Dataset: CAS
Taxa: Xestochilus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Xestochilus nebulosus (Smith, 1962)
92201Fehlmann, Brittan, Damian, Sumang et al   1956-08-26
Palau, Kayangel State, Within lagoon ca. 100 yds. E. of West Passage; small coral heads; water clear, 3-10' deep; no current; no vegetation., 8.070278 134.696389

Xestochilus nebulosus (Smith, 1962)
92202Fehlmann, DeWitt, Sumang, Tewid et al   1957-09-29
Palau, Off se. edge of a sand island (Chol I.) on Augulpelu reef, from 0-100 ft. from shore; eel grass & algae; rising tide., 7.286667 134.518333

Xestochilus nebulosus (Smith, 1962)
230225Erdmann, M. V.; Paine, M.; Allen, G. R.   2010-03-25
India, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, South Sentinel Island, Andamans, 10.973183 92.225383

Xestochilus nebulosus (Smith, 1962)
53745Randall, J. E.; Johnson, D. S.   1982-10-13
Marshall Islands, Lagoon side of Japtan (David) I.; in sand., 11.424962 162.380029

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