Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Stigmatogobius
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Stigmatogobius sadanundio (Hamilton, 1822)
39486Herre, Albert W.   1940-10-18
Singapore, Siglap., 1.316355 103.928063

Stigmatogobius spilopleura
31225Herre, Albert W.   1934-03-27
Malaysia, Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah, 2.748159 102.24664

Stigmatogobius Bleeker, 1874
76161Sumang; Marbou   1956-11-27
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai Munic, south fork of Arakitaoch stream, source zone, ca. 1.6 miles southeast of Ngarekeai village., 7.388056 134.528889

Stigmatogobius sadanundio (Hamilton, 1822)
36985Fehlmann; Pairojana; Song; Prachuob; et al   1960-05-31
Thailand, Ranong, Goh Kol Thee adjacent to Ban Parknam Ranong at mouth of Pakchan R. separating Burma from Thailand., 10.943333 98.593056

62731Heath, J. P.   
Indonesia, Surabaja fish markets.

Stigmatogobius sella (Steindachner, 1881)
49466Roberts, Tyson R.; Woerjoatmodjo, S.   1976-07-10
Indonesia, Kapuas River Basin, small forest stream and man-madeditch, flowing into Sungai Sepatah, a tributary of Sungai Mandor; 24 km NE of Pontianak., 0.118056 109.5

Stigmatogobius sella (Steindachner, 1881)
49464Roberts, Tyson R.; Woerjoatmodjo, S.   1976-07-13
Indonesia, Kapuas River Basin, Sungai Durian, non-mangrove tidalcreek, flowing into Kapuas Ketchil, 7-8 km WNW of Pontinanak., 0.016667 109.266667

Stigmatogobius sella (Steindachner, 1881)
49465Roberts, Tyson R.   1976-07-13
Indonesia, Kapuas River Basin; Sungai Kepayang, flowing intoSungai Penju, ca. 44 km WNWof Pontianak and 7 km SW of Andjongan., 0.316667 109.133333

Stigmatogobius sadanundio (Hamilton, 1822)
34779Herre, Albert W.   1937-04-14
India, Uttarbhag, Ganges Delta, 22.339841 88.516122

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