Ichthyology (CAS)
With 2 million fish specimens from around the world, our collection represents a significant cross-section of aquatic life. The strengths of our holdings lie principally in marine fishes of the western and central Pacific, especially California, as well as freshwater fishes from South America and southeastern Asia. To further support marine research and the wider ichthyology community, we also house older historic collections from North America and a large number of type specimens.
Contacts: David Catania, dcatania@calacademy.org
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 2 December 2021
Rights Holder: California Academy of Sciences
California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Dr.
San Francisco, CA 94118
United States
Collection Statistics
216,833 specimen records
182,474 (84%) georeferenced
3,286 (2%) with images (16,552 total images) 1 publication references 149,003 (69%) identified to species 585 families 3,459 genera 13,071 species 13,208 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Acarichthys (19 ) Acaronia (26 ) Aequidens (255 ) Apistogramma (133 ) Astronotus (23 ) Benitochromis (9 ) Biotodoma (26 ) Biotoecus (6 ) Boulengerochromis (1 ) Bujurquina (40 ) Caquetaia (8 ) Chaetobranchopsis (6 ) Chaetobranchus (31 ) Chromidotilapia (7 ) Cichla (55 ) Cichlasoma (331 ) Cleithracara (3 ) Crenicara (9 ) Crenicichla (248 ) Eretmodus (2 ) Etroplus (28 ) Geophagus (106 ) Gobiocichla (3 ) Guianacara (6 ) Gymnogeophagus (9 ) Haplochromis (62 ) Hemichromis (103 ) Heroina (1 ) Heros (3 ) Herotilapia (15 ) Hoplarchus (3 ) Hoplotilapia (1 ) Hypselecara (10 ) Iranocichla (1 ) Julidochromis (7 ) Krobia (5 ) Labeotropheus (3 ) Laetacara (33 ) Limnotilapia (1 ) Macropleurodus (1 ) Melanochromis (1 ) Mesonauta (61 ) Nannacara (5 ) Nanochromis (9 ) Neetroplus (16 ) Oreochromis (15 ) Parananochromis (13 ) Paratilapia (2 ) Pelmatochromis (51 ) Pelvicachromis (6 ) Perissodus (1 ) Petenia (9 ) Petrochromis (1 ) Platytaeniodus (1 ) Psammochromis (1 ) Pseudotropheus (1 ) Pterochromis (1 ) Pterophyllum (40 ) Retroculus (6 ) Sarotherodon (6 ) Satanoperca (103 ) Serranochromis (4 ) Simochromis (1 ) Steatocranus (2 ) Symphysodon (9 ) Taeniacara (3 ) Teleogramma (1 ) Telmatochromis (1 ) Thorichthys (4 ) Tilapia (113 ) Triglachromis (1 ) Tropheus (1 ) Tylochromis (2 ) Uaru (7 )