Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Odax
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Odax balteatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
20771Stead, David G.   
Australia, New South Wales, Merimbula, N.S.W., -36.9 149.9333

Odax balteatus Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840
7439Waite, E. R.   
Australia, New South Wales, Sydney., -33.929034 151.421087

Odaxothrissa losera Boulenger, 1899
66358Roberts, Tyson R.   0000-00-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa City, Kinshasa (Leopoldville)., -4.298067 15.300097

Odaxothrissa losera Boulenger, 1899
66357Roberts, Tyson R.   0000-00-00
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equateur Province, Mbandaka, formerly Coquilhatville., 0.059562 18.25349

Odax pullus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
68622Parenti, Stewart, Poss, MacMillan   1989-12-07
New Zealand, Worser Bay, Wellington Harbour., -41.316667 174.833333

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