Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Lepidopus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16


Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
15413Lea, Robert N.   1971-04-17
United States, California, San Pedro Channel., 33.65 -118.35

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
48235Butler, K.   
United States, California, off Santa Cruz I. or Anacapa I. ?

Lepidopus xantusi Goode and Bean, 1896
53100Don, M.   1960-10-07
United States, California, Off Pt. Sal. LORAN 1230-1285.

Lepidopus xantusi Goode and Bean, 1896
67930Carmada, Nick   1962-03-20
United States, California, Off Montara., 37.552667 -122.582441

Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788)
10552Cook, O. F.   
Spain, Canarias, Canary Is.

Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788)
10553Cook, O. F.   
Spain, Canarias, Canary Is.

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
63248Eggers, H. L.   1955-07-07
United States, California, off Laguna Beach., 33.525609 -117.804536

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
40197Iwamoto, Tomio   1977-07-11
United States, California, SSE of Point Conception, 34.361667 -120.428333

Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788)
4834Cook, O. F.   
Spain, Canarias, Canary Is.

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
5903McGregor, Richard C.   
Mexico, Baja California Sur, San Jose del Cabo., 23.065315 -109.689148

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
9978Holder, C. F.   
United States, California, Santa Catalina Island., 33.401173 -118.452139

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
15055Calif. Dept. of Fish & Game   1970-10-04
Mexico, Baja California, Off Cabo San Qunitin., 30.411667 -116.2

Lepidopus xantusi Goode and Bean, 1896
172Barnhart, P. S.   
United States, California, Off La Jolla, in kelp beds., 32.832784 -117.421017

Lepidopus xantusi Goode and Bean, 1896
173Barhart, P. S.   
No specifics.

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
48232Janss, Ed.; Herald, Earl S.   1968-04-17
Mexico, Baja California, Off Isla San Francisco; from stomach of blackskipjack, E. lineatus., 24.828621 -110.5666

Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt and Wilson, 1987
48234U.S. Fish Commission   
United States, California, San Diego Co., Off San Diego; from local sardine fishery.Presented by Neptune Seafood Co., 32.675 -117.525

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