Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Dinematichthys iluocoeteoides
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-131 of 131


81458Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-04
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Hare Islet, southeast side of atoll; to 200' from sandy shore; med.-low to low tide., 1.039722 154.795833

81441Atta, Meterewe, R.R. Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-06
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Tirakau islet, south side of atoll; to approx. 75' off gravel/sand shore; high tide., 1.0325 154.785

81478Atta; Meterewe; Koich; Harry (Rofen); et al   1954-08-07
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Matukerekere Islet, S. side of atoll; to 75' off sandy shore; low tide; water clear, to 10' deep., 1.026667 154.767778

47847Atta, Welson, Yoich, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-11
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Lagoon shore reef of Ringutoru Islet, north side of atoll; app. 100-150 yds. off sandy shore; water 2-20' deep., 1.097778 154.773333

81463Atta, Meterewe, Kendy, Harry (Rofen)   1954-08-12
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Polim reef flat region next to Tiponoowakaram Pass in Ship Pass, s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off beachrock shore., 1.033333 154.753889

81475Atta, Meterewe, Atto, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-13
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Tihatukira region of Saratokamungeia; reef flat in middle of Ship Pass; s. side of atoll; app. 1 mi. off rocky shore., 1.038333 154.752222

81479Atta, Kaisa, Welson, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-14
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Prosipai region of Saratokmalel reef flat in Teawaitua Ship Pass, approx. 1 mi. off beachrock shore; low tide., 1.031111 154.755833

81443Atta, Atto, Uruwhet, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-16
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Reef flat and lagoon border reef at Tokoteihi region, ca. 2 mi. W of Ship Pass; app. 3 mi. offshore; water 0-15' deep, 1.056389 154.721944

81462Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-20
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Masutuwangak coral mesa immediately south of Tewawa Elal, west end of atoll; approx. 4 miles offshore; low tide., 1.070833 154.710556

81456Atta, Meterewe, Harry (Rofen) et al   1954-08-21
Micronesia, Pohnpei State, Coral mesa next to lagoon border at Tapatuaitu, midway between Torongahai Islet and west end of atoll., 1.092222 154.728611

86783Brittan, Fehlmann, Gaines et al   1956-08-16
Palau, Off n. tip of Babelthuap I, at edge of reef on w. side of Garukoru I.; off sandy beach; water clear, 3.5-50' deep., 7.75 134.620833

86784Fehlmann, H. A.; Scott, A. W.; Sumang   1956-10-07
Palau, Kayangel State, Ngajangel (Ngachayangel) Islet; reef flat 150 yds. n. of island; aggregation of close, low coral heads., 8.0925 134.720556

86843Scott, A. W.   1956-10-28
Micronesia, Reef flat 300m west of Bigeliwol I.; large coral knoll rising from sand bottom; coralline algae., 8.154167 140.365833

86776Fehlmann, H. A.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1957-11-10
Thailand, Rocky shore reef in Ao Mae Hat Bay, west side of Goh Tao I., 10.088571 99.823072

86782Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-21
China, Hainan, Inside lagoon at Pratas Reef (Tungsha Ch'untao), about 1.25 miles north of sw. horn., 20.626389 116.748611

86760Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-25
China, Hainan, Pratas Reef (Tungsha Ch'untao), S. channel; two separate coral heads of about same character and depth in same area., 20.633333 116.75

20668McGregor, Richard C.   
Philippines, Masbate, Ticao I., 12.531447 123.710688

81472Harry, Robert R.   0000-00-00
Micronesia, Yap State, Ifalik Municipality, surge channels on outer reef in region of Falarik Islet., 7.261038 144.449748

43306Nolan, R. S.; McConnoughey, R.   1972-05-25
Marshall Islands, Reef #2.

43312Nolan, R. S.; party   1972-08-24
Marshall Islands, Reef #8.

227304Poss, S.; Catania, D.; Mizeu, J.   1987-05-08
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, 100m north of Little Pig I., -3.698757 145.842048

65667Poss, S. G.; Catania, D.; et al   1987-05-15
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, Ca. 300m north of Tab (Pig) I, on outer reef face., -5.169953 145.843176

65665Poss, S. G.; Catania, D.; et al   1987-05-16
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, On Barrier Reef just south of Passage east of Nagada Harbour., -5.156475 145.81993

227289Poss, S. G.; Catania, D.; et al   1987-05-18
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, West side of Bagabag I, "Cove" North of Badilu; slope and upper flat of reef., -4.786537 146.196949

65669Poss, S. G.; Catania, D.; et al   1987-05-20
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, Just north of passage between Tab and Wongat Islands on outer reef face of barrier reef., -5.148891 145.828683

35340Bradbury, Margaret G.; et al   1964-11-06
Maldives, Reef off southeast side of Funidu Islet, inside atoll lagoon., 4.183333 73.508333

35341Bradbury, Margaret G. & party.   1964-10-21
Seychelles, Cerf Islet; reef off west side., -4.625 55.486667

58576Bradbury, Margaret G. & party.   1964-10-27
Seychelles, Rocks off south end of Round Islet (between Ste. Anne & Cerf Is.), -4.621667 55.505

242174Herre, Albert W.   1934-03-13
Singapore, Singapore

242173Herre, Albert W.   1929-06-08
Indonesia, Papua Barat, Waigiu I., -0.233333 130.75

242172Herre Philippine Exped.   1931-08-05
Philippines, Sulu, Sitankai, 4.717582 119.401948

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