Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Nansenia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Nansenia macrolepis (Gilchrist, 1922)
31501von Bonde, C.   
South Africa, Off the coast of Cape of Good Hope.

Nansenia ardesiaca Jordan and Thompson, 1914
234013crew of DA-BFAR   2011-05-30
Philippines, Between Luzon I. and Mindoro I., 13.808 120.844833

Nansenia candida Cohen, 1958
51023U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service   1955-05-30
ca. 900 miles west of Crescent City, CA, 41.65 -138.033333

Nansenia oblita (FacciolĂ , 1887)
57027Beebe, William; Tee-Van, John; et al   1929-05-04
Bermuda, From 8 mile cylinder centered at below coordinates; weather overcast; choppy sea., 32.2 -64.6

Nansenia Jordan and Evermann, 1896
88641Iwamoto, Tomio; et al   1995-09-23
Philippines, Albay Gulf, 13.149722 124.078611

Nansenia candida Cohen, 1958
58464Bradbury, Margaret G. & party.   1968-06-29
United States, California, East of San Nicolas Isl. just E. of San Juan Seamount, 33.433333 -120.9

Nansenia Jordan and Evermann, 1896
58466Bradbury, Margaret G. & party.   1968-06-29
United States, California, North-northwest of San Juan Seamount., 33.5 -121.066667

Nansenia n.
222952Iwamoto, Tomio   2005-04-16
Angola, -8 12.6333

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