Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cephalopholis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 843


Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
61359Fehlmann, H. A.; Harry (Rofen), R. R.; et al   1957-12-19
Thailand, West side of Goh Samet I.; small protected rocky bay; current slight; tide high & falling., 12.527222 101.446111

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61250Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-12-24
Thailand, Rocky shore of Aoa Kating Bay, immediately west of Mae Nam Chantaburi Estuary., 12.521856 102.016687

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61306Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-12-24
Thailand, Rocky shore of Aoa Kating Bay, immediately west of Mae Nam Chantaburi Estuary., 12.521856 102.016687

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
62326Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-12-25
Thailand, Rocky shore of south side of Goh Proet I.

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61296Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1957-12-25
Thailand, Rocky shore of south side of Goh Proet I.

Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
85799Empeso, D.   1958-08-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Sumaliring, Albiga, and Siaton., 9.053107 123.060334

Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
85809Empeso, D.   1958-08-16
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Sumaliring, Albiga, and Siaton., 9.053107 123.060334

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
234264Marshall, D. S.   1958-05-06
Cook Islands, Pool called Terere, in front of Keia., -21.908333 -157.966667

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
234263Marshall, D. S.   1957-05-09
Cook Islands, Pu'ew, Tawa'lya dist.; deep sea, beyond the reef., -21.908333 -157.966667

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
62186Marshall, D. S.   
Cook Islands, No specifics, miscellaneous collections, -21.908333 -157.966667

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61282Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-22
China, Hainan, Northeast end of Pratas Reef (Tungsha Ch'untao)., 20.770833 116.890833

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
62695Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-25
China, Hainan, Pratas Reef (Tungsha Ch'untao), S. channel; two separate coral heads of about same character and depth in same area., 20.633333 116.75

Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
62282Bolin, Rolf L.   1958-05-26
China, Hainan, South channel, Pratas Reef (Tungsha Ch'untao); fairly extensive patch of coral., 20.625 116.741667

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
62178Bolin, Rolf L.; Persson, A.   1958-10-07
Vanuatu, Somewhat isolated coral head surrounded by sand., -15.486111 167.243611

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61368Sumang, Rikrik, & Fehlmann   1958-06-24
Palau, Raeldil reef ca. 200 yds. south of Ngaremediu Pt., 7.246111 134.455

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61399Bronson, A.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-06-29
Guam, Outer reef just off Alupat I, ca. 1/2 miles west of Tamuning Village., 13.4925 144.767222

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36485Bronson, A.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-06-29
Guam, Outer reef just off Alupat I, ca. 1/2 miles west of Tamuning Village., 13.4925 144.767222

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36488Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-09-29
Palau, Delachelubak area of Terrangel Bay, ca. 1 mi. sw of Ngaremediu Point, 7.238889 134.441389

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61384Isezaki, F.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-10-07
Guam, Ca. 1.3 miles south of Umatac Village; surge channels & coral heads on fringing reef., 13.279444 144.658611

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36486Nangauta, J. N.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1958-10-14
Guam, Reef at mouth of Toguan R, ca. 1 mile south of Umatac Village., 13.283333 144.659444

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36487Bronson, B.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-12
Guam, Ca. 1.3 miles south of Umatac Village., 13.279444 144.658611

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61366Sumang, Yachad; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-19
Palau, Ca. 1.25 miles sw. of entrance to Toagel Mid Passage; outer edge of barrier reef among scattered coral heads., 7.288056 134.515556

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61254Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-01-22
Palau, Reef pool NE of Station Harbor off SE part of Arakabesan I.; white, turbid water ca. 150 yds from mangrove shore., 7.3475 134.466944

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61367Sumang, Y.; Fehlmann, H. A.   1959-04-14
Palau, Youel Lukes reef, ca. 1.3 mi east-southeast of entrance to Ngell Channel and south end of Auluptagel I., 7.283611 134.508056

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36489Sumang, Bronson & natives   1959-06-08
Palau, Abalbad Reef; a set was made at ebb tide w/ 200 fms. of coconut leaf fence which held fish until reef dried., 7.086111 134.269167

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36490Sumang, Y.; Bronson, A. B.   1959-06-16
Palau, Shallow reef area south of Angaur dock entrance on w. side of Angaur I.; water slightly murky, 0-10' deep., 6.901389 134.1375

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61421Sumang, Bapilung, Manggur   1959-12-09
Micronesia, Yap State, Tomil Harbor, west side of channel; sand, eelgrass, coral heads, Halimeda and caulerpa algae; water murky.., 9.513889 138.136111

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
62696Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-10
Micronesia, Yap State, East side of Tomil Channel; large Porites, coral heads on sand bottom w/ eel grass; water turbid, 0.5-2 fms. deep., 9.480278 138.141944

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61424Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-11
Micronesia, Yap State, Outer reef northwest of Tomil Harbor entrance; limestone reef w/ surge channels, live coral, patches of sand., 9.491111 138.144444

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36491Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-17
Micronesia, Yap State, SW of Rumung I.; reef flat, sand bottom w/ coral clumps; water clear, 7' deep; falling tide; ca. 2 mi. offshore., 9.608056 138.15

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61396Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-17
Micronesia, Yap State, SW of Rumung I.; reef flat, sand bottom w/ coral clumps; water clear, 7' deep; falling tide; ca. 2 mi. offshore., 9.608056 138.15

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36492Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-21
Micronesia, Yap State, 0.25 miles south of Mil entrance, inner edge of reef; water clear, 1 fm. deep; rising tide; ca. 2 mi. offshore., 9.594444 138.133889

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
62697Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-21
Micronesia, Yap State, 0.25 miles south of Mil entrance, inner edge of reef; water clear, 1 fm. deep; rising tide; ca. 2 mi. offshore., 9.594444 138.133889

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36493Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-28
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef north of Rumung I.; wide sand area between shore and fringing reef w/ coral heads (Porites)., 9.646667 138.169444

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61375Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-28
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef north of Rumung I.; wide sand area between shore and fringing reef w/ coral heads (Porites)., 9.646667 138.169444

Cephalopholis urodeta (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
62188Sumang, Bapilung & Manggur   1959-12-28
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef north of Rumung I.; wide sand area between shore and fringing reef w/ coral heads (Porites)., 9.646667 138.169444

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61406Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-29
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef east of Map I.; halfway between reef and shore; water clear, 2-8' deep; ca. 0.25 mi. off sandy shore., 9.594444 138.193056

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36494Bapilung; Manggur   1959-12-29
Micronesia, Yap State, Reef east of Map I.; halfway between reef and shore; water clear, 2-8' deep; ca. 0.25 mi. off sandy shore., 9.594444 138.193056

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61382Gaines, R.   1959-11-22
Palau, Reef channel between Peleliu & Ngemelis I.; water clear, 30 ft. deep; rising tide; ca. 4 miles offshore., 7.127222 134.290278

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61428Sumang; Olkeriel   1959-07-05
Palau, Melekeok State, 5.5 miles west of Bokurugem Point., 7.423611 134.383333

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61377Sumang; Belesam   1959-07-08
Palau, Ngadarak Reef, 0.5 mi. ne. of Malakal Passage, 0.5 mi. w. of Ngell Channel; water slightly murky, 2-3 fms. deep., 7.293611 134.4725

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61432Sumang; Johaness   1959-07-13
Palau, 0.25 miles southwest of Ngethil I, Airai District., 7.335833 134.56

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61248Sumang; Johaness   1959-07-13
Palau, 0.25 miles southwest of Ngethil I, Airai District., 7.335833 134.56

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36495Sumang; Sigeo   1959-07-21
Palau, Ca. 1 miles west of nw. tip of Rattakadoru (Aulong) I.; channel in reef; water clear, 1-3 fms. deep; falling tide., 7.2875 134.272222

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36496Sumang; Francisco   1959-08-06
Palau, Sand flats, w/ large porites coral; water clear, 4' deep; falling tide; ca. 300 yds. off limestone/sand shore., 7.14 134.246667

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61427Sumang; Ilues   1959-08-20
Palau, Reef west of Aulong (Rattakadokoru) I.; live coral reef, some sand patches, soft coral; water clear, 1-2 fms. deep., 7.308333 134.250556

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61429Sumang, Y.   1959-08-26
Palau, Southwest of Ngaremediu Pt.; sand flat with isolated coral heads (Porites); water clear, 1 fm. deep; rising tide., 7.25 134.446111

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61442Sumang, Y.   1959-08-27
Palau, Northeast point of Ngadarak Reef; clean coarsed white sand patches & staghorn coral; water clear, 2-3 fms. deep., 7.3 134.45

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61255Sumang; Francisco   1959-09-02
Palau, Sand bottom w/ coral heads sloping into deep holes; water clear, 0.5-3 fms. deep; falling tide; current ca. 0.5 knot., 7.229167 134.253333

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61256Sumang; Belesam   1959-10-05
Palau, Ngadarak Reef; edge of channel on sand slope; ca. 150 yds. off limestone shore; water slightly turbid; tide falling., 7.292222 134.483333

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61437Sumang, Y.   1959-10-12
Palau, WSW of Aulong I.; live coral, limestone surge channels, rising tide; water clear, 4-12' deep; rising tide., 7.261389 134.1925

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61380Sumang, Y.   1959-10-12
Palau, WSW of Aulong I.; live coral, limestone surge channels, rising tide; water clear, 4-12' deep; rising tide., 7.261389 134.1925

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61257Sumang; Mesubed   1959-10-28
Palau, Melekeok State, Airai, causeway at Toagel Mid Passage; sand, mud-flat on channel side of mangrove swamp; water clear, 3-6' deep., 7.354722 134.518056

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61370Sumang; Holm   1959-11-08
Palau, Reef west of Aulong I.; inner slope of reef, live coral ledges, rocks and sand in live stone channels., 7.3125 134.241111

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
62173Sumang; Holm   1959-11-08
Palau, Reef west of Aulong I.; inner slope of reef, live coral ledges, rocks and sand in live stone channels., 7.3125 134.241111

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
36497Sumang, Y.   1959-11-09
Palau, Melekeok State, Ne. side of Arudowaishi Cape; sand flat w/ mud & coral rubble near mangrove swamp, some eel grass; water milky., 7.353333 134.5825

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61302Bolin, Knudsen, Matsui et al   1960-01-25
Thailand, Ko Kra; coral and sand flat along shore., 8.435 100.751667

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61291R.L. Bolin, Greenfield, Matsui, Twesukdi   1960-01-26
Thailand, Ko Kra; shallow coral flats, outer part alive, inner part dead; 0-100 m offshore., 8.433333 100.75

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61309Bolin, Knudsen, Greenbaum et al   1960-01-28
Thailand, Ko Chang, small cove on southwest shore., 11.980556 102.3

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61322R.L. Bolin, Greenbaum, Matsui, Knudsen   1960-01-30
Thailand, West shore of Ko Samet; sand beach with rocks at one end, coral seaward., 12.567222 101.451111

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61258R.L. Bolin, Greenbaum, Matsui, Knudsen   1960-01-30
Thailand, West shore of Ko Samet; sand beach with rocks at one end, coral seaward., 12.567222 101.451111

Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
85802R.L. Bolin, Greenbaum, Matsui, Knudsen   1960-01-30
Thailand, West shore of Ko Samet; sand beach with rocks at one end, coral seaward., 12.567222 101.451111

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61303Bolin; Ferber   1960-02-14
Thailand, Ca. west of 121 km post on Bangkok-Sattahib road; 0-20m off rocky shore., 12.966667 100.883333

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
61361Bolin, Serene, Greenbaum, Matsui, Lam   1960-02-23
Vietnam, Hon Lon, Ving Damlon., 12.201667 109.291667

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61259R.L. Bolin, Serene, Matsui, Luom et al   1960-02-24
Vietnam, Near Nhatrang; fringing coral reef with very narrow sandy trough behind it, along beach between two rocky headlands., 12.361111 109.260556

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
61434Bolin, Rolf L.; et al   1960-03-10
Vietnam, West shore of Ilot Du Sud (Cu Lao Thu), off southern tip of Poulo Cecir de Mer; coral reef habitat., 10.4875 108.958333

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
62183Bolin, Rolf L.; et al   1960-03-10
Vietnam, West shore of Ilot Du Sud (Cu Lao Thu), off southern tip of Poulo Cecir de Mer; coral reef habitat., 10.4875 108.958333

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61292Thai fishermen   1960-04-13
Thailand, Chumphon, ca. 20 mi. offshore in water ca. 16m deep; from Bangkok Fish Market., 10.285992 99.574535

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61307Pairojana, Song, Bronson, natives   1960-04-21
Thailand, Rayong, Parsho Bay at north end of Ko Samet; small Porites coral heads with sand areas on seaward side., 12.573611 101.462778

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61260Pairojana, Song, Bronson, natives   1960-04-21
Thailand, Rayong, Parsho Bay at north end of Ko Samet; small Porites coral heads with sand areas on seaward side., 12.573611 101.462778

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61261Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-22
Thailand, Rayong, Toud-chin Bay on SE side of Ko Samet; ca. 20-70m offshore; water murky, 1-2.5m deep; falling tide., 12.528333 101.449167

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61301Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-22
Thailand, Rayong, Toud-chin Bay on SE side of Ko Samet; ca. 20-70m offshore; water murky, 1-2.5m deep; falling tide., 12.528333 101.449167

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61321PAIROJANA, SONG, BRONSON   1960-04-23
Thailand, Rayong, Pra Sang Bay on NW point of Koh Samet; volcanic rocks; 5-50m offshore; water turbid, 0.5-3m deep; tide falling., 12.578056 101.447222

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61262PAIROJANA, SONG, BRONSON   1960-04-23
Thailand, Rayong, Pra Sang Bay on NW point of Koh Samet; volcanic rocks; 5-50m offshore; water turbid, 0.5-3m deep; tide falling., 12.578056 101.447222

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
61363PAIROJANA, SONG, BRONSON   1960-04-23
Thailand, Rayong, Pra Sang Bay on NW point of Koh Samet; volcanic rocks; 5-50m offshore; water turbid, 0.5-3m deep; tide falling., 12.578056 101.447222

Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
85806PAIROJANA, SONG, BRONSON   1960-04-23
Thailand, Rayong, Pra Sang Bay on NW point of Koh Samet; volcanic rocks; 5-50m offshore; water turbid, 0.5-3m deep; tide falling., 12.578056 101.447222

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61263Pairojana, Song, Bronson, natives   1960-04-24
Thailand, Rayong, Khorn Aho Bay ca. 5.5 miles west of Ban Phe Fisheries Training Center; massive Porites heads; 3-40m offshore., 12.626944 101.341944

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61305Pairojana, Song, Bronson, natives   1960-04-24
Thailand, Rayong, Khorn Aho Bay ca. 5.5 miles west of Ban Phe Fisheries Training Center; massive Porites heads; 3-40m offshore., 12.626944 101.341944

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61299Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-27
Thailand, Rayong, South side of Ko Platein, channel between Ko Platein and exposed rock shoal; 30-50m offshore; water turbid., 12.598611 101.518889

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61265Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-27
Thailand, Rayong, South side of Ko Platein, channel between Ko Platein and exposed rock shoal; 30-50m offshore; water turbid., 12.598611 101.518889

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
61416Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-27
Thailand, Rayong, South side of Ko Platein, channel between Ko Platein and exposed rock shoal; 30-50m offshore; water turbid., 12.598611 101.518889

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
61451Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-27
Thailand, Rayong, South side of Ko Platein, channel between Ko Platein and exposed rock shoal; 30-50m offshore; water turbid., 12.598611 101.518889

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61264Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-28
Thailand, Rayong, Ca. 900 yds. southeast of boat basin at Ban Phe Fisheries Training Center; rocky outer margin of tide flats., 12.594444 101.428611

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61266Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-29
Thailand, Rayong, Off NW side of Koh Samet, isolated coral patch on sandy silt bottom, no vegetation; ca. 20-50 yds. offshore., 12.568611 101.447778

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61311Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-29
Thailand, Rayong, Off NW side of Koh Samet, isolated coral patch on sandy silt bottom, no vegetation; ca. 20-50 yds. offshore., 12.568611 101.447778

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
62699Pairojana, Song & Bronson   1960-04-29
Thailand, Rayong, Off NW side of Koh Samet, isolated coral patch on sandy silt bottom, no vegetation; ca. 20-50 yds. offshore., 12.568611 101.447778

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
62324Pairojana, Song, Bronson, Fehlmann, native   1960-04-30
Thailand, Rayong, Koh Kroi I, NW side ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Ban Pae Fisheries Training Center; 15-60m offshore; water turbid, white., 12.588889 101.512778

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61314Pairojana, Song, Bronson, Fehlmann, native   1960-04-30
Thailand, Rayong, Koh Kroi I, NW side ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Ban Pae Fisheries Training Center; 15-60m offshore; water turbid, white., 12.588889 101.512778

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
61224Pairojana, Song, Bronson, Fehlmann, native   1960-04-30
Thailand, Rayong, Koh Kroi I, NW side ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Ban Pae Fisheries Training Center; 15-60m offshore; water turbid, white., 12.588889 101.512778

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
61446Pairojana, Song, Bronson, Fehlmann, native   1960-04-30
Thailand, Rayong, Koh Kroi I, NW side ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Ban Pae Fisheries Training Center; 15-60m offshore; water turbid, white., 12.588889 101.512778

Cephalopholis Bloch and Schneider, 1801
85796Pairojana, Song, Bronson, Fehlmann, native   1960-04-30
Thailand, Rayong, Koh Kroi I, NW side ca. 5.5 mi. ESE of Ban Pae Fisheries Training Center; 15-60m offshore; water turbid, white., 12.588889 101.512778

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61418Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-17
Thailand, Chumphon, Prond Bay, at southwest corner of Goh Samed, ca. 100 m from shore; many kinds of coral, no vegetation., 10.434444 99.2925

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
61360Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-17
Thailand, Chumphon, Prond Bay, at southwest corner of Goh Samed, ca. 100 m from shore; many kinds of coral, no vegetation., 10.434444 99.2925

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61267Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-17
Thailand, Chumphon, Prond Bay, at southwest corner of Goh Samed, ca. 100 m from shore; many kinds of coral, no vegetation., 10.434444 99.2925

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61268H.A. Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana & Song   1960-05-18
Thailand, Chumphon, Fringing coral reef on nw. side of Goh Maprao; 100-200' offshore; water somewhat turbid, 1-12' deep; falling tide., 10.39 99.295833

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61313H.A. Fehlmann, Bronson, Pairojana & Song   1960-05-18
Thailand, Chumphon, Fringing coral reef on nw. side of Goh Maprao; 100-200' offshore; water somewhat turbid, 1-12' deep; falling tide., 10.39 99.295833

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61276Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-19
Thailand, Chumphon, Southwest side of Goh Lavah; sand & coral rubble flat; 50-100' offshore; water turbid, 2-4' deep; falling tide., 10.360556 99.311944

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
61275Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-19
Thailand, Chumphon, Slope off southwest end of Goh Martra; 75-150' offshore; water slightly turbid, 4-15' deep; falling tide., 10.389167 99.344167

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
61300Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-19
Thailand, Chumphon, Slope off southwest end of Goh Martra; 75-150' offshore; water slightly turbid, 4-15' deep; falling tide., 10.389167 99.344167

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
61447Bronson, Pairojana, Song   1960-05-19
Thailand, Chumphon, Slope off southwest end of Goh Martra; 75-150' offshore; water slightly turbid, 4-15' deep; falling tide., 10.389167 99.344167

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Google Map

Google Maps is a web mapping service provided by Google that features a map that users can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.

Google Earth (KML)

This creates an KML file that can be opened in the Google Earth mapping application. Note that you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to make use of this option.