Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Nematogobius
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-11 of 11


Nematogobius ansorgii
15957Good, A. I.   1940-04-09
Cameroon, Kribi., 2.938408 9.908068

Nematogobius ansorgii
40434Good, A. I.   1936-08-25
Cameroon, Nkao, a very small brackish stream flowing into the sea at Batanga.

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
224100Campbell, M.   2006-05-15
Sao Tome and Principe, Lemba River at Hwy N1 crossing. Moderate current., 0.247683 6.466839

Nematogobius Boulenger, 1910
224104Iwamoto, Tomio; Campbell, M. A.; Drewes, R. C.   2006-05-17
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome I, tidepools at Boca do Inferno., 0.213167 6.759517

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
214541Iwamot, T.; Cabral, Q.   2001-04-18
Sao Tome and Principe, Rio Angobo, 25-150 m upstream from hwy bridge., 0.150837 6.662208

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
214553Iwamoto, T.; et al   2001-04-22
Sao Tome and Principe, Unnamed creek flowing into Praia Rei, Baia das Agulhas (at mouth & upstream abt. 70m)., 1.600211 7.334847

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
214662Iwamoto, T.; Cabral Q., Q.   2001-04-04
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome, Downstream of coastal hwy. to lagoon-like area., 0.171667 6.686667

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
214472Iwamoto, T.; Cabral Q., Q.   2001-04-04
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome, Downstream of coastal hwy. to lagoon-like area., 0.171667 6.686667

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
214423Iwamoto, T.; Drewes, R. C.; Cabral, Q.   2001-04-23
Sao Tome and Principe, Principe, NE of Praia Seca & cove north of Neve Ferreira, small strm. whose mouth is completely blocked by 2-5" dia. cobblestone, 1.553889 7.4

Nematogobius maindroni (Sauvage, 1880)
214424Iwamoto, Tomio; Drewes, R. C.; Cabral, Q.   2001-04-28
Sao Tome and Principe, Sao Tome, Below hwy. bridge., 0.104167 6.620833

Nematogobius ansorgii
63030Roberts, Tyson R.   1963-02-22
Ghana, Dode., 6.550485 0.13675

Page 1, records 1-11 of 11

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