Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Harttia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8


Harttia carvalhoi Miranda Ribeiro, 1939
21975Eigenmann, Carl H.   1908-09-29
Guyana, Rockstone., 5.980685 -58.554029

Harttia carvalhoi Miranda Ribeiro, 1939
6491Ternetz, Carl   1923-12-13
Brazil, Goias, Dois Irmaos brook, (near Baixao?) into R. Maranhao., -14.451332 -48.268906

Harttia Steindachner, 1877
232073Ternetz, Carl   1923-11-15
Brazil, Goias, R. Mangabeira into R. Maranhao.

Harttia Steindachner, 1877
38148Bond, Franklyn F.   1938-02-12
Venezuela, Guarico State, Calabozo., 8.928593 -67.444777

Harttia filamentissima
28542Allen, William R.   1920-08-03
Peru, Ucayali, A cutoff lake of Rio Ucayali (connected to river by a channel) above Contamana, communicating with the river by a narrow channel; named after Cashibo tribe., -7.657676 -74.931885

Harttia microps
28543Allen, William R.   0000-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos., -3.747713 -73.247222

Harttia microps
28544Allen, William R.   0000-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos., -3.747713 -73.247222

Harttia filamentissima
28541Allen, William R.   0000-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Yurimaguas., -5.884205 -76.108224

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