Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cephalopholis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 843


Cephalopholis fulva (Linnaeus, 1758)
U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Croix., 17.694423 -64.740998

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
35298Taylor, Leighton R., Jr.   1967-05-24
American Samoa, American Samoa, Swains I, seaward face of leeward reef, 'groove & spur' zone., -11.060708 -171.088898

Cephalopholis formosa (Shaw in Shaw and Nodder, 1812)
35607Steiner, Franz B.   1975-09-20
Sri Lanka, Colombo, off seaward side of Colombo breakwater., 6.961491 79.826959

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
35627Steiner, Franz B.   
Indonesia, South Makassar Strait, -2.842629 117.81271

Cephalopholis spiloparaea (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
35628Steiner, Franz B.   
Indonesia, South Makassar Strait, -2.842629 117.81271

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
36073Steiner, Franz B.   1975-12-05
Indonesia, Jakarta Raya, Java Sea; off Jakarta., -5.966667 106.8

Cephalopholis sexmaculata (Rüppell, 1830)
36075Steiner, Franz B.   1975-12-05
Indonesia, Jakarta Raya, Java Sea; off Jakarta., -5.966667 106.8

39801Herald, Randall, Janss, Howe, Dodge   1969-05-23
Mexico, Isla Las Animas, E of Isla San Jose, SW side of Island., 25.109701 -110.510462

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
47422McCosker; John E.; et al   1981-01-09
Kiribati, Outside of south channel; along coral drop-off.

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
47423McCosker, John E.   1973-01-09
Kiribati, Fanning Island; outside of So. channel alongcoral drop-off., 3.814368 -159.270253

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
48000Nolan, R. S.; Camp, K. Van   1973-07-29
Marshall Islands, Eniwetok Atoll; lagoon off right leeward atoll., 11.503146 162.234799

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
51454Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-21
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef; Anchor Bay, offpoint of Osprey Isl., -15.669444 145.445833

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
51476Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-16
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef; Turtle Beach;coral reef near shore., -15.651389 145.452222

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
51639Winterbotton, R.; party   1981-09-19
Australia, Queensland, Eagle Island, Great Barrier Reef; outside coralreef, NE area., -15.693056 145.395833

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
51653Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-15
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef; Mrs. Watson's Bay,So. end near shore., -14.682055 145.464732

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
51695Herre, Albert W.   1948-06-30
Philippines, Batangas, Layia, 13.664964 121.412479

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
51948Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-20
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef; patch reef incenter of Blue Lagoon., -15.691667 145.456944

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
52275Herre, Albert W.   
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete, 9.307 123.3074

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
52309Taylor, Leighton R., Jr.   
Thailand, Krabi, Goh Pipidon; W. side of So. lagoon, 7.728193 98.768969

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
52684Herre, Albert W.   1948-07-17
Philippines, Negros Oriental, Dumaguete, 9.307 123.3074

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
52748Australian Mus. Party   1975-11-21
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island lagoon, S. side of Palfrey Is., -14.666667 145.45

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
53960Herre, Albert W.   1948-06-21
Philippines, Tawi-Tawi, Siluag Is., 4.722753 119.148215

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
53961Herre, Albert W.   1948-06-23
Philippines, Tawi-Tawi, Siluag Is., 4.722753 119.148215

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
53965Herre, Albert W.   1947-12-07
Philippines, Palawan, Caxisigan I, off N coast of Balabac I., 8.086183 117.074055

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
53966Herre, Albert W.   1948-01-09
Philippines, Turtle Isls.; Baquan Is., 6.105462 118.44691

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
53967Herre, Albert W.   1948-01-09
Philippines, Turtle Is, Baquan Is., 6.105462 118.44691

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
53968Herre, Albert W.   1948-01-19
Philippines, Turtle Isls.; Baquan Is., 6.105462 118.44691

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
61409Nolan, Ron S.; Stearns, C.   1973-10-23
Marshall Islands, Reef at Rex, 11.423574 162.369113

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
61441Steiner, Franz B.   
Indonesia, South Makassar Strait, -2.842629 117.81271

Cephalopholis urodelus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
61464Nolan, Ron S.   1973-07-07
Marshall Islands, Reef 20

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
62189Jordan, David S.   
Samoa, Apia., -13.825273 -171.769801

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
62273Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-20
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef; patch reef incenter of Blue Lagoon., -15.691667 145.456944

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
62274Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1981-09-15
Australia, Queensland, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef; Mrs. Watson's Bay,So. end near shore., -14.682055 145.464732

Cephalopholis urodeta (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
62275Nolan, Ron S.   
Marshall Islands, Enewetak Atoll

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
62276Nolan, R. S.; party   1973-07-08
Marshall Islands, Enewetak Atoll

Cephalopholis urodeta (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
62277Nolan, R. S.; party   1974-02-18
Marshall Islands, Enewetak Atoll

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
63653Randall, John E.   1987-11-05
Papua New Guinea, Madang Province, Paddock Reef off Nagada Harbour., -5.160236 145.819243

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
7017Grey, Zane   1931-04-13
French Polynesia, Iles du Vent, Raitea; coral reef and wharf.

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
7064Adams; Montilla   
Philippines, Mindoro, Calapan., 13.409696 121.177468

Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
73211   1989-09-18
Oman, Muttrah Fish Souk, 23.620996 58.563886

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
239532Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-28
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Markoe Cove., 13.507283 120.977417

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
239604Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-29
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off west side of Boquete Island [Paniquian Island]., 13.516533 120.93905

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
239672Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-30
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Boquete Island [Paniquian Island] , off SW tip of island ., 13.51505 120.94095

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
239744Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.   2015-04-01
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off western entrance of Manila Channel [North West Channel]., 13.523133 120.940167

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
239895Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.; Love, W.   2015-04-03
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Markoe Cove., 13.507433 120.97805

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
239965Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-06
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, just off coastline between Escarceo Point and Markoe Cove, in vicinty of dive site "Sinandigan Wall"., 13.51085 120.9836

Cephalopholis sexmaculata (Rüppell, 1830)
239966Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-06
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, just off coastline between Escarceo Point and Markoe Cove, in vicinty of dive site "Sinandigan Wall"., 13.51085 120.9836

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
240116Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-09
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Boquete Island [Paniquian Island] , off SW tip of island., 13.5136 120.9399

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
240156Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Dumale, D.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-10
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera Bay., 13.511383 120.959967

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
240206Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-12
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off western entrance to Manila Channel [North West Channel]., 13.524133 120.945633

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
240375Williams, J.; Carpenter, K.; Catania, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-19
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Boquete Island [Paniquian Island] , SW tip of island off Fishermen's Cape., 13.513967 120.940967

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
240433Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.; Love, W.   2015-03-31
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, westernmost tip of island, north side., 13.571933 121.045167

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
240552Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-05
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, southwest coast., 13.546383 121.058167

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
240616Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-05
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, westernmost tip of island, south side., 13.56745 121.043033

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
240617Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Fernandez, I.; Eyre, J.   2015-04-05
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, westernmost tip of island, south side., 13.56745 121.043033

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
240804Williams, J.; Carpenter, K.; Catania, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-17
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, San Agustin East Barangay, north side of island., 13.563917 121.066633

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
240915Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
240996Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-23
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, westernmost tip of island, south side., 13.56725 121.04245

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
241104Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-25
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.540383 121.0979

Cephalopholis leopardus (Lacepède, 1801)
241105Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-25
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.540383 121.0979

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
241106Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-25
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.540383 121.0979

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
241203Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-26
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.539383 121.098567

Cephalopholis spiloparaea (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
241204Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-26
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, just north of easternmost tip of island., 13.539383 121.098567

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
241259Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.   2015-04-27
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, off the westernmost tip of island., 13.573167 121.0429

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
241343Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Dumale, D.   2015-04-29
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, Verde Island, southeast coast, approximately 0.4 miles from eastermost tip of island., 13.529133 121.094917

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
241702Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-09-30
Saudi Arabia, Thuwal; Rose reef., 22.309966666 38.8864

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241683Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-22
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Gurab reef., 17.110333333 42.067533333

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241684Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-23
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Matdakhayn reef., 17.46725 41.787083333

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241685Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-24
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Al baghlah reef., 16.9789 41.3849

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241686Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-25
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Dhi Dahaya reef., 16.87295 41.406816666

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241687Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-25
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Shuma reef., 16.656833333 41.554683333

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241688Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-26
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Doomsuq reef., 16.5641 42.0585

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241689Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-27
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Hindia reef., 16.5767 42.23965

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241690Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-27
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Abulad Island reef., 16.790716666 42.197983333

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241691Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2014-10-28
Saudi Arabia, Farasan Islands; Zara Ducah reef., 16.835383333 42.306433333

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
241703Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-26
Saudi Arabia, Thuwal; Shib Nazar Nth reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241692Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-26
Saudi Arabia, Thuwal; Shib Nazar Nth reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241693Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-26
Saudi Arabia, Thuwal; Abu Shusha reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241694Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-27
Saudi Arabia, Thuwal; Al Fahal Inner Sth reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241695Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-27
Saudi Arabia, Thuwal; Fazar Inner reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241696Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-29
Saudi Arabia, Al Lith; Shi'b Habil reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241697Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-30
Saudi Arabia, Al Lith; Shi'b Habil reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241698Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-30
Saudi Arabia, Al Lith; Abu Latt Is reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241699Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-30
Saudi Arabia, Al Lith; Abu Latt Is reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241700Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-31
Saudi Arabia, Al Lith; Marmar reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241701Di Battista, Joseph; et al   2015-01-31
Saudi Arabia, Al Lith; Marmar reef.

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241576Rocha, L.; DiBattista, J.; Priest, M.; Sinclair, T.; Choat, J.   2013-03-27
Oman, Masirah, 20.5268 58.923883

Cephalopholis hemistiktos (Rüppell, 1830)
241577Rocha, L.; DiBattista, J.; Priest, M.; Sinclair, T.; Choat, J.   2013-03-28
Oman, Fahal Island, 23.5268 58.723883

Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1828)
242560Love, W.; Catania, D.; Ackiss, A.   2014-05-09
Philippines, Philippines, Calatagan, Batangas, Bumbon Island Reef (a.k.a. Caritunan Reef), Lago de Oro Resort, 13.90784 120.60566

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
242606Ackiss, A.; Biesack, E.; Catania, D.   2014-05-10
Philippines, Calatagan; Batangas; Caritunan Reef, 13.90451 120.60549

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
242402Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Carpenter, K.; Betancur, R.   2015-03-29
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off west side of Boquete Island [Paniquian Island]., 13.516533 120.93905

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
242487Carpenter, K.; Williams, J.; Catania, D.   2014-04-26
Philippines, Philippines, Batangas, Maricaban Island, north side Bethlehem Dive Site., 13.673898 120.84204

Cephalopholis sexmaculata (Rüppell, 1830)
242488Carpenter, K.; Williams, J.; Catania, D.   2014-04-26
Philippines, Philippines, Batangas, Maricaban Island, north side Bethlehem Dive Site., 13.673898 120.84204

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
242551Carpenter, K.; Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Ackiss, A.; Love, W.   2014-04-28
Philippines, Philippines, Batangas, Caban Island, in channel on north side at Layag-Layag dive site., 13.68794 120.84117

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
242821Carpenter, K.; Williams, J.; Catania, D.   2014-04-29
Philippines, Philippines, Batangas, northernwestern tip of Maricaban Island, Sepoc Point, Sepoc Wall dive site., 13.6882 120.8269

Cephalopholis urodeta (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801)
242830Carpenter, K.; Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Ackiss, A.   2014-04-30
Philippines, Philippines, Batangas, northernwestern tip of Maricaban Island, Sepoc Point, Sepoc Wall dive site., 13.68819 120.82691

Cephalopholis boenak (Bloch, 1790)
242864Catania, D.; Ackiss, A.; Love, W.   2014-05-02
Philippines, Batangas, Philippines, Batangas, North side of Maricaban Island , Manilog, near Bethlehem dive site, 13.6725 120.846

Cephalopholis microprion (Bleeker, 1852)
243549Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

Cephalopholis argus Bloch and Schneider, 1801
243554Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Pitassy, D.; Lane, M.   2015-04-22
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off point immediately to west of Balatero Cove., 13.51355 120.929767

Cephalopholis miniata (Forsskål, 1775)
243588Williams, J.; Catania, D.; Betancur, R.   2015-04-02
Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, off coastline south of Escarceo Point, in vicinity of dive site "Coral Cove"., 13.516033 120.98825

Page 8, records 701-800 of 843

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