Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Sphagebranchus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Sphagebranchus flavicaudus
7509   1902-07-16
United States, Hawaii, Alia Point Light, N.28 deg, W.2.6'

Sphagebranchus polyophthalmus
14701Sumang, Rikrik, Fehlmann, Augustil   1955-09-27
Palau, Melekeok State, Melekeiok Munic, Ngermelech village, Behes streamlet; 0-4' off muddy shore; water clear, brown, to 3' deep; no vegetation., 7.498333 134.640278

Sphagebranchus platyrhynchus
24866Gaines, Scott, Damian, Tadao, Sinao   1956-10-08
Palau, Kayangel State, In lagoon ca. 200 yds. e. of entrance on w. side of Atoll, 100' S of sta. 81; isolated coral head and surrounding sand, 8.07 134.696389

Sphagebranchus catostomus Schneider and Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801
91793Randall, John E.   1956-08-28
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Lagoon, shore between Papetaoi Bay & Paopao Bay, shore reef (with much sand)., -17.478915 -149.842812

Sphagebranchus selachops
8585McGregor, Richard C.   
Mexico, Baja California, Magdalena Bay

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