Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pholis schultzi
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-21 of 21


Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
67485Party, the Crescent City   1950-11-11
United States, California, Del Norte Co., 3/4 mile south of Point St. George, 41.775699 -124.252459

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
28315Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1964-07-25
United States, California, Sonoma Co., Fort Ross, Salt Point Ranch, Salt Point. Open coast, tidepools., 38.564914 -123.333472

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
28241Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1964-07-13
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Mendocino, south of Jack Peter's Gulch; rocky tidepools., 39.314474 -123.803605

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
28599Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1964-08-09
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Point Arena, Point Arena Light, Sta. ARI 64-R31., 38.95583 -123.74028

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
29514Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1965-07-30
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Immediately south of mouth of Jack Peters Creek, 1 mile north of Mendocino., 39.318611 -123.800556

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
29542Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Blue Slide Gulch, 9.3 mi. N of Mackerricker Beach Park, 39.657821 -123.815957

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
29817Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1965-08-27
United States, California, Humboldt Co., First major reef projection extending seaward, north of Shelter Cove. Tidepools., 40.021083 -124.065501

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
29832Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1965-12-10
United States, California, Sonoma Co., Fort Ross; intertidal., 38.505012 -123.2355

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
28657Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1965-06-29
United States, California, Humboldt Co., Patrick's Point State Park at Rocky Point, tidepools. Sta. ari 65-R5., 40.138889 -124.163889

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
29271R.R. Rofen & D. Griffin, et al.   1965-07-01
United States, California, Humboldt Co., Patrick's Point State Park, tidepools at Palmer's Point. Sta. 65-R7., 40.13 -124.168056

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
29347Rofen (Harry), Robert R.; et al   1965-07-29
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Blue Slide Gulch, 9.3 mi. north of Mackericher Beach State Park, north of Fort Bragg, rock terraces; Sta. 65-R9., 39.627778 -123.796667

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
25317Follett, Wilbur I.; Follett, Evelyn B.   1947-07-18
United States, California, Humboldt Co., Punta Gorda., 40.249017 -124.350811

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
20250G.D. Hanna, Smith, & Dempster   1946-06-01
United States, California, Humboldt Co., 2 mi. S of Cape Mendocino, Humboldt Co, Calif., 40.412022 -124.3981

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
20039G.D. Hanna, Smith, & Dempster   1946-06-01
United States, California, Humboldt Co., 2 mi. S of Cape Mendocino, Humboldt Co, Calif., 40.412022 -124.3981

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
20251G.D. Hanna, Smith, & Dempster   1946-06-02
United States, California, Humboldt Co., Patrick's Pt, Humboldt Co, Calif., 41.129969 -124.166565

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
27723R. Lea, D. Gotshall, L. Laurent, Baumler   1972-08-15
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Pt. Arena; Arena Cove, 38.915556 -123.723889

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
16671Wilimovsky, N. J.; Wilimovsky, D. V.; Mead, G.W.; et al   1950-11-10
United States, California, Del Norte Co., Low rocky tidepool, 0.75 miles south of Pt. St. George., 41.775699 -124.252459

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
16691Party, Crescent City   1950-11-11
United States, California, Del Norte Co., Low rocky tidepool, 0.75 miles south of Pt. St. George., 41.775699 -124.252459

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
16701Wilimovsky, N. J.; Wilimovsky, D. V.; Mead, G.W.; et al   1950-11-12
United States, California, Humboldt Co., Tide pool on south face of Rocky Point, 1 mile north of Patricks Point., 27.939386 -111.053062

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
28856Baumler; Gotshall; Lea; Laurent   1972-08-17
United States, California, Mendocino Co., Arena Cove, poison station., 38.913889 -123.718056

Pholis schultzi Schultz, 1931
42575Rofen, R. R.; et al   1965-06-30
United States, California, Humboldt County, Patrick's Point State Park (Patrick's Point). Rocky tidepools on reef extending seaward ca. 200yds. Sta. 65-R6., 41.140312 -124.16234

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