of Umatac Village., 13.279444 144.658611

Page 1, records 1-100 of 133

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