Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Pleurosicya
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 105


68075Bohlke, J.; Dockins, D.; et al   1964-02-03
Seychelles, off S shore of Beacon Island (Adm. Ch. 722), -4.614421 55.523598

Pleurosicya larsonae Greenfield and Randall, 2004
218127Greenfield, David W.   2000-11-17
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Kaneohe Bay, patch reef north of Sampan Channel., 21.472 -157.778626

Pleurosicya larsonae Greenfield and Randall, 2004
218128Greenfield, David W.   2000-11-17
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Kaneohe Bay, patch reef north of Sampan Channel., 21.472 -157.778626

Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
219725Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-10
Fiji, Patch reef behind barrier reef off Suva - seaward of Denny's patch., -18.173317 178.421283

Pleurosicya larsonae Greenfield and Randall, 2004
218129Greenfield, David W.; Burke, Nancy   1992-10-08
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Patch reef N. of Sampan Channel, 200 yds out from main channel., 21.472 -157.778626

Pleurosicya larsonae Greenfield and Randall, 2004
237361Greenfield, David W.; Cole, K.   1993-05-20
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu Co., Patch reef north of Sampan opposite red marker #8, ca. 100 yds., 21.472 -157.778626

36865Pakal; et al   1953-09-21
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Inner edge of reef flat between Falarik and Elangalap Islets., 7.255833 144.435556

36866Pakal, Tachim, Yarof, Bayer, Harry (Rofen)   1953-10-28
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, Reef flat & coral heads near Elangalap, between Elangalap and Falarik Islets; app. 700' off rocky shore; water 2-10', 7.249444 144.432222

Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
68077Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

36853Newhouse, J.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1954-07-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Thokotaman coral head in center of lagoon W of Hukuhenua Islet; app. 1 mi. off sandy shore; low tide., 1.0575 154.781111

Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
36855Atta; Aron; Uruwhet; Hand; Newhouse   1954-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Tokoelua ilala coral mesa in middle of lagoon; app. 2.5 mi. offshore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.074722 154.734722

Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
36856Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

36857Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Sokoro coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 2 mi. off beachrock/sand/gravel shore; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.072222 154.75

Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
73108Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-09
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Top of Sokoro coral mesa in center of lagoon; app. 2 mi. off beachrock/sand/gravel shore; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.072222 154.75

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
36877Aiko, Reiko, Harry (Rofen)   1954-09-14
Palau, Near tip of Akarakoro Point, n. end of island; eelgrass flat on e. side of point; 0-100' off sand/gravel shore., 7.0425 134.274722

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
68078R.R. Harry (Rofen), Bayer, Fehlmann   1955-07-08
Palau, Koror State, Madalai Dist, west end of Koror I, sand flat enclosed by retaining wall parallel to Malakal causeway; 0-25 yds. off rocky shore., 7.339444 134.468056

36868R.R. Harry (Rofen), Bayer, Fehlmann   1955-07-08
Palau, Koror State, Madalai Dist, west end of Koror I, sand flat enclosed by retaining wall parallel to Malakal causeway; 0-25 yds. off rocky shore., 7.339444 134.468056

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
36869Bayer, F. M.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.   1955-07-14
Palau, Koror State, Madalai Dist, sand flat enclosed by and immediately outside retaining wall parallel to Malakal causeway, west end of Koror., 7.333889 134.468056

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36870Bayer,Fehlmann,Pierce,Harry (Rofen) et al   1955-07-20
Palau, In island group along N side of Urukthapel I, shallow pass; between S end of Butottoribo I. and next island to s., 7.259722 134.386667

36871R.R. Harry (Rofen), Fehlmann, Bayer et al   1955-07-22
Palau, Eelgrass sand and coral flat in Geruheru-gairu Pass, between Kaibakku I. and Kogai-hento, Auluptagel I., 7.32 134.493611

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36872Fehlmann, Suman, Rikrik, Harry (Rofen)   1955-07-23
Palau, Koror State, Small bay on west side of Arappu Pt, east section of Koror; 0-40' off rocky shore; low tide; water 0-10' deep., 7.322222 134.503611

36873Bayer, Fehlmann, Harry (Rofen) et al   1955-07-28
Palau, In cove formed by w. arm of Kogai-hanto (Auluptagel I.), around islets 33 and 34; water 0-10' deep; rising tide., 7.316111 134.492222

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
53548Bayer, Fehlmann, Rikrik et al   1955-08-17
Palau, Reef flat and surf zone of Ngadarak Reef, n. of mouth of Malakal Pass; 2000 yds. off rocky shore; water 0-12' deep., 7.279167 134.474444

36874Bayer,Fehlmann,Suman,Rikrik,Harry (Rofen)   1955-08-22
Palau, Melekeok State, Ngarehelong Peninsula, southwest of Mengellang Village; Tilorch Stream, running into lagoon at foot of Oktol Pier., 7.688056 134.636111

36875Harry (Rofen), Fehlmann, Sumang, Bayer   1955-08-28
Palau, Reef flat, south shore of island; limestone shore; rising low tide; water mod. turbid, 1/2 knot or less., 7.322222 134.4875

73110Harry (Rofen), Fehlmann, Sumang, Bayer   1955-08-28
Palau, Reef flat, south shore of island; limestone shore; rising low tide; water mod. turbid, 1/2 knot or less., 7.322222 134.4875

36858Fehlmann, H. A.; McDaniel, B.   1956-07-04
Micronesia, Yap State, Point of Yap jutting out into Passage from Tomil Bay and just NW of Donitsch (Nunguch) I.; water turbid, 0-3' deep., 9.5125 138.127778

36878Brittan; Gaines; Scott; McDaniel; Fehlmann   1956-08-05
Palau, Eel grass bed with scattered coral ca. 1/4 miles east of Babelthuap-Koror Causeway; water slightly turbid, 0-2' deep, 7.355 134.509167

36879Sumang, Antonino, Marbou   1956-09-26
Palau, Melekeok State, N of Aimeliik Munic, 200 yds. W of Orahal (Orakuru) I.; water clear, to 4' deep; low tide; current ca. 0.5 knot., 7.484722 134.482778

36880Fehlmann, H. A.; Scott, A. W.; Sumang   1956-10-07
Palau, Kayangel State, Ngajangel (Ngachayangel) Islet; reef flat 150 yds. n. of island; aggregation of close, low coral heads., 8.0925 134.720556

36863Anthony, C. H.; McDaniel, B.   1956-09-21
Micronesia, Lagoon reef N of Eogt I. between Eoet I. and Yogoroporapu I.; water clear, 5-7' deep; low tide; no current., 10.061111 139.7675

36864McDaniel, B.; Anthony, C. H.   1956-09-22
Micronesia, Outer reef off Sorlen I, 50-60 yds. off sandy beach; no vegetation; water clear, 10-18' deep; low tide., 10.083889 139.748056

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
36881Sumang, DeWitt, Fehlmann   1957-09-06
Palau, Koror State, Btilawel Dist, shallow pool ca. 50 yds. off mangrove shore; scattered dead coral heads & a layer of soft mud 1-3' deep., 7.344167 134.512222

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36882DeWitt, H. H.; Tewid; Sengich   1957-09-19
Palau, In Ngarahelngael Pass ca. 350 yds. n. of Imilkolk section of Auluptagel I, ca. 350 yds from undercut rock cliffs., 7.314167 134.497778

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36883DeWitt, H. H.; party   1957-09-25
Palau, Melekeok State, About 325 yds. southwest of the channel between Babelthuap and Garreru I., 7.341389 134.535278

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36884DeWitt; Tewid; Sengich   1957-10-03
Palau, Off Kaibakko I, just northeast of southern narrow between Kaibakku and Kamori Is.; water clear; ebbing tide., 7.324444 134.499167

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36885Fehlmann; DeWitt; Sumang; Tewid   1957-10-07
Palau, In corner between north tip of Auluptagel I. and Malakal causeway between Auluptagel and Malakal Is., 7.336944 134.463889

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36886Fehlmann, DeWitt, Sumang, Tewid, Sengich   1957-10-09
Palau, In Ngarahelngael Pass ca. 50 yds. north of Ngarahelngael part of Auluptagel I.; no vegetation; rising tide., 7.320278 134.491111

73109DeWITT, Hugh H.; Sumang, Yachad; Sengich; Tewid   1957-10-23
Palau, Angaur State, About 700 yds. west of Ngadalog Beach at edge of reef; water clear, 0-6' deep; low to rising tide., 6.888333 134.120833

36887DeWITT, Hugh H.; Sumang, Yachad; Sengich; Tewid   1957-10-23
Palau, Angaur State, About 700 yds. west of Ngadalog Beach at edge of reef; water clear, 0-6' deep; low to rising tide., 6.888333 134.120833

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36888DeWitt; Sumang   1957-10-31
Palau, On the submarine steep side of Sanryo I. in the channel between it and Ngatku Mer I.; steep coral encrusted bank., 7.328333 134.494722

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36889DeWitt; Sumang; Sengich   1957-11-18
Palau, In channel between Sanryo I. & Kamori I. (Ilut pebul), just off the southeast point of Sanryo I., 7.326667 134.497778

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36890H. DeWitt, Y. Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-19
Palau, Off the south side of the reef which extends out from Arappu Pt. of Koror I. to Ho I., 7.324444 134.503333

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
36891DeWitt, Sumang, Sengich   1957-11-21
Palau, Koror State, At southern entrance to small bay on west side of Ngalab Point; submarine coral encrusted cliff; cloudy water., 7.322222 134.503611

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
36892Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. Adair   1958-06-23
Palau, Melekeok State, Reef pool north of Toagel Mid Passage; eelgrass around edges of lagoon; water slightly turbid, to 8' deep., 7.351111 134.523056

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
36861Bronson, B.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-12
Guam, Mud flat between southeast section of Merizo Village and Mamaon Channel, 400 yds west of mouth of Geus River., 13.261944 144.668056

36893Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-22
Palau, Reef pool NE of Station Harbor off SE part of Arakabesan I.; white, turbid water ca. 150 yds from mangrove shore., 7.3475 134.466944

Pleurosicya muscarum (Jordan and Seale, 1906)
36862Bronson, Fehlmann & Rivera   1959-04-26
Guam, Lagoon just north of Alupat I. and inside barrier reef., 13.491944 144.767778

36859Sumang; Bronson   1959-12-16
Micronesia, Yap State, Lagoon SSE of Hospital Pt. at Colonia; broken shale rock, sand, algae and eel grass; water murky, 2-5' deep., 9.508333 138.136111

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
53903Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-29
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef east of Map I.; halfway between reef and shore; water clear, 2-8' deep; ca. 0.25 mi. off sandy shore., 9.594444 138.193056

36860Manggur, Sumang & Bapilung   1960-01-12
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef flat on west side of Tarang I, ca. 1 mile southwest of Tomil Pt.; shallow reef pool., 9.538611 138.141389

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
36894Sumang   1959-11-03
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Village; between open sea & mangrove swamp; water murky, 2-6' deep; tide falling & low; some eel grass., 7.343889 134.576111

59519McCosker; John E.; et al   1986-09-22
Indonesia, Cowo Cowo I., -5.8 124.666667

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
219375Lynch, B.; Paulis, K.   2002-07-26
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Dredge site near PATS., 6.873889 158.306167

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
65710Poss, S. G.; Catania, D.; et al   1987-05-22
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, On top of isolated reef ca. 200m south of Wongat I., -5.135597 145.817174

Pleurosicya labiatus
68076Springer, Victor G.; et al   1978-05-13
Philippines, Negros Oriental, just off Bonbonon Point at southern tip of island, 9.045833 123.126944

239511Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-30
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point between White Beach and Bayanan Beach., 13.512533 120.907683

239572Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-28
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Markoe Cove., 13.507283 120.977417

239640Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-29
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off west side of Boquete Island [Paniquian Island]., 13.516533 120.93905

239771Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.   2015-04-01
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off western entrance of Manila Channel [North West Channel]., 13.523133 120.940167

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
239856Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.   2015-04-02
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off coastline south of Escarceo Point, in vicinity of dive site "Coral Cove"., 13.516033 120.98825

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
239935Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.; Love, W.   2015-04-03
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Markoe Cove., 13.507433 120.97805

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
240134Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-09
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Boquete Island [Paniquian Island] , off SW tip of island., 13.5136 120.9399

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
240275Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-13
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off east coast of San Antonio Island [Medio Island] in Batangas Channel., 13.523767 120.958583

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
240276Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-13
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off east coast of San Antonio Island [Medio Island] in Batangas Channel., 13.523767 120.958583

240407Williams, J.; Carpenter, K.; Catania, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-19
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Boquete Island [Paniquian Island] , SW tip of island off Fishermen's Cape., 13.513967 120.940967

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
240583Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-05
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, southwest coast., 13.546383 121.058167

240771Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Eyre, J.; Love, W.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-11
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, off northeast coast., 13.562398 121.094835

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
240883Williams, J.; Carpenter, K.; Catania, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-18
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, southwest rocky tip., 13.572117 121.042267

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
240960Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

240961Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

241158Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-25
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.540383 121.0979

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
241235Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-26
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.539383 121.098567

241284Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.   2015-04-27
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, off the westernmost tip of island., 13.573167 121.0429

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
241378Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-29
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, southeast coast, approximately 0.4 miles from eastermost tip of island., 13.529133 121.094917

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
243603Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2002-11-06
Fiji, NE of Viti Levu, w. side of island. Patch reef, top., -17.57685 178.670283

243608Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-06
Fiji, Nagani I, west side, N.E. of Viti Levu. Coral patch isolated on sand. Dead coral covered with algae., -17.577848 178.669648

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243610Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-13
Fiji, West side by aquaculture station, Dalice Rocks NW of bay. Patch reef down from rocks., -17.44255 178.9527

243604Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-04
Fiji, Makuluua Island off Suva - west side of island - out from G02-03. Coral patches - very silty - on edge of Cut in Reef., -18.187117 178.517333

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243613Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-07
Fiji, Barrier Reef off Suva - outside about 1 mile west of Sand Bank Cut. Spur & groove - very good coral cover - more coral & cleared water than fish patch - could see bottom at 70 ft., -18.186217 178.446833

243605Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2002-02-08
Fiji, Barrier Reef off Suva - Outside about 1 mile west of Sand Bank Cut. Low relief spur & groove - some sand & well developed coral., -18.18645 178.446933

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
243611Greenfield, David W.   2002-02-08
Fiji, Barrier Reef off Suva - outside - about 1 mile west of Sand Bank Cut., -18.18645 178.446933

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243614Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-02-10
Fiji, Patch reef behind barrier reef off Suva - seaward of Denny's patch., -18.173317 178.421283

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243624Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R., Bio.   2003-01-03
Fiji, Nw. side by ranch. Wall on fringing reef, groove in wall, live coral., -17.424333 -179.168083

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243623Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2003-01-09
Fiji, N. side Id, Balavu Harbor. Patch reef, ~ 100 yds seaward of barrier reef, side facing reef., -17.186867 -179.001583

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243622Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R., Bio.   2003-01-10
Fiji, Barrier reef, w. side. spur & groove., -16.839833 -179.945717

Pleurosicya plicata Larson, 1990
243607Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.   1999-05-27
Fiji, Barrier reef off Suva, north of wreck on reef - main channel - back side of dropoff on wall down to moat., -18.158667 178.399667

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
243763Greenfield, David; Cockrell, G.; et al   1990-08-01
American Samoa, Channel towards Tutuila I.

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
243803Erdmann, M. V.   2015-02-21
Indonesia, Raja Ampat, S.W. Kawe Bay., -0.0920666667 130.1256666667

244176Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
244177Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
244380Paulay, G.; Gosliner, T.; Van Syoc, B.; Piotrowski, C.; Williams, G.; Markello, K.   2015-04-12
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera Bay, "Shipyard" dive site., 13.5151 120.96484

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
245742Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2003-01-07
Fiji, N.W. tip of island. Fringing reef, outside face., -17.1631 -179.03945

Pleurosicya bilobata (Koumans, 1941)
245743Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2003-01-08
Fiji, N. side of island, Balavu Harbor. Fringing reef., -17.186867 -179.001583

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
245790Longenecker, K., Langston, R., et al.   2002-11-14
Fiji, West side by aquaculture station, outside rocks nw. of bay. Wall off fringing reef., -17.44255 178.9527

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
245804Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-16
Fiji, Vatunisogasoga Reef, nw of Tavua, n. shore Viti Levu. Large patch reef, inside protected pocket, live coral down slope to rubble and sand., -17.372017 177.713067

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
246074Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2002-03-28
Fiji, Northern Division, Great Sea Reef, north of Kia I, lagoon., -16.195767 179.061867

Pleurosicya micheli Fourmanoir, 1971
246078Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.   2002-04-04
Fiji, Northern Division, West end, Pascoe Reefs, 3rd reef west of Yadua I. Reef face, steep drop and undercut down to sand., -16.836475 178.22775

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
246083Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Langston, R.; et al   2002-04-02
Fiji, Northern Division, N. shore, Great Sea Reef, s.w. Kia I, off Nukusati. Spur & groove on reef slope, close to G02-130. Heavy coral cover, rel. flat., -16.31325 178.960517

Pleurosicya Weber, 1913
246286Greenfield, David W.; Longenecker, K.; Cole, K.; et al   2002-11-14
Fiji, W. side by aquaculture station, just inside rocks nw of bay. Coral patch reef, much live hard and soft coral., -17.44255 178.9527

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